blob: e60ef3e68a88bc95eeecb6ba1282f160834533f1 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["drain","Create a sink that will just discard all items given to it."],["unfold","Create a sink from a function which processes one item at a time."]],"struct":[["Buffer","Sink for the `buffer` method."],["Close","Future for the `close` method."],["Drain","Sink for the [`drain`] function."],["Fanout","Sink that clones incoming items and forwards them to two sinks at the same time."],["Feed","Future for the `feed` method."],["Flush","Future for the `flush` method."],["Send","Future for the `send` method."],["SendAll","Future for the `send_all` method."],["SinkErrInto","Sink for the `sink_err_into` method."],["SinkMapErr","Sink for the `sink_map_err` method."],["Unfold","Sink for the [`unfold`] function."],["With","Sink for the `with` method."],["WithFlatMap","Sink for the `with_flat_map` method."]],"trait":[["Sink","A `Sink` is a value into which other values can be sent, asynchronously."],["SinkExt","An extension trait for `Sink`s that provides a variety of convenient combinator functions."]]};