blob: e9085d223b628132dc29cf43e913cde87e0c002b [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["MAX_TAG_LEN","The maximum length of a tag for the algorithms in this module."],["NONCE_LEN","All the AEADs we support use 96-bit nonces."]],"mod":[["chacha20_poly1305_openssh","The AEAD-ish construct."],["quic","QUIC Header Protection."]],"static":[["AES_128_GCM","AES-128 in GCM mode with 128-bit tags and 96 bit nonces."],["AES_256_GCM","AES-256 in GCM mode with 128-bit tags and 96 bit nonces."],["CHACHA20_POLY1305","ChaCha20-Poly1305 as described in RFC 7539."]],"struct":[["Aad","The additionally authenticated data (AAD) for an opening or sealing operation. This data is authenticated but is not encrypted."],["Algorithm","An AEAD Algorithm."],["LessSafeKey","Immutable keys for use in situations where `OpeningKey`/`SealingKey` and `NonceSequence` cannot reasonably be used."],["Nonce","A nonce for a single AEAD opening or sealing operation."],["OpeningKey","An AEAD key for authenticating and decrypting (“opening”), bound to a nonce sequence."],["SealingKey","An AEAD key for encrypting and signing (“sealing”), bound to a nonce sequence."],["Tag","An authentication tag."],["UnboundKey","An AEAD key without a designated role or nonce sequence."]],"trait":[["BoundKey","An AEAD key bound to a nonce sequence."],["NonceSequence","A sequences of unique nonces."]]};