blob: 87b89ac411b33465d618b6b807e6b77a05cee1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["get","Shortcut method to quickly make a `GET` request."]],"mod":[["dns","DNS resolution"],["header","HTTP header types"],["redirect","Redirect Handling"],["tls","TLS configuration"]],"struct":[["Body","An asynchronous request body."],["Client","An asynchronous `Client` to make Requests with."],["ClientBuilder","A `ClientBuilder` can be used to create a `Client` with custom configuration."],["Error","The Errors that may occur when processing a `Request`."],["Method","The Request Method (VERB)"],["NoProxy","A configuration for filtering out requests that shouldn’t be proxied"],["Proxy","Configuration of a proxy that a `Client` should pass requests to."],["Request","A request which can be executed with `Client::execute()`."],["RequestBuilder","A builder to construct the properties of a `Request`."],["Response","A Response to a submitted `Request`."],["StatusCode","An HTTP status code (`status-code` in RFC 7230 et al.)."],["Upgraded","An upgraded HTTP connection."],["Url","A parsed URL record."],["Version","Represents a version of the HTTP spec."]],"trait":[["IntoUrl","A trait to try to convert some type into a `Url`."],["ResponseBuilderExt","Extension trait for http::response::Builder objects"]],"type":[["Result","A `Result` alias where the `Err` case is `reqwest::Error`."]]};