blob: ea36b9a8e41800a5afb94381bc9fa17885117909 [file] [log] [blame]
pub use self::inner::*;
use sgx_trts::libc::{time_t, c_long, c_int, c_ulong, c_char};
const EPOCH_ADJUSTMENT_DAYS: c_long = 719468;
const ADJUSTED_EPOCH_YEAR: c_int = 0;
const ADJUSTED_EPOCH_WDAY: c_long = 3;
const DAYS_PER_ERA: c_long = (400 - 97) * 365 + 97 * 366;
const DAYS_PER_CENTURY: c_ulong = (100 - 24) * 365 + 24 * 366;
const DAYS_PER_4_YEARS: c_ulong = 3 * 365 + 366;
const DAYS_PER_YEAR: c_int = 365;
const DAYS_IN_JANUARY: c_int = 31;
const DAYS_IN_FEBRUARY: c_int = 28;
const YEARS_PER_ERA: c_int = 400;
const SECSPERMIN: c_long = 60;
const MINSPERHOUR: c_long = 60;
const HOURSPERDAY: c_long = 24;
const DAYSPERWEEK: c_int = 7;
const YEAR_BASE: c_int = 1900;
const UTC: *const c_char = b"UTC\0" as *const u8 as *const c_char;
struct relibc_tm {
pub tm_sec: c_int,
pub tm_min: c_int,
pub tm_hour: c_int,
pub tm_mday: c_int,
pub tm_mon: c_int,
pub tm_year: c_int,
pub tm_wday: c_int,
pub tm_yday: c_int,
pub tm_isdst: c_int,
pub tm_gmtoff: c_long,
pub tm_zone: *const c_char,
const empty_tm : relibc_tm = relibc_tm {
tm_sec: 0,
tm_min: 0,
tm_hour: 0,
tm_mday: 0,
tm_mon: 0,
tm_year: 0,
tm_wday: 0,
tm_yday: 0,
tm_isdst: 0,
tm_gmtoff: 0,
tm_zone: UTC,
fn civil_from_days(days: c_long) -> (c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int) {
let (era, year): (c_int, c_int);
let (erayear, mut yearday, mut month, day): (c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int);
let eraday: c_ulong;
era = (if days >= 0 {
} else {
days - (DAYS_PER_ERA - 1)
} / DAYS_PER_ERA) as c_int;
eraday = (days - era as c_long * DAYS_PER_ERA) as c_ulong;
let a = eraday / (DAYS_PER_4_YEARS - 1);
let b = eraday / DAYS_PER_CENTURY;
let c = eraday / (DAYS_PER_ERA as c_ulong - 1);
erayear = ((eraday - a + b - c) / 365) as c_int;
let d = DAYS_PER_YEAR * erayear + erayear / 4 - erayear / 100;
yearday = (eraday - d as c_ulong) as c_int;
month = (5 * yearday + 2) / 153;
day = yearday - (153 * month + 2) / 5 + 1;
month += if month < 10 { 2 } else { -10 };
year = ADJUSTED_EPOCH_YEAR + erayear + era * YEARS_PER_ERA + (month <= 1) as c_int;
yearday += if yearday >= DAYS_PER_YEAR - DAYS_IN_JANUARY - DAYS_IN_FEBRUARY {
} else {
return (year, month, day, yearday);
fn is_leap(y: c_int) -> c_int {
((y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0) || y % 400 == 0) as c_int
fn gmtime(timer: time_t) -> relibc_tm {
let (mut days, mut rem): (c_long, c_long);
let mut weekday: c_int;
let lcltime = timer;
let mut result : relibc_tm = empty_tm;
rem = lcltime % SECSPERDAY;
if rem < 0 {
days -= 1;
result.tm_hour = (rem / SECSPERHOUR) as c_int;
result.tm_min = (rem / SECSPERMIN) as c_int;
result.tm_sec = (rem % SECSPERMIN) as c_int;
weekday = ((ADJUSTED_EPOCH_WDAY + days) % DAYSPERWEEK as c_long) as c_int;
if weekday < 0 {
weekday += DAYSPERWEEK;
result.tm_wday = weekday;
let (year, month, day, yearday) = civil_from_days(days);
result.tm_yday = yearday;
result.tm_year = year - YEAR_BASE;
result.tm_mon = month;
result.tm_mday = day;
result.tm_isdst = 0;
result.tm_gmtoff = 0;
result.tm_zone = UTC;
mod inner {
use Tm;
pub use self::unix::*;
use sys::relibc_tm;
use sys::gmtime;
//fn rust_tm_to_tm(rust_tm: &Tm, tm: &mut libc::tm) {
// tm.tm_sec = rust_tm.tm_sec;
// tm.tm_min = rust_tm.tm_min;
// tm.tm_hour = rust_tm.tm_hour;
// tm.tm_mday = rust_tm.tm_mday;
// tm.tm_mon = rust_tm.tm_mon;
// tm.tm_year = rust_tm.tm_year;
// tm.tm_wday = rust_tm.tm_wday;
// tm.tm_yday = rust_tm.tm_yday;
// tm.tm_isdst = rust_tm.tm_isdst;
fn tm_to_rust_tm(tm: &relibc_tm, gmtoff: i32, rust_tm: &mut Tm) {
rust_tm.tm_sec = tm.tm_sec;
rust_tm.tm_min = tm.tm_min;
rust_tm.tm_hour = tm.tm_hour;
rust_tm.tm_mday = tm.tm_mday;
rust_tm.tm_mon = tm.tm_mon;
rust_tm.tm_year = tm.tm_year;
rust_tm.tm_wday = tm.tm_wday;
rust_tm.tm_yday = tm.tm_yday;
rust_tm.tm_isdst = tm.tm_isdst;
rust_tm.tm_utcoff = gmtoff;
pub fn time_to_utc_tm(sec: i64, tm: &mut Tm) {
//unsafe {
// let sec = sec as time_t;
// let mut out = mem::zeroed();
// if libc::gmtime_r(&sec, &mut out).is_null() {
// panic!("gmtime_r failed: {}", io::Error::last_os_error());
// }
// tm_to_rust_tm(&out, 0, tm);
let rtm: relibc_tm = gmtime(sec);
let gmtoff = rtm.tm_gmtoff;
tm_to_rust_tm(&rtm,gmtoff as i32,tm);
pub fn time_to_local_tm(sec: i64, tm: &mut Tm) {
//unsafe {
// let sec = sec as time_t;
// let mut out = mem::zeroed();
// if libc::localtime_r(&sec, &mut out).is_null() {
// panic!("localtime_r failed: {}", io::Error::last_os_error());
// }
// let gmtoff = out.tm_gmtoff;
// tm_to_rust_tm(&out, gmtoff as i32, tm);
let rtm: relibc_tm = gmtime(sec);
let gmtoff = rtm.tm_gmtoff;
tm_to_rust_tm(&rtm,gmtoff as i32,tm);
pub fn utc_tm_to_time(_rust_tm: &Tm) -> i64 {
//#[cfg(not(any(all(target_os = "android", target_pointer_width = "32"), target_os = "nacl", target_os = "solaris")))]
//use libc::timegm;
//let mut tm = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
//rust_tm_to_tm(rust_tm, &mut tm);
//unsafe { timegm(&mut tm) as i64 }
println!("utc_tm_to_time unsupported due to timegm unsupported");
pub fn local_tm_to_time(_rust_tm: &Tm) -> i64 {
//let mut tm = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
//rust_tm_to_tm(rust_tm, &mut tm);
//unsafe { libc::mktime(&mut tm) as i64 }
println!("local_tm_to_time unsupported due to timegm unsupported");
pub struct TzReset;
pub fn set_los_angeles_time_zone() -> TzReset {
use std::env;
env::set_var("TZ", "America/Los_Angeles");
pub fn set_london_with_dst_time_zone() -> TzReset {
use std::env;
env::set_var("TZ", "Europe/London");
mod unix {
use std::fmt;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::ops::{Add, Sub};
use sgx_trts::libc;
use std::untrusted::time::{InstantEx, SystemTimeEx};
use std::time;
use Duration;
pub fn get_time() -> (i64, i32) {
//let mut tv = libc::timespec { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0 };
//unsafe { libc::clock_gettime(libc::CLOCK_REALTIME, &mut tv); }
let st = time::SystemTime::now().get_tup();
(st.0, st.1 as i32)
pub fn get_precise_ns() -> u64 {
//let mut ts = libc::timespec { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0 };
//unsafe {
// libc::clock_gettime(libc::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &mut ts);
let st = time::SystemTime::now().get_tup();
st.0 as u64 * 1000000000 + st.1 as u64
pub struct SteadyTime {
t: libc::timespec,
impl fmt::Debug for SteadyTime {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "SteadyTime {{ tv_sec: {:?}, tv_nsec: {:?} }}",
self.t.tv_sec, self.t.tv_nsec)
impl Clone for SteadyTime {
fn clone(&self) -> SteadyTime {
SteadyTime { t: self.t }
impl SteadyTime {
pub fn now() -> SteadyTime {
//let mut t = SteadyTime {
// t: libc::timespec {
// tv_sec: 0,
// tv_nsec: 0,
// }
//unsafe {
// assert_eq!(0, libc::clock_gettime(libc::CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
// &mut t.t));
let (sec,nsec) = time::Instant::now().get_tup();
let t = SteadyTime {
t: libc::timespec {
tv_sec: sec,
tv_nsec: nsec,
impl Sub for SteadyTime {
type Output = Duration;
fn sub(self, other: SteadyTime) -> Duration {
if self.t.tv_nsec >= other.t.tv_nsec {
Duration::seconds(self.t.tv_sec as i64 - other.t.tv_sec as i64) +
Duration::nanoseconds(self.t.tv_nsec as i64 - other.t.tv_nsec as i64)
} else {
Duration::seconds(self.t.tv_sec as i64 - 1 - other.t.tv_sec as i64) +
Duration::nanoseconds(self.t.tv_nsec as i64 + ::NSEC_PER_SEC as i64 -
other.t.tv_nsec as i64)
impl Sub<Duration> for SteadyTime {
type Output = SteadyTime;
fn sub(self, other: Duration) -> SteadyTime {
self + -other
impl Add<Duration> for SteadyTime {
type Output = SteadyTime;
fn add(mut self, other: Duration) -> SteadyTime {
let seconds = other.num_seconds();
let nanoseconds = other - Duration::seconds(seconds);
let nanoseconds = nanoseconds.num_nanoseconds().unwrap();
type nsec = libc::c_long;
self.t.tv_sec += seconds as libc::time_t;
self.t.tv_nsec += nanoseconds as nsec;
if self.t.tv_nsec >= ::NSEC_PER_SEC as nsec {
self.t.tv_nsec -= ::NSEC_PER_SEC as nsec;
self.t.tv_sec += 1;
} else if self.t.tv_nsec < 0 {
self.t.tv_sec -= 1;
self.t.tv_nsec += ::NSEC_PER_SEC as nsec;
impl PartialOrd for SteadyTime {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &SteadyTime) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for SteadyTime {
fn cmp(&self, other: &SteadyTime) -> Ordering {
match self.t.tv_sec.cmp(&other.t.tv_sec) {
Ordering::Equal => self.t.tv_nsec.cmp(&other.t.tv_nsec),
ord => ord
impl PartialEq for SteadyTime {
fn eq(&self, other: &SteadyTime) -> bool {
self.t.tv_sec == other.t.tv_sec &&
self.t.tv_nsec == other.t.tv_nsec
impl Eq for SteadyTime {}