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Getting Started with OP-TEE for QEMU ARMv8

This tutorial summarizes the necessary steps of preparing an OP-TEE enabled QEMU environment and executing the compiled programs of our SDK. You may also check OP-TEE documentation to find more information about setting up the QEMU or introduction of OP-TEE project.

To run examples on the QEMU ARMv8 emulator, we need first build OP-TEE for QEMU ARMv8. You can install dependencies with this instruction or use our Dockerfile.

Download OP-TEE for QEMU ARMv8 source code.

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ curl > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ mkdir optee-qemuv8-3.8.0 && cd optee-qemuv8-3.8.0 && \
  repo init -u -m qemu_v8.xml -b 3.8.0 && \
  repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle

Build OP-TEE for QEMU ARMv8 and images.

$ cd build
$ make -j2 toolchains && \

Create a shared folder to share example host apps and TAs with QEMU guest system.

Note: the path /project/root/dir/ should be replaced as the root directory of your local project “rust-optee-trustzone-sdk”.

$ mkdir shared_folder
$ (cd /project/root/dir/ && make examples-install)
$ cp -r /project/root/dir/out/* shared_folder/


$ make run-only QEMU_VIRTFS_ENABLE=y QEMU_VIRTFS_HOST_DIR=$(pwd)/shared_folder

After the QEMU has been booted, you need to mount the shared folder in QEMU guest system (username: root), in order to access the compiled CA/TA from QEMU.

$ mkdir shared && mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio host shared

Also, the passed-in TA should be copied to the corresponding directory for the secure-world to execute.

$ cd shared && cp ta/*.ta /lib/optee_armtz/

Execute host apps.

$ cd host
$ ./hello_world
original value is 29
inc value is 129
dec value is 29

Note that if you are under a environment without GUI, you please comment out the following code in and use nc instead.

diff --git a/ b/
index 8271590..1c4a91b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ run-only:
        ln -sf $(ROOT)/out-br/images/rootfs.cpio.gz $(BINARIES_PATH)/
        $(call check-terminal)
        $(call run-help)
-       $(call launch-terminal,54320,"Normal World")
-       $(call launch-terminal,54321,"Secure World")
-       $(call wait-for-ports,54320,54321)
+       # $(call launch-terminal,54320,"Normal World")
+       # $(call launch-terminal,54321,"Secure World")
+       # $(call wait-for-ports,54320,54321)
        cd $(BINARIES_PATH) && $(QEMU_PATH)/aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 \
                -nographic \
                -serial tcp:localhost:54320 -serial tcp:localhost:54321 \

Before start QEMU, run two nc to listen port 54320 and 54321.

$ nc -l -p 54320
$ nc -l -p 54321

Then open QEMU by make run-only, and start by input c.