blob: 618fbcefca078c154eb345cc44a5dfc52d2229fb [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Sign","A Sign is a `BigInt`’s composing element."]],"struct":[["BigInt","A big signed integer type."],["BigUint","A big unsigned integer type."],["ParseBigIntError",""],["TryFromBigIntError","The error type returned when a checked conversion regarding big integer fails."],["U32Digits","An iterator of `u32` digits representation of a `BigUint` or `BigInt`, ordered least significant digit first."],["U64Digits","An iterator of `u64` digits representation of a `BigUint` or `BigInt`, ordered least significant digit first."]],"trait":[["ToBigInt","A generic trait for converting a value to a `BigInt`. This may return `None` when converting from `f32` or `f64`, and will always succeed when converting from any integer or unsigned primitive, or `BigUint`."],["ToBigUint","A generic trait for converting a value to a `BigUint`."]]};