blob: 0f29d5bc06f43e761cc55a71570ed5d7f77239b6 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["teaclave_approve_task_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_assign_data_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_authentication_set_credential","Set user’s credential with `user_id` and `user_token`. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_cancel_task","Cancel task with `task_id`. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_cancel_task_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_close_authentication_service","Close and free the authentication service handle, i.e., the `AuthenticaionClient` type opaque pointer. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_close_frontend_service","Close and free the frontend service handle, i.e., the `FrontendClient` type opaque pointer. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_connect_authentication_service","Connect to Teaclave Authentication Service."],["teaclave_connect_frontend_service","Connect to Teaclave Frontend Service."],["teaclave_create_task_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_frontend_set_credential","Set user’s credential with `user_id` and `user_token`. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_get_function_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_get_function_usage_stats_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_get_task_result","Get task result of `task_id`. The result will be save in the `task_result` buffer, and set corresponding `task_result_len` argument. Note that this is a blocking function and wait for the return of the task. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_get_task_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_invoke_task","Invoke task with `task_id`. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_invoke_task_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_query_audit_logs","Query audit logs according to `query`. `query` is the query statement for tantivy. The result will be saved in the `log_buffer` buffer with the corresponding `log_len` argument set. Remember to free the user and message inside c_entry to avoid memory leak."],["teaclave_query_audit_logs_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_register_function_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_register_input_file_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_register_output_file_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_user_login","Login a new user with `user_id` and `user_password`. The login session token will be save in the `token` buffer, and length will be set in the `token_len` argument. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_user_login_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."],["teaclave_user_register","Register a new user with `user_id` and `user_password`. The function returns 0 for success. On error, the function returns 1."],["teaclave_user_register_serialized","Send JSON serialized request to the service with the `client` and get the serialized response."]],"struct":[["c_entry",""]]};