blob: 68862a71462c4eae0b809495f53d9c13ca883d9f [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Color","A colour is one specific type of ANSI escape code, and can refer to either the foreground or background colour."],["Colour","A colour is one specific type of ANSI escape code, and can refer to either the foreground or background colour."]],"fn":[["ANSIByteStrings","A function to construct an `ANSIByteStrings` instance."],["ANSIStrings","A function to construct an `ANSIStrings` instance."],["sub_string","Return a substring of the given ANSIStrings sequence, while keeping the formatting."],["unstyle","Return a concatenated copy of `strs` without the formatting, as an allocated `String`."],["unstyled_len","Return the unstyled length of ANSIStrings. This is equaivalent to `unstyle(strs).len()`."]],"struct":[["ANSIGenericString","An `ANSIGenericString` includes a generic string type and a `Style` to display that string. `ANSIString` and `ANSIByteString` are aliases for this type on `str` and `\\[u8]`, respectively."],["ANSIGenericStrings","A set of `ANSIGenericString`s collected together, in order to be written with a minimum of control characters."],["Infix","Like `ANSIString`, but only displays the difference between two styles."],["Prefix","Like `ANSIString`, but only displays the style prefix."],["Style","A style is a collection of properties that can format a string using ANSI escape codes."],["Suffix","Like `ANSIString`, but only displays the style suffix."]],"type":[["ANSIByteString","An `ANSIByteString` represents a formatted series of bytes. Use `ANSIByteString` when styling text with an unknown encoding."],["ANSIByteStrings","A set of `ANSIByteString`s collected together, in order to be written with a minimum of control characters."],["ANSIString","An ANSI String is a string coupled with the `Style` to display it in a terminal."],["ANSIStrings","A set of `ANSIString`s collected together, in order to be written with a minimum of control characters."]]};