blob: 2f62c37fec780b0b2dd019436697356d67deb5fe [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["built_on","The date of the build process in the form “built on: …” if available or “built on: date not available” otherwise."],["c_flags","The compiler flags set for the compilation process in the form “compiler: …” if available or “compiler: information not available” otherwise."],["dir","The “OPENSSLDIR” setting of the library build in the form “OPENSSLDIR: “…”“ if available or “OPENSSLDIR: N/A” otherwise."],["number","OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER is a numeric release version identifier:"],["platform","The “Configure” target of the library build in the form “platform: …” if available or “platform: information not available” otherwise."],["version","The text variant of the version number and the release date. For example, “OpenSSL 0.9.5a 1 Apr 2000”."]]};