blob: 750ae2c5c5f6107fa1ab6c365c52b54c27534718 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["SIGIOT","Alias for [`SIGABRT`]"],["SIGPOLL","Alias for [`SIGIO`]"],["SIGUNUSED","Alias for [`SIGSYS`]"]],"enum":[["SigHandler","A signal handler."],["SigevNotify","Specifies the notification method used by a [`SigEvent`]"],["SigmaskHow","Specifies how certain functions should manipulate a signal mask"],["Signal","Types of operating system signals"]],"fn":[["kill","Send a signal to a process"],["killpg","Send a signal to a process group"],["pthread_sigmask","Manages the signal mask (set of blocked signals) for the calling thread."],["raise","Send a signal to the current thread"],["sigaction","Changes the action taken by a process on receipt of a specific signal."],["signal","Signal management (see signal(3p))"],["sigprocmask","Examine and change blocked signals."]],"struct":[["SaFlags","Controls the behavior of a [`SigAction`]"],["SigAction","Action to take on receipt of a signal. Corresponds to `sigaction`."],["SigEvent","Used to request asynchronous notification of the completion of certain events, such as POSIX AIO and timers."],["SigSet","Specifies a set of [`Signal`]s that may be blocked, waited for, etc."],["SigSetIter","Iterator for a [`SigSet`]."],["SignalIterator","Iterate through all signals defined by this operating system"]],"type":[["type_of_thread_id","Identifies a thread for [`SigevNotify::SigevThreadId`]"]]};