tree: 063e9689a435ccf8ab56408162c597a042d533e1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cert/
  2. tr-mpc-client/
  3. tr-mpc-server/

Trusted Multi-player computing that use sgx as trust-computing base

This code implements the trusted mpc use sgx as trust-computing base.

This code sample contains an implementation of Integrating Remote Attestation with Transport Layer Security, with the modification of the untrusted side.


The same combination of (hardware,enviroment,context) will generates the same mr_enclave measurement. And it is almost impossible to counterfeit it.

We could achieve trust computing and data privacy based on this feature.

Assuming that there are two players: Alice and Bob.

  • Alice wants to get data from bob and compute its hash.
  • Bob does not want to let Alice know the origin data.

With Intel SGX, and baiduxlab/sgx-rust image, we could do this in the following steps:

  • Alice shares the hash-computing code which will be run in SGX enclave with Bob.
  • Bob checks whether there exists any security risk in this code.
  • Alice tells Bob the context of compiling enviroment and builds her
  • Bob compiles the code and runs his enclave and gets the corresoponding mr_enclave.
  • Bod tries to connect with Alice's enclave and gets the mr_enclave from report and compares it with his.
  • If passed, Bob sends data to Alice's enclave through TLS.
  • Alice's enclave gets the data and computs hash of it.


To use this code sample, one needs to register at Intel website for dev IAS service access. Once the registration is finished, the following stuff should be ready:

  1. An SPID assigned by Intel
  2. IAS API Key assigned by Intel

Both of these information could be found in the new Intel Trusted Services API Management Portal. Please log into this portal and switch to “Manage subscriptions” page on the top right corner to see your SPID and API keys. Either primary key or secondary key works.

Save them to tr-mpc-server's bin/spid.txt and bin/key.txt respectively. Size of these two files should be 32 or 33.

Custom CA/client setup

To establish a TLS channel, we need a CA and generates a client cert for mutual authentication. We store them at cert.

  1. Generate CA private key openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ca.key

  2. Generate CA cert openssl req -x509 -new -SHA256 -nodes -key ca.key -days 3650 -out ca.crt

  3. Generate Client private key openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out client.key

  4. Export the keys to pkcs8 unencrypted format openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in client.key -out client.pkcs8

  5. Generate Client CSR openssl req -new -SHA256 -key client.key -nodes -out client.csr

  6. Generate Client Cert openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf “subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,”) -days 3650 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt

  7. Intel CA report signing pem. Download and uncompress:

Embedding IAS credentials to tr-mpc-server

enclave/src/ contains two funcs load_spid and get_ias_api_key. These two functions are configured to load spid/api key from spid.txt and key.txt from bin directory respectively. One can either adjust the file paths/names or copy the spid/key to bin. spid.txt and key.txt should only contain one line of 32 chars such as DEADBEAFDEADBEAFDEADBEAFDEADBEAF.


Start Bob's verify server

cd tr-mpc-server
cd bin
./app --verify(add --unlink if your spid's type is unlinkable)

Start Alice's server

cd tr-mpc-server
cd bin
./app (add --unlink if your spid's type is unlinkable)

Start Bob's client

cd tr-mpc-client
cargo run