blob: 9f95cda159d2a4d39624c654197be28b958f494e [file] [log] [blame]
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{ text: 'CONTRIBUTORS', link: '/contributors/' },
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{ text: 'Teaclave', link: '/docs/' },
{ text: 'Teaclave SGX SDK', link: '/sgx-sdk-docs/' },
{ text: 'Teaclave TrustZone SDK', link: '/trustzone-sdk-docs/' },
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{ text: 'Teaclave Client SDK (Python)', link: '', target: '_self', rel: '' },
{ text: 'Teaclave SGX SDK', link: '', target: '_self', rel: '' },
{ text: 'Teaclave TrustZone SDK (Host)', link: '', target: '_self', rel: '' },
{ text: 'Teaclave TrustZone SDK (TA)', link: '', target: '_self', rel: '' },
{ text: 'Crates in Teaclave (Enclave)', link: '', target: '_self', rel: '' },
{ text: 'Crates in Teaclave (App)', link: '', target: '_self', rel: '' },
{ text: 'BLOG', link: '/blog/' },
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{ text: 'Teaclave SGX SDK', link: ''},
{ text: 'Teaclave TrustZone SDK', link: ''},
{ text: 'Teaclave Java TEE SDK', link: ''},
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{ text: 'Thanks', link: '' },
{ text: 'Events', link: '' },
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