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theory AttrConf
imports Main
locale AttrConf=
fixes noelem::'element
and noattr::'attr
and noattrconf::"'attrconf"
and attr_conf::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attr\<Rightarrow>'attrconf"
and is_attrconf::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>bool"
and attr_elem::"'attr\<Rightarrow>'element"
and find_elem::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attr\<Rightarrow>bool"
and delete_attr::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attr\<Rightarrow>'attrconf"
and get_attr::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'element\<Rightarrow>'attr"
and valid_attrconf::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>bool"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR1:"\<not>is_attrconf noattrconf"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR2:"is_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR3:"x=noattrconf\<or>(\<exists>conf attr. x=attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR4:"attr_elem noattr=noelem"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR6:"\<not>find_elem noattrconf attr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR7:"attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr\<Longrightarrow>
find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR8:"find_elem conf attr\<Longrightarrow>
find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR9:"(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attrx\<noteq>attr_elem attr\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR10:"delete_attr noattrconf attr=noattrconf"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR11:"attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr\<Longrightarrow>
delete_attr(attr_conf conf attrx) attr=delete_attr conf attr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR12:"attr_elem attrx\<noteq>attr_elem attr\<Longrightarrow>
delete_attr(attr_conf conf attrx) attr=
attr_conf (delete_attr conf attr) attrx"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR13:"get_attr noattrconf elem=noattr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR14:"attr_elem attr=elem\<Longrightarrow>
get_attr(attr_conf conf attr) elem=attr"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR16:"attr_elem attr\<noteq>elem\<Longrightarrow>
get_attr(attr_conf conf attr) elem=get_attr conf elem"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR17:"\<not>valid_attrconf noattrconf"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR18:"attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<and>
valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR19:"valid_attrconf conf\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<Longrightarrow>
valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR20:"attr_elem attr=noelem\<Longrightarrow>\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR21:"conf\<noteq>noattrconf\<and>
\<not>valid_attrconf conf\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFHLR22:"conf\<noteq>noattrconf\<and>
find_elem conf attr\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFINDUCT:"\<lbrakk>P noattrconf;\<And>conf1 attr1. P conf1\<Longrightarrow>P(attr_conf conf1 attr1)\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow>P conf"
lemma find_total:"find_elem conf attr\<or>
attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr\<Longrightarrow>find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
proof (erule disjE)
assume "find_elem conf attr"
from this show "find_elem (attr_conf conf attrx) attr" by (rule ATTRCONFHLR8)
assume "attr_elem attrx = attr_elem attr"
from this show "find_elem (attr_conf conf attrx) attr" by (rule ATTRCONFHLR7)
lemma find_dual:
"find_elem conf attr\<or>
attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr=
(\<not>((\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>attr_elem attrx\<noteq>attr_elem attr))"
by blast
lemma find_inverse:
"find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr\<Longrightarrow>find_elem conf attr\<or>
attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr"
proof -
assume "find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
from this show "find_elem conf attr\<or>
attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr"
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "\<not> (find_elem conf attr \<or> attr_elem attrx = attr_elem attr)"
from this have "(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>attr_elem attrx\<noteq>attr_elem attr"
by (auto simp:find_dual)
from this show "\<not> find_elem (attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR9)
lemma not_find_inverse:
"\<not>find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr\<Longrightarrow>(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attrx\<noteq>attr_elem attr"
proof -
assume "\<not>find_elem(attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
from this show "(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attrx\<noteq>attr_elem attr"
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "\<not> (\<not> find_elem conf attr \<and> attr_elem attrx \<noteq> attr_elem attr)"
from this have "find_elem conf attr\<or>
attr_elem attrx=attr_elem attr" by auto
from this show "\<not> \<not> find_elem (attr_conf conf attrx) attr"
by (auto simp:find_total)
lemma valid_total:"(attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<and>
(valid_attrconf conf\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem)\<Longrightarrow>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
proof (erule disjE)
assume "attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf = noattrconf"
from this show "valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFHLR18)
assume "valid_attrconf conf \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf attr \<and> attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem"
from this show "valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFHLR19)
lemma not_valid_total:"attr_elem attr=noelem\<or>
((\<not>valid_attrconf conf)\<and>
find_elem conf attr)\<Longrightarrow>\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
proof (erule disjE)
assume "attr_elem attr = noelem"
from this show "\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFHLR20)
show "\<not> valid_attrconf conf \<and>
conf \<noteq> noattrconf \<or>
conf \<noteq> noattrconf \<and>
find_elem conf attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)"
proof (erule disjE)
assume "\<not> valid_attrconf conf \<and> conf \<noteq> noattrconf"
from this show "\<not> valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)" by (auto simp: ATTRCONFHLR21)
assume "conf \<noteq> noattrconf \<and> find_elem conf attr"
from this show "\<not> valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)" by (auto simp: ATTRCONFHLR22)
lemma valid_dual:
"(attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<and>conf=noattrconf)\<or>
(valid_attrconf conf\<and>(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem)=
(\<not>(attr_elem attr=noelem\<or>
((\<not>valid_attrconf conf)\<and>conf\<noteq>noattrconf)\<or>
(conf\<noteq>noattrconf\<and>find_elem conf attr)))"
by blast
lemma valid_inverse:
"valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)\<Longrightarrow>(attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<and>
(valid_attrconf conf\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem)"
proof -
assume "valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
from this show "(attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<and>
(valid_attrconf conf\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>
attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem)"
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "\<not> (attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf = noattrconf \<or>
valid_attrconf conf \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf attr \<and> attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem)"
from this have "attr_elem attr=noelem\<or>
((\<not>valid_attrconf conf)\<and>conf\<noteq>noattrconf)\<or>
(conf\<noteq>noattrconf\<and>find_elem conf attr)"
by (auto simp:valid_dual)
from this show "\<not> valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)"
by (auto simp:not_valid_total)
lemma not_valid_inverse:
"\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)\<Longrightarrow>attr_elem attr=noelem\<or>
((\<not>valid_attrconf conf)\<and>
find_elem conf attr)"
proof -
assume "\<not>valid_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)"
from this show "attr_elem attr=noelem\<or>
((\<not>valid_attrconf conf)\<and>
find_elem conf attr)"
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "\<not> (attr_elem attr = noelem \<or>
\<not> valid_attrconf conf \<and> conf \<noteq> noattrconf \<or>
conf \<noteq> noattrconf \<and> find_elem conf attr)"
from this have "(attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem\<and>conf=noattrconf)\<or>
(valid_attrconf conf\<and>(\<not>find_elem conf attr)\<and>attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem)"
by auto
from this show "\<not> \<not> valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf attr)"
by (auto simp:valid_total)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR23:"noattrconf\<noteq>attr_conf conf attr"
fix conf attr
assume 0:"noattrconf=attr_conf conf attr"
from ATTRCONFHLR1 have "\<not>is_attrconf(attr_conf conf attr)" by(auto simp: 0)
from this show "False" by (auto simp: ATTRCONFHLR2)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR24:"x\<noteq>noattrconf\<Longrightarrow>\<exists>conf attr. x=attr_conf conf attr"
proof -
fix x
assume 0:"x\<noteq>noattrconf"
from ATTRCONFHLR3 0 show "\<exists>sconf oconf. x = attr_conf sconf oconf" by blast
lemma ATTRCONFHLR25:"valid_attrconf conf\<and>
find_elem conf attr\<Longrightarrow>attr_elem attr\<noteq>noelem"
proof (induction rule:ATTRCONFINDUCT)
show "valid_attrconf noattrconf \<and> find_elem noattrconf attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR17)
fix conf1 attr1
show "(valid_attrconf conf1 \<and> find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem) \<Longrightarrow>
valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf1 attr1) \<and>
find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr \<noteq> noelem"
proof (auto)
assume 1:"valid_attrconf conf1 \<and> find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow> False"
assume 2:"find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr"
assume 3:"noelem = attr_elem attr"
assume "valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf1 attr1)"
from this have 4:"(attr_elem attr1\<noteq>noelem\<and>
(valid_attrconf conf1\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf1 attr1)\<and>
attr_elem attr1\<noteq>noelem)" by (auto simp:valid_inverse)
from 2 have 2:"find_elem conf1 attr\<or>
attr_elem attr1=attr_elem attr" by (auto simp:find_inverse)
from 2 3 4 have "(find_elem conf1 attr \<or>
attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr)\<and>
(noelem = attr_elem attr)\<and>
(attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and>
conf1 = noattrconf \<or>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem)" by auto
from this show False
proof (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR6)
from 1 show "noelem = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow> False" by (auto simp:1)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR26:"find_elem conf attr\<and>
attr_elem attr=attr_elem attrx\<Longrightarrow>find_elem conf attrx"
proof (induction conf rule:ATTRCONFINDUCT)
assume "find_elem noattrconf attr \<and> attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx"
from this show "find_elem noattrconf attrx" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR6)
fix conf1 attr1
assume 0:"find_elem conf1 attr \<and>
attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem conf1 attrx"
assume "find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr \<and>
attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx"
from this have 1:"attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx"
and 2:"find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr" by auto
from 2 have 2:"find_elem conf1 attr\<or>
attr_elem attr1=attr_elem attr" by (auto simp:find_inverse)
from 1 2 show "find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attrx"
by (auto simp add:0 ATTRCONFHLR8 ATTRCONFHLR7)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR27:"find_elem conf attr\<and>
\<not>find_elem conf attrx\<Longrightarrow>attr_elem attr\<noteq>attr_elem attrx"
show "find_elem conf attr \<and> \<not> find_elem conf attrx \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx \<Longrightarrow> False"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR26)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR28:"valid_attrconf conf\<and>
find_elem conf attr\<and>
attr_elem attr=elem\<Longrightarrow>attr_elem(get_attr conf elem)=elem"
proof (induction conf rule:ATTRCONFINDUCT)
show "valid_attrconf noattrconf \<and>
find_elem noattrconf attr \<and> attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr noattrconf elem) = elem" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR17)
fix conf1 attr1
assume 0:"valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
find_elem conf1 attr \<and> attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr conf1 elem) = elem"
assume "valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf1 attr1) \<and>
find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr \<and> attr_elem attr = elem"
from this have 1:"valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf1 attr1)"
and 2:"find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr"
and 3:"attr_elem attr = elem" by auto
from 1 have 1:"(attr_elem attr1\<noteq>noelem\<and>
(valid_attrconf conf1\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf1 attr1)\<and>
attr_elem attr1\<noteq>noelem)" by (auto simp:valid_inverse)
from 2 have 2:"find_elem conf1 attr\<or>
attr_elem attr1=attr_elem attr" by (auto simp:find_inverse)
from 1 2 3 show "attr_elem (get_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem) = elem"
proof -
show "attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf1 = noattrconf \<or>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem conf1 attr \<or> attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem) = elem"
proof (erule disjE)+
show "attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf1 = noattrconf \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem) = elem"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR6)
show "attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf1 = noattrconf \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem) = elem"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR14)
show "find_elem conf1 attr \<or> attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem) = elem"
proof (erule disjE)
show "attr_elem attr = elem \<Longrightarrow>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
attr_elem (get_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem) = elem"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR14)
assume 1:"attr_elem attr = elem"
assume "valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem"
from this have 2:"valid_attrconf conf1"
and 3:"\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1"
and 4:"attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem" by auto
assume 5:"find_elem conf1 attr"
from 5 3 1 have 6:"elem\<noteq>attr_elem attr1"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR27)
from this have 6:"get_attr(attr_conf conf1 attr1) elem=get_attr conf1 elem"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR16)
show ?thesis
proof (simp add:6)
from 2 5 1 show "attr_elem (get_attr conf1 elem) = elem" by (auto simp:0)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR29:"\<not>find_elem conf attr\<Longrightarrow>\<not>find_elem (delete_attr conf attr) attr"
proof (induction conf rule:ATTRCONFINDUCT)
show "\<not> find_elem noattrconf attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr noattrconf attr) attr"
by (auto simp add:ATTRCONFHLR10)
fix conf1 attr1
assume 0:"\<not> find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr"
assume 1:"\<not> find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr"
from this have 1:"(\<not>find_elem conf1 attr)\<and>
attr_elem attr1\<noteq>attr_elem attr" by (auto simp:not_find_inverse)
from this have 1:"\<not>find_elem conf1 attr"
and 2:"attr_elem attr1\<noteq>attr_elem attr" by auto
from 2 have 3:"delete_attr(attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr=
attr_conf (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr1" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR12)
show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof (simp add:3;rule ATTRCONFHLR9)
from 1 2 show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr \<and>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> attr_elem attr" by (auto simp:0)
lemma ATTRCONFHLR30:"\<not>find_elem conf attr\<and>
attr_elem attr=attr_elem attrx\<Longrightarrow>\<not>find_elem conf attrx"
assume "\<not> find_elem conf attr \<and> attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx"
from this have 0:"\<not> find_elem conf attr"
and 1:"attr_elem attr = attr_elem attrx" by auto
assume "find_elem conf attrx"
from this 1 have "find_elem conf attr" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR26)
from this 0 show False by auto
lemma ATTRCONFHLR31:"valid_attrconf conf\<and>
find_elem conf attr\<Longrightarrow>\<not>find_elem(delete_attr conf attr) attr"
proof (induction conf rule:ATTRCONFINDUCT)
show "valid_attrconf noattrconf \<and> find_elem noattrconf attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr noattrconf attr) attr"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR17)
fix conf1
fix attr1
assume 0:"valid_attrconf conf1 \<and> find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr"
assume "valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf1 attr1) \<and>
find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr"
from this have 1:"valid_attrconf (attr_conf conf1 attr1)"
and 2:"find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr" by auto
from 1 have 1:"(attr_elem attr1\<noteq>noelem\<and>
(valid_attrconf conf1\<and>
(\<not>find_elem conf1 attr1)\<and>
attr_elem attr1\<noteq>noelem)" by (auto simp:valid_inverse)
from 2 have 2:"find_elem conf1 attr\<or>
attr_elem attr1=attr_elem attr" by (auto simp:find_inverse)
from 1 2 show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof -
show "attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf1 = noattrconf \<or>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem conf1 attr \<or> attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof (erule disjE)+
show "attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf1 = noattrconf \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR6)
assume "attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<and> conf1 = noattrconf"
from this have 1:"conf1 = noattrconf" by auto
assume "attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr"
from this have 2:"delete_attr(attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr=delete_attr conf1 attr"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR11)
show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof (auto simp:2)
show "find_elem (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr \<Longrightarrow> False"
by (auto simp add:1 ATTRCONFHLR10 ATTRCONFHLR6)
show "find_elem conf1 attr \<or> attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr \<Longrightarrow>
valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem \<Longrightarrow>
\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof (erule disjE)+
assume "valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and> attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem"
from this have 1:"valid_attrconf conf1"
and 2:"\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1"
and 3:"attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem" by auto
assume 4:"find_elem conf1 attr"
from 4 2 have 6:"attr_elem attr\<noteq>attr_elem attr1" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR27)
from this have 5:"delete_attr(attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr=
attr_conf (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr1"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR12)
show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof (simp add:5;rule ATTRCONFHLR9)
from 1 4 6 show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr conf1 attr) attr \<and>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> attr_elem attr"
by (auto simp:0)
assume "valid_attrconf conf1 \<and>
\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1 \<and>
attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem"
from this have 1:"valid_attrconf conf1"
and 2:"\<not> find_elem conf1 attr1"
and 3:"attr_elem attr1 \<noteq> noelem" by auto
assume 4:"attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr"
from this have 5:"delete_attr(attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr=delete_attr conf1 attr"
by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR11)
show "\<not> find_elem (delete_attr (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr) attr"
proof (simp add:5;rule ATTRCONFHLR29)
from 2 4 show "\<not> find_elem conf1 attr" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR30)
print_locale! AttrConf
locale AttrConfRel=AttrConf noelem noattr noattrconf attr_conf is_attrconf attr_elem
find_elem delete_attr get_attr valid_attrconf
for noelem::'element
and noattr::'attr
and noattrconf::"'attrconf"
and attr_conf::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attr\<Rightarrow>'attrconf"
and is_attrconf::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>bool"
and attr_elem::"'attr\<Rightarrow>'element"
and find_elem::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attr\<Rightarrow>bool"
and delete_attr::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attr\<Rightarrow>'attrconf"
and get_attr::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'element\<Rightarrow>'attr"
and valid_attrconf::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>bool" +
fixes rel_subset::"'attrconf\<Rightarrow>'attrconf\<Rightarrow>bool"
assumes ATTRCONFRELHLR1:"rel_subset confx noattrconf"
assumes ATTRCONFRELHLR2:"conf=noattrconf\<and>
find_elem confx attr\<Longrightarrow>
rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFRELHLR3:"conf\<noteq>noattrconf\<and>
find_elem confx attr\<and>
rel_subset confx conf\<Longrightarrow>
rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFRELHLR4:"\<not>rel_subset confx conf\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)"
assumes ATTRCONFRELHLR5:"rel_subset confx conf\<and>
\<not>find_elem confx attr\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)"
lemma rel_subset_total:"(conf=noattrconf\<and>
find_elem confx attr)\<or>
find_elem confx attr\<and>
rel_subset confx conf)\<Longrightarrow>rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)"
proof (erule disjE)
assume "conf = noattrconf \<and> find_elem confx attr"
from this show "rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFRELHLR2)
assume "conf \<noteq> noattrconf \<and> find_elem confx attr \<and> rel_subset confx conf"
from this show "rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFRELHLR3)
lemma not_rel_subset_total:"(\<not>rel_subset confx conf)\<or>
(rel_subset confx conf\<and>\<not>find_elem confx attr)\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)"
proof (erule disjE)
assume "\<not> rel_subset confx conf"
from this show "\<not> rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFRELHLR4)
assume "rel_subset confx conf \<and> \<not> find_elem confx attr"
from this show "\<not> rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf attr)" by (rule ATTRCONFRELHLR5)
lemma rel_subset_dual:
"(conf=noattrconf\<and>find_elem confx attr)\<or>
(conf\<noteq>noattrconf\<and>find_elem confx attr\<and>rel_subset confx conf)=
(\<not>((\<not>rel_subset confx conf)\<or>(rel_subset confx conf\<and>\<not>find_elem confx attr)))"
by blast
lemma ATTRCONFRELHLR6:"rel_subset confx conf\<and>find_elem conf attr\<Longrightarrow>find_elem confx attr"
proof (induction conf rule:ATTRCONFINDUCT)
assume "rel_subset confx noattrconf \<and> find_elem noattrconf attr"
from this show "find_elem confx attr" by (auto simp:ATTRCONFHLR6)
fix conf1 attr1
assume 0:"rel_subset confx conf1 \<and> find_elem conf1 attr \<Longrightarrow>
find_elem confx attr"
assume "rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf1 attr1) \<and>
find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr"
from this have 1:"rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf1 attr1)"
and 2:"find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr" by auto
from 1 have 1:"(conf1=noattrconf\<and>
find_elem confx attr1)\<or>
find_elem confx attr1\<and>
rel_subset confx conf1)"
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "\<not> (conf1 = noattrconf \<and> find_elem confx attr1 \<or>
conf1 \<noteq> noattrconf \<and>
find_elem confx attr1 \<and> rel_subset confx conf1)"
from this have "((\<not>rel_subset confx conf1)\<or>
(rel_subset confx conf1\<and>\<not>find_elem confx attr1))"
by (auto simp:rel_subset_dual)
from this show "\<not> rel_subset confx (attr_conf conf1 attr1)"
by (auto simp:not_rel_subset_total)
from 2 have 2:"find_elem conf1 attr\<or>
attr_elem attr1=attr_elem attr"
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "\<not> (find_elem conf1 attr \<or>
attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr)"
from this have "((\<not>find_elem conf1 attr)\<and>
attr_elem attr1\<noteq>attr_elem attr)" by (auto simp:find_dual)
from this show "\<not> find_elem (attr_conf conf1 attr1) attr" by (rule ATTRCONFHLR9)
from 1 2 have "(conf1 = noattrconf \<and>
find_elem confx attr1 \<or>
conf1 \<noteq> noattrconf \<and>
find_elem confx attr1 \<and>
rel_subset confx conf1)\<and>
(find_elem conf1 attr \<or>
attr_elem attr1 = attr_elem attr)" by auto
from this show ?thesis by (auto simp add:0 ATTRCONFHLR26 ATTRCONFHLR6)
print_locale! AttrConfRel
locale AttrConfDisj = arg1:AttrConf noelem noattr_arg1 noattrconf_arg1 attr_conf_arg1 is_attrconf_arg1
attr_elem_arg1 find_elem_arg1 delete_attr_arg1 get_attr_arg1
valid_attrconf_arg1 +
arg2:AttrConf noelem noattr_arg2 noattrconf_arg2 attr_conf_arg2 is_attrconf_arg2
attr_elem_arg2 find_elem_arg2 delete_attr_arg2 get_attr_arg2
for noelem::'element
and noattr_arg1::'attr1
and noattrconf_arg1::"'attrconf1"
and attr_conf_arg1::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>'attr1\<Rightarrow>'attrconf1"
and is_attrconf_arg1::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>bool"
and attr_elem_arg1::"'attr1\<Rightarrow>'element"
and find_elem_arg1::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>'attr1\<Rightarrow>bool"
and delete_attr_arg1::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>'attr1\<Rightarrow>'attrconf1"
and get_attr_arg1::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>'element\<Rightarrow>'attr1"
and valid_attrconf_arg1::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>bool"
and noattr_arg2::'attr2
and noattrconf_arg2::"'attrconf2"
and attr_conf_arg2::"'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>'attr2\<Rightarrow>'attrconf2"
and is_attrconf_arg2::"'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>bool"
and attr_elem_arg2::"'attr2\<Rightarrow>'element"
and find_elem_arg2::"'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>'attr2\<Rightarrow>bool"
and delete_attr_arg2::"'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>'attr2\<Rightarrow>'attrconf2"
and get_attr_arg2::"'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>'element\<Rightarrow>'attr2"
and valid_attrconf_arg2::"'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>bool"+
fixes rel_disjoint::"'attrconf1\<Rightarrow>'attrconf2\<Rightarrow>bool"
assumes ATTRCONFDISJHLR1:"rel_disjoint conf1 noattrconf_arg2"
assumes ATTRCONFDISJHLR2:"get_attr_arg1 conf1 (attr_elem_arg2 attr2)=noattr_arg1\<and>
rel_disjoint conf1 conf2\<Longrightarrow>
rel_disjoint conf1 (attr_conf_arg2 conf2 attr2)"
assumes ATTRCONFDISJHLR3:"get_attr_arg1 conf1 (attr_elem_arg2 attr2)\<noteq>noattr_arg1\<and>
rel_disjoint conf1 conf2\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>rel_disjoint conf1 (attr_conf_arg2 conf2 attr2)"
assumes ATTRCONFDISJHLR4:"get_attr_arg1 conf1 (attr_elem_arg2 attr2)=noattr_arg1\<and>
\<not>rel_disjoint conf1 conf2\<Longrightarrow>
\<not>rel_disjoint conf1 (attr_conf_arg2 conf2 attr2)"
print_locale! AttrConfDisj