blob: 27265dbd49d4d67b9c7098edfe24ef64b9e2f799 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["CompressionLevel","How much processing the compressor should do to compress the data. `NoCompression` and `Bestspeed` have special meanings, the other levels determine the number of checks for matches in the hash chains and whether to use lazy or greedy parsing."]],"fn":[["compress_to_vec","Compress the input data to a vector, using the specified compression level (0-10)."],["compress_to_vec_zlib","Compress the input data to a vector, using the specified compression level (0-10), and with a zlib wrapper."]],"mod":[["core","Streaming compression functionality."],["stream","Extra streaming compression functionality."]]};