blob: de45920bf5922846835ffadac87fdbe375d95235 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Represents the storage trait and example implementation.
//! The storage trait is used to house and eventually serialize the state of the system.
//! Custom implementations of this are normal and this is likely to be a key integration
//! point for your distributed storage.
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2015 The etcd Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::sync::{Arc, SgxRwLock, SgxRwLockReadGuard, SgxRwLockWriteGuard};
use eraftpb::{ConfState, Entry, HardState, Snapshot};
use errors::{Error, Result, StorageError};
use util;
/// Holds both the hard state (commit index, vote leader, term) and the configuration state
/// (Current node IDs)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RaftState {
/// Contains the last meta information including commit index, the vote leader, and the vote term.
pub hard_state: HardState,
/// Records the current node IDs like `[1, 2, 3]` in the cluster. Every Raft node must have a unique ID in the cluster;
pub conf_state: ConfState,
/// Storage saves all the information about the current Raft implementation, including Raft Log, commit index, the leader to vote for, etc.
/// Pay attention to what is returned when there is no Log but it needs to get the `term` at index `first_index() - 1`. To solve this, you can use a dummy Log entry to keep the last truncated Log entry. See [`entries: vec![Entry::new()]`](src/ as a reference.
/// If any Storage method returns an error, the raft instance will
/// become inoperable and refuse to paticipate in elections; the
/// application is responsible for cleanup and recovery in this case.
pub trait Storage {
/// `initial_state` is called when Raft is initialized. This interface will return a `RaftState` which contains `HardState` and `ConfState`;
fn initial_state(&self) -> Result<RaftState>;
/// Returns a slice of log entries in the range `[low, high)`.
/// max_size limits the total size of the log entries returned, but
/// entries returns at least one entry if any.
fn entries(&self, low: u64, high: u64, max_size: u64) -> Result<Vec<Entry>>;
/// Returns the term of entry idx, which must be in the range
/// [first_index()-1, last_index()]. The term of the entry before
/// first_index is retained for matching purpose even though the
/// rest of that entry may not be available.
fn term(&self, idx: u64) -> Result<u64>;
/// Returns the index of the first log entry that is
/// possible available via entries (older entries have been incorporated
/// into the latest snapshot; if storage only contains the dummy entry the
/// first log entry is not available).
fn first_index(&self) -> Result<u64>;
/// The index of the last entry in the log.
fn last_index(&self) -> Result<u64>;
/// Returns the most recent snapshot.
/// If snapshot is temporarily unavailable, it should return SnapshotTemporarilyUnavailable,
/// so raft state machine could know that Storage needs some time to prepare
/// snapshot and call snapshot later.
fn snapshot(&self) -> Result<Snapshot>;
/// The Memory Storage Core instance holds the actual state of the storage struct. To access this
/// value, use the `rl` and `wl` functions on the main MemStorage implementation.
pub struct MemStorageCore {
hard_state: HardState,
snapshot: Snapshot,
// TODO: maybe vec_deque
// entries[i] has raft log position i+snapshot.get_metadata().get_index()
entries: Vec<Entry>,
impl Default for MemStorageCore {
fn default() -> MemStorageCore {
MemStorageCore {
// When starting from scratch populate the list with a dummy entry at term zero.
entries: vec![Entry::new()],
hard_state: HardState::new(),
snapshot: Snapshot::new(),
impl MemStorageCore {
/// Saves the current HardState.
pub fn set_hardstate(&mut self, hs: HardState) {
self.hard_state = hs;
fn inner_last_index(&self) -> u64 {
self.entries[0].get_index() + self.entries.len() as u64 - 1
/// Overwrites the contents of this Storage object with those of the given snapshot.
pub fn apply_snapshot(&mut self, snapshot: Snapshot) -> Result<()> {
// handle check for old snapshot being applied
let index = self.snapshot.get_metadata().get_index();
let snapshot_index = snapshot.get_metadata().get_index();
if index >= snapshot_index {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::SnapshotOutOfDate));
let mut e = Entry::new();
self.entries = vec![e];
self.snapshot = snapshot;
/// Makes a snapshot which can be retrieved with snapshot() and
/// can be used to reconstruct the state at that point.
/// If any configuration changes have been made since the last compaction,
/// the result of the last apply_conf_change must be passed in.
pub fn create_snapshot(
&mut self,
idx: u64,
cs: Option<ConfState>,
data: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<&Snapshot> {
if idx <= self.snapshot.get_metadata().get_index() {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::SnapshotOutOfDate));
let offset = self.entries[0].get_index();
if idx > self.inner_last_index() {
"snapshot {} is out of bound lastindex({})",
.set_term(self.entries[(idx - offset) as usize].get_term());
if let Some(cs) = cs {
/// Discards all log entries prior to compact_index.
/// It is the application's responsibility to not attempt to compact an index
/// greater than RaftLog.applied.
pub fn compact(&mut self, compact_index: u64) -> Result<()> {
let offset = self.entries[0].get_index();
if compact_index <= offset {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::Compacted));
if compact_index > self.inner_last_index() {
"compact {} is out of bound lastindex({})",
let i = (compact_index - offset) as usize;
let entries = self.entries.drain(i..).collect();
self.entries = entries;
/// Append the new entries to storage.
/// TODO: ensure the entries are continuous and
/// entries[0].get_index() > self.entries[0].get_index()
pub fn append(&mut self, ents: &[Entry]) -> Result<()> {
if ents.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let first = self.entries[0].get_index() + 1;
let last = ents[0].get_index() + ents.len() as u64 - 1;
if last < first {
return Ok(());
// truncate compacted entries
let te: &[Entry] = if first > ents[0].get_index() {
let start_ent = (first - ents[0].get_index()) as usize;
} else {
let offset = te[0].get_index() - self.entries[0].get_index();
if self.entries.len() as u64 > offset {
let mut new_entries: Vec<Entry> = vec![];
new_entries.extend_from_slice(&self.entries[..offset as usize]);
self.entries = new_entries;
} else if self.entries.len() as u64 == offset {
} else {
"missing log entry [last: {}, append at: {}]",
/// `MemStorage` is a thread-safe implementation of Storage trait.
/// It is mainly used for test purpose.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct MemStorage {
core: Arc<SgxRwLock<MemStorageCore>>,
impl MemStorage {
/// Returns a new memory storage value.
pub fn new() -> MemStorage {
MemStorage {
/// Opens up a read lock on the storage and returns a guard handle. Use this
/// with functions that don't require mutation.
pub fn rl(&self) -> SgxRwLockReadGuard<MemStorageCore> {
/// Opens up a write lock on the storage and returns guard handle. Use this
/// with functions that take a mutable reference to self.
pub fn wl(&self) -> SgxRwLockWriteGuard<MemStorageCore> {
impl Storage for MemStorage {
/// Implements the Storage trait.
fn initial_state(&self) -> Result<RaftState> {
let core = self.rl();
Ok(RaftState {
hard_state: core.hard_state.clone(),
conf_state: core.snapshot.get_metadata().get_conf_state().clone(),
/// Implements the Storage trait.
fn entries(&self, low: u64, high: u64, max_size: u64) -> Result<Vec<Entry>> {
let core = self.rl();
let offset = core.entries[0].get_index();
if low <= offset {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::Compacted));
if high > core.inner_last_index() + 1 {
panic!("index out of bound")
// only contains dummy entries.
if core.entries.len() == 1 {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::Unavailable));
let lo = (low - offset) as usize;
let hi = (high - offset) as usize;
let mut ents = core.entries[lo..hi].to_vec();
util::limit_size(&mut ents, max_size);
/// Implements the Storage trait.
fn term(&self, idx: u64) -> Result<u64> {
let core = self.rl();
let offset = core.entries[0].get_index();
if idx < offset {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::Compacted));
if idx - offset >= core.entries.len() as u64 {
return Err(Error::Store(StorageError::Unavailable));
Ok(core.entries[(idx - offset) as usize].get_term())
/// Implements the Storage trait.
fn first_index(&self) -> Result<u64> {
let core = self.rl();
Ok(core.entries[0].get_index() + 1)
/// Implements the Storage trait.
fn last_index(&self) -> Result<u64> {
let core = self.rl();
/// Implements the Storage trait.
fn snapshot(&self) -> Result<Snapshot> {
let core = self.rl();
mod test {
use eraftpb::{ConfState, Entry, Snapshot};
use protobuf;
use errors::{Error as RaftError, StorageError};
use setup_for_test;
use storage::{MemStorage, Storage};
// TODO extract these duplicated utility functions for tests
fn new_entry(index: u64, term: u64) -> Entry {
let mut e = Entry::new();
fn size_of<T: protobuf::Message>(m: &T) -> u32 {
fn new_snapshot(index: u64, term: u64, nodes: Vec<u64>, data: Vec<u8>) -> Snapshot {
let mut s = Snapshot::new();
fn test_storage_term() {
let ents = vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)];
let mut tests = vec![
(2, Err(RaftError::Store(StorageError::Compacted))),
(3, Ok(3)),
(4, Ok(4)),
(5, Ok(5)),
(6, Err(RaftError::Store(StorageError::Unavailable))),
for (i, (idx, wterm)) in tests.drain(..).enumerate() {
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents.clone();
let t = storage.term(idx);
if t != wterm {
panic!("#{}: expect res {:?}, got {:?}", i, wterm, t);
fn test_storage_entries() {
let ents = vec![
new_entry(3, 3),
new_entry(4, 4),
new_entry(5, 5),
new_entry(6, 6),
let max_u64 = u64::max_value();
let mut tests = vec![
(4, 5, max_u64, Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4)])),
(4, 6, max_u64, Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)])),
Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5), new_entry(6, 6)]),
// even if maxsize is zero, the first entry should be returned
(4, 7, 0, Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4)])),
// limit to 2
u64::from(size_of(&ents[1]) + size_of(&ents[2])),
Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)]),
u64::from(size_of(&ents[1]) + size_of(&ents[2]) + size_of(&ents[3]) / 2),
Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)]),
u64::from(size_of(&ents[1]) + size_of(&ents[2]) + size_of(&ents[3]) - 1),
Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)]),
// all
u64::from(size_of(&ents[1]) + size_of(&ents[2]) + size_of(&ents[3])),
Ok(vec![new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5), new_entry(6, 6)]),
for (i, (lo, hi, maxsize, wentries)) in tests.drain(..).enumerate() {
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents.clone();
let e = storage.entries(lo, hi, maxsize);
if e != wentries {
panic!("#{}: expect entries {:?}, got {:?}", i, wentries, e);
fn test_storage_last_index() {
let ents = vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)];
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents;
let wresult = Ok(5);
let result = storage.last_index();
if result != wresult {
panic!("want {:?}, got {:?}", wresult, result);
.append(&[new_entry(6, 5)])
.expect("append failed");
let wresult = Ok(6);
let result = storage.last_index();
if result != wresult {
panic!("want {:?}, got {:?}", wresult, result);
fn test_storage_first_index() {
let ents = vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)];
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents;
let wresult = Ok(4);
let result = storage.first_index();
if result != wresult {
panic!("want {:?}, got {:?}", wresult, result);
storage.wl().compact(4).expect("compact failed");
let wresult = Ok(5);
let result = storage.first_index();
if result != wresult {
panic!("want {:?}, got {:?}", wresult, result);
fn test_storage_compact() {
let ents = vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)];
let mut tests = vec![
(2, Err(RaftError::Store(StorageError::Compacted)), 3, 3, 3),
(3, Err(RaftError::Store(StorageError::Compacted)), 3, 3, 3),
(4, Ok(()), 4, 4, 2),
(5, Ok(()), 5, 5, 1),
for (i, (idx, wresult, windex, wterm, wlen)) in tests.drain(..).enumerate() {
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents.clone();
let result = storage.wl().compact(idx);
if result != wresult {
panic!("#{}: want {:?}, got {:?}", i, wresult, result);
let index = storage.wl().entries[0].get_index();
if index != windex {
panic!("#{}: want {}, index {}", i, windex, index);
let term = storage.wl().entries[0].get_term();
if term != wterm {
panic!("#{}: want {}, term {}", i, wterm, term);
let len = storage.wl().entries.len();
if len != wlen {
panic!("#{}: want {}, term {}", i, wlen, len);
fn test_storage_create_snapshot() {
let ents = vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)];
let nodes = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut cs = ConfState::new();
let data = b"data".to_vec();
let mut tests = vec![
(4, Ok(new_snapshot(4, 4, nodes.clone(), data.clone()))),
(5, Ok(new_snapshot(5, 5, nodes.clone(), data.clone()))),
for (i, (idx, wresult)) in tests.drain(..).enumerate() {
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents.clone();
.create_snapshot(idx, Some(cs.clone()), data.clone())
.expect("create snapshot failed");
let result = storage.snapshot();
if result != wresult {
panic!("#{}: want {:?}, got {:?}", i, wresult, result);
fn test_storage_append() {
let ents = vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)];
let mut tests = vec![
vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)],
vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 4), new_entry(5, 5)],
vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 6), new_entry(5, 6)],
vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 6), new_entry(5, 6)],
new_entry(3, 3),
new_entry(4, 4),
new_entry(5, 5),
new_entry(6, 5),
new_entry(3, 3),
new_entry(4, 4),
new_entry(5, 5),
new_entry(6, 5),
// truncate incoming entries, truncate the existing entries and append
vec![new_entry(2, 3), new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 5)],
vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 5)],
// truncate the existing entries and append
vec![new_entry(4, 5)],
vec![new_entry(3, 3), new_entry(4, 5)],
// direct append
vec![new_entry(6, 6)],
new_entry(3, 3),
new_entry(4, 4),
new_entry(5, 5),
new_entry(6, 6),
for (i, (entries, wresult, wentries)) in tests.drain(..).enumerate() {
let storage = MemStorage::new();
storage.wl().entries = ents.clone();
let result = storage.wl().append(&entries);
if result != wresult {
panic!("#{}: want {:?}, got {:?}", i, wresult, result);
let e = &storage.wl().entries;
if *e != wentries {
panic!("#{}: want {:?}, entries {:?}", i, wentries, e);
fn test_storage_apply_snapshot() {
let nodes = vec![1, 2, 3];
let data = b"data".to_vec();
let snapshots = vec![
new_snapshot(4, 4, nodes.clone(), data.clone()),
new_snapshot(3, 3, nodes.clone(), data.clone()),
let storage = MemStorage::new();
// Apply snapshot successfully
let i = 0;
let wresult = Ok(());
let r = storage.wl().apply_snapshot(snapshots[i].clone());
if r != wresult {
panic!("#{}: want {:?}, got {:?}", i, wresult, r);
// Apply snapshot fails due to StorageError::SnapshotOutOfDate
let i = 1;
let wresult = Err(RaftError::Store(StorageError::SnapshotOutOfDate));
let r = storage.wl().apply_snapshot(snapshots[i].clone());
if r != wresult {
panic!("#{}: want {:?}, got {:?}", i, wresult, r);