blob: 1fc9d8c87fdc49a3dc8ec3772498949f2c466d0c [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["handshake","Creates a new configured HTTP/2 client with default configuration values backed by `io`."]],"struct":[["Builder","Builds client connections with custom configuration values."],["Connection","Manages all state associated with an HTTP/2 client connection."],["PushPromise","A pushed response and corresponding request headers"],["PushPromises","A stream of pushed responses and corresponding promised requests"],["PushedResponseFuture","A future of a pushed HTTP response."],["ReadySendRequest","Returns a `SendRequest` instance once it is ready to send at least one request."],["ResponseFuture","A future of an HTTP response."],["SendRequest","Initializes new HTTP/2 streams on a connection by sending a request."]]};