blob: e10f9d69a970034a7981b518e449e3ac65519555 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Bindings to the [wabt]( library.
#![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "sgx"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(target_env = "sgx", feature(rustc_private))]
extern crate sgx_types;
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
use std::prelude::v1::*;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate serde_derive;
use std::ffi::NulError;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
pub mod script;
/// A structure to represent errors coming out from wabt.
/// Actual errors are not yet published.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Error(ErrorKind);
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// TODO: A better formatting
write!(f, "error: {:?}", self)
impl error::Error for Error {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match self.0 {
ErrorKind::Nul => "string contained nul-byte",
ErrorKind::Deserialize(_) => "failed to deserialize",
ErrorKind::Parse(_) => "failed to parse",
ErrorKind::WriteText => "failed to write text",
ErrorKind::NonUtf8Result => "result is not a valid utf8",
ErrorKind::WriteBinary => "failed to write binary",
ErrorKind::ResolveNames(_) => "failed to resolve names",
ErrorKind::Validate(_) => "failed to validate",
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
impl From<NulError> for Error {
fn from(_e: NulError) -> Error {
//struct Lexer {
// _filename: CString,
// _buffer: Vec<u8>,
// raw_lexer: *mut ffi::WastLexer,
//impl Lexer {
// fn new(filename: &str, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Lexer, Error> {
// // TODO: Don't copy.
// let filename = CString::new(filename)?;
// let buffer = buffer.to_owned();
// let lexer = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_new_wast_buffer_lexer(
// filename.as_ptr(),
// buffer.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
// buffer.len(),
// )
// };
// Ok(Lexer {
// _filename: filename,
// _buffer: buffer,
// raw_lexer: lexer,
// })
// }
//impl Drop for Lexer {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_wast_lexer(self.raw_lexer);
// }
// }
//struct ErrorHandler {
// raw_buffer: *mut ffi::ErrorHandlerBuffer,
//impl ErrorHandler {
// fn new_binary() -> ErrorHandler {
// let raw_buffer = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_new_binary_error_handler_buffer()
// };
// ErrorHandler {
// raw_buffer,
// }
// }
// fn new_text() -> ErrorHandler {
// let raw_buffer = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_new_text_error_handler_buffer()
// };
// ErrorHandler {
// raw_buffer,
// }
// }
// fn raw_message(&self) -> &[u8] {
// unsafe {
// let size = ffi::wabt_error_handler_buffer_get_size(self.raw_buffer);
// if size == 0 {
// return &[];
// }
// let data = ffi::wabt_error_handler_buffer_get_data(self.raw_buffer);
// slice::from_raw_parts(data as *const u8, size)
// }
// }
//impl Drop for ErrorHandler {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_error_handler_buffer(self.raw_buffer);
// }
// }
//struct ParseWatResult {
// raw_result: *mut ffi::WabtParseWatResult,
//impl ParseWatResult {
// fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_parse_wat_result_get_result(self.raw_result) == ffi::Result::Ok
// }
// }
// fn take_module(self) -> Result<*mut ffi::WasmModule, ()> {
// if self.is_ok() {
// unsafe {
// Ok(ffi::wabt_parse_wat_result_release_module(self.raw_result))
// }
// } else {
// Err(())
// }
// }
//impl Drop for ParseWatResult {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_parse_wat_result(self.raw_result);
// }
// }
//fn parse_wat(lexer: &Lexer, error_handler: &ErrorHandler) -> ParseWatResult {
// let raw_result = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_parse_wat(lexer.raw_lexer, error_handler.raw_buffer)
// };
// ParseWatResult {
// raw_result,
// }
//struct ReadBinaryResult {
// raw_result: *mut ffi::WabtReadBinaryResult,
//impl ReadBinaryResult {
// fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_read_binary_result_get_result(self.raw_result) == ffi::Result::Ok
// }
// }
// fn take_module(self) -> Result<*mut ffi::WasmModule, ()> {
// if self.is_ok() {
// unsafe {
// Ok(ffi::wabt_read_binary_result_release_module(self.raw_result))
// }
// } else {
// Err(())
// }
// }
//impl Drop for ReadBinaryResult {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_read_binary_result(self.raw_result);
// }
// }
///// Buffer returned by wabt.
///// # Examples
///// You can convert it either to `Vec`:
///// ```rust
///// # extern crate wabt;
///// # let wabt_buf = wabt::Wat2Wasm::new().convert("(module)").unwrap();
///// let vec: Vec<u8> = wabt_buf.as_ref().to_vec();
///// ```
///// Or in `String`:
///// ```rust
///// # extern crate wabt;
///// # let wabt_buf = wabt::Wat2Wasm::new().convert("(module)").unwrap();
///// let text = String::from_utf8(wabt_buf.as_ref().to_vec()).unwrap();
///// ```
//pub struct WabtBuf {
// raw_buffer: *mut ffi::OutputBuffer,
//impl AsRef<[u8]> for WabtBuf {
// fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
// unsafe {
// let size = ffi::wabt_output_buffer_get_size(self.raw_buffer);
// if size == 0 {
// return &[];
// }
// let data = ffi::wabt_output_buffer_get_data(self.raw_buffer) as *const u8;
// slice::from_raw_parts(data, size)
// }
// }
//impl Drop for WabtBuf {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_output_buffer(self.raw_buffer);
// }
// }
//struct WriteModuleResult {
// raw_result: *mut ffi::WabtWriteModuleResult,
//impl WriteModuleResult {
// fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_write_module_result_get_result(self.raw_result) == ffi::Result::Ok
// }
// }
// fn take_wabt_buf(self) -> Result<WabtBuf, ()> {
// if self.is_ok() {
// let raw_buffer = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_write_module_result_release_output_buffer(self.raw_result)
// };
// Ok(WabtBuf {
// raw_buffer,
// })
// } else {
// Err(())
// }
// }
//impl Drop for WriteModuleResult {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_write_module_result(self.raw_result)
// }
// }
//struct WriteBinaryOptions {
// log: bool,
// canonicalize_lebs: bool,
// relocatable: bool,
// write_debug_names: bool,
//impl Default for WriteBinaryOptions {
// fn default() -> WriteBinaryOptions {
// WriteBinaryOptions {
// log: false,
// canonicalize_lebs: true,
// relocatable: false,
// write_debug_names: false,
// }
// }
//struct WriteTextOptions {
// fold_exprs: bool,
// inline_export: bool,
//impl Default for WriteTextOptions {
// fn default() -> WriteTextOptions {
// WriteTextOptions {
// fold_exprs: false,
// inline_export: false,
// }
// }
///// Options for reading read binary.
//pub struct ReadBinaryOptions {
// read_debug_names: bool,
//impl Default for ReadBinaryOptions {
// fn default() -> ReadBinaryOptions {
// ReadBinaryOptions {
// read_debug_names: false,
// }
// }
//struct ParseWastResult {
// raw_result: *mut ffi::WabtParseWastResult,
//impl ParseWastResult {
// fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_parse_wast_result_get_result(self.raw_result) == ffi::Result::Ok
// }
// }
// fn take_script(self) -> Result<*mut ffi::Script, ()> {
// if self.is_ok() {
// unsafe {
// Ok(ffi::wabt_parse_wast_result_release_module(self.raw_result))
// }
// } else {
// Err(())
// }
// }
//impl Drop for ParseWastResult {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_parse_wast_result(self.raw_result);
// }
// }
//fn parse_wast(lexer: &Lexer, error_handler: &ErrorHandler) -> ParseWastResult {
// let raw_result = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_parse_wast(lexer.raw_lexer, error_handler.raw_buffer)
// };
// ParseWastResult {
// raw_result,
// }
//struct Script {
// raw_script: *mut ffi::Script,
// lexer: Lexer,
//impl Script {
// fn parse<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(filename: &str, source: S) -> Result<Script, Error> {
// let lexer = Lexer::new(filename, source.as_ref())?;
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_text();
// match parse_wast(&lexer, &error_handler).take_script() {
// Ok(raw_script) => Ok(
// Script {
// raw_script,
// lexer,
// }
// ),
// Err(()) => {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// Err(Error(ErrorKind::Parse(msg)))
// }
// }
// }
// fn resolve_names(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_text();
// unsafe {
// let result = ffi::wabt_resolve_names_script(
// self.lexer.raw_lexer,
// self.raw_script,
// error_handler.raw_buffer
// );
// if result == ffi::Result::Error {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// return Err(Error(ErrorKind::ResolveNames(msg)));
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_text();
// unsafe {
// let result = ffi::wabt_validate_script(
// self.lexer.raw_lexer,
// self.raw_script,
// error_handler.raw_buffer,
// );
// if result == ffi::Result::Error {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// return Err(Error(ErrorKind::Validate(msg)));
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// fn write_binaries(&self, source: &str) -> Result<WabtWriteScriptResult, Error> {
// let source_cstr = CString::new(source)?;
// let result = unsafe {
// let raw_script_result = ffi::wabt_write_binary_spec_script(
// self.raw_script,
// source_cstr.as_ptr(),
// ptr::null(),
// 0,
// 1,
// 0,
// 0);
// Ok(WabtWriteScriptResult { raw_script_result })
// };
// result
// }
///// WebAssembly module.
//pub struct Module {
// raw_module: *mut ffi::WasmModule,
// lexer: Option<Lexer>,
//impl Module {
// /// Parse source in WebAssembly text format.
// pub fn parse_wat<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(filename: &str, source: S) -> Result<Module, Error> {
// let lexer = Lexer::new(filename, source.as_ref())?;
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_text();
// match parse_wat(&lexer, &error_handler).take_module() {
// Ok(module) => Ok(
// Module {
// raw_module: module,
// lexer: Some(lexer),
// }
// ),
// Err(()) => {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// Err(Error(ErrorKind::Parse(msg)))
// }
// }
// }
// /// Read WebAssembly binary.
// ///
// /// `read_binary` doesn't do any validation. If you want to validate, you can the module you can
// /// call [`validate`].
// ///
// /// [`validate`]: #method.validate
// pub fn read_binary<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(wasm: S, options: &ReadBinaryOptions) -> Result<Module, Error> {
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_binary();
// let result = {
// let wasm = wasm.as_ref();
// let raw_result = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_read_binary(
// wasm.as_ptr(),
// wasm.len(),
// options.read_debug_names as c_int,
// error_handler.raw_buffer
// )
// };
// ReadBinaryResult {
// raw_result,
// }
// };
// match result.take_module() {
// Ok(module) => Ok(
// Module {
// raw_module: module,
// lexer: None
// }
// ),
// Err(()) => {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// Err(Error(ErrorKind::Deserialize(msg)))
// }
// }
// }
// fn resolve_names(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_text();
// unsafe {
// let raw_lexer = self.lexer.as_ref().map(|lexer| lexer.raw_lexer).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
// let result = ffi::wabt_resolve_names_module(raw_lexer, self.raw_module, error_handler.raw_buffer);
// if result == ffi::Result::Error {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// return Err(Error(ErrorKind::ResolveNames(msg)));
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// /// Validate the module.
// pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// let error_handler = ErrorHandler::new_text();
// unsafe {
// let raw_lexer = self.lexer.as_ref().map(|lexer| lexer.raw_lexer).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
// let result = ffi::wabt_validate_module(raw_lexer, self.raw_module, error_handler.raw_buffer);
// if result == ffi::Result::Error {
// let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(error_handler.raw_message()).to_string();
// return Err(Error(ErrorKind::Validate(msg)));
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// fn write_binary(&self, options: &WriteBinaryOptions) -> Result<WabtBuf, Error> {
// let result = unsafe {
// let raw_result = ffi::wabt_write_binary_module(
// self.raw_module,
// options.log as c_int,
// options.canonicalize_lebs as c_int,
// options.relocatable as c_int,
// options.write_debug_names as c_int,
// );
// WriteModuleResult { raw_result }
// };
// result
// .take_wabt_buf()
// .map_err(|_| Error(ErrorKind::WriteBinary))
// }
// fn write_text(&self, options: &WriteTextOptions) -> Result<WabtBuf, Error> {
// let result = unsafe {
// let raw_result = ffi::wabt_write_text_module(
// self.raw_module,
// options.fold_exprs as c_int,
// options.inline_export as c_int,
// );
// WriteModuleResult { raw_result }
// };
// result
// .take_wabt_buf()
// .map_err(|_| Error(ErrorKind::WriteText))
// }
//impl Drop for Module {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_module(self.raw_module);
// }
// }
///// A builder for translate wasm text source to wasm binary format.
///// This version allows you to tweak parameters. If you need simple version
///// check out [`wat2wasm`].
///// [`wat2wasm`]: fn.wat2wasm.html
///// # Examples
///// ```rust
///// extern crate wabt;
///// use wabt::Wat2Wasm;
///// fn main() {
///// let wasm_binary = Wat2Wasm::new()
///// .canonicalize_lebs(false)
///// .write_debug_names(true)
///// .convert(
///// r#"
///// (module
///// (import "spectest" "print" (func $print (param i32)))
///// (func (export "main")
///// i32.const 1312
///// call $print
///// )
///// )
///// "#
///// ).unwrap();
///// # wasm_binary;
///// }
///// ```
//pub struct Wat2Wasm {
// validate: bool,
// write_binary_options: WriteBinaryOptions,
//impl Wat2Wasm {
// /// Create `Wat2Wasm` with default configuration.
// pub fn new() -> Wat2Wasm {
// Wat2Wasm {
// write_binary_options: WriteBinaryOptions::default(),
// validate: true,
// }
// }
// /// Write canonicalized LEB128 for var ints.
// ///
// /// Set this to `false` to write all LEB128 sizes as 5-bytes instead of their minimal size.
// /// `true` by default.
// pub fn canonicalize_lebs(&mut self, canonicalize_lebs: bool) -> &mut Wat2Wasm {
// self.write_binary_options.canonicalize_lebs = canonicalize_lebs;
// self
// }
// /// Create a relocatable wasm binary
// ///
// /// (suitable for linking with wasm-link).
// /// `false` by default.
// pub fn relocatable(&mut self, relocatable: bool) -> &mut Wat2Wasm {
// self.write_binary_options.relocatable = relocatable;
// self
// }
// /// Write debug names to the generated binary file
// ///
// /// `false` by default.
// pub fn write_debug_names(&mut self, write_debug_names: bool) -> &mut Wat2Wasm {
// self.write_binary_options.write_debug_names = write_debug_names;
// self
// }
// /// Check for validity of module before writing.
// ///
// /// `true` by default.
// pub fn validate(&mut self, validate: bool) -> &mut Wat2Wasm {
// self.validate = validate;
// self
// }
// // TODO: Add logged version of convert
// /// Perform conversion.
// pub fn convert<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, source: S) -> Result<WabtBuf, Error> {
// let mut module = Module::parse_wat("test.wast", source)?;
// module.resolve_names()?;
// if self.validate {
// module.validate()?;
// }
// let result = module.write_binary(&self.write_binary_options)?;
// Ok(result)
// }
///// A builder for converting wasm binary to wasm text format.
///// # Examples
///// ```rust
///// extern crate wabt;
///// use wabt::Wasm2Wat;
///// fn main() {
///// let wasm_text = Wasm2Wat::new()
///// .fold_exprs(true)
///// .inline_export(true)
///// .convert(
///// &[
///// 0, 97, 115, 109, // \0ASM - magic
///// 1, 0, 0, 0 // 0x01 - version
///// ]
///// ).unwrap();
///// # wasm_text;
///// }
///// ```
//pub struct Wasm2Wat {
// read_binary_options: ReadBinaryOptions,
// write_text_options: WriteTextOptions,
//impl Wasm2Wat {
// /// Create `Wasm2Wat` with default configuration.
// pub fn new() -> Wasm2Wat {
// Wasm2Wat {
// read_binary_options: ReadBinaryOptions::default(),
// write_text_options: WriteTextOptions::default(),
// }
// }
// /// Read debug names in the binary file.
// ///
// /// `false` by default.
// pub fn read_debug_names(&mut self, read_debug_names: bool) -> &mut Wasm2Wat {
// self.read_binary_options.read_debug_names = read_debug_names;
// self
// }
// /// Write folded expressions where possible.
// ///
// /// Example of folded code (if `true`):
// ///
// /// ```WebAssembly
// /// (module
// /// (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)
// /// (i32.add ;; Add loaded arguments
// /// (get_local 0) ;; Load first arg
// /// (get_local 1) ;; Load second arg
// /// )
// /// )
// /// )
// /// ```
// ///
// /// Example of straight code (if `false`):
// ///
// /// ```WebAssembly
// /// (module
// /// (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)
// /// get_local 0 ;; Load first arg
// /// get_local 1 ;; Load second arg
// /// i32.add ;; Add loaded arguments
// /// )
// /// )
// /// ```
// ///
// /// `false` by default.
// pub fn fold_exprs(&mut self, fold_exprs: bool) -> &mut Wasm2Wat {
// self.write_text_options.fold_exprs = fold_exprs;
// self
// }
// /// Write all exports inline.
// ///
// /// Example of code with inline exports (if `true`):
// ///
// /// ```WebAssembly
// /// (module
// /// (func $addTwo (export "addTwo") (param $p0 i32) (param $p1 i32) (result i32)
// /// (i32.add
// /// (get_local $p0)
// /// (get_local $p1))))
// /// ```
// ///
// /// Example of code with separate exports (if `false`):
// ///
// /// ```WebAssembly
// /// (module
// /// (func $addTwo (param $p0 i32) (param $p1 i32) (result i32)
// /// (i32.add
// /// (get_local $p0)
// /// (get_local $p1)))
// /// (export "addTwo" (func $addTwo)))
// /// ```
// ///
// /// `false` by default.
// pub fn inline_export(&mut self, inline_export: bool) -> &mut Wasm2Wat {
// self.write_text_options.inline_export = inline_export;
// self
// }
// /// Perform conversion.
// pub fn convert<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, wasm: S) -> Result<WabtBuf, Error> {
// let module = Module::read_binary(wasm, &self.read_binary_options)?;
// let output_buffer = module.write_text(&self.write_text_options)?;
// Ok(output_buffer)
// }
///// Translate wasm text source to wasm binary format.
///// If wasm source is valid wasm binary will be returned in the vector.
///// Returned binary is validated and can be executed.
///// This function will make translation with default parameters.
///// If you want to find out what default parameters are or you want to tweak them
///// you can use [`Wat2Wasm`]
///// For more examples and online demo you can check online version
///// of [wat2wasm](
///// [`Wat2Wasm`]: struct.Wat2Wasm.html
///// # Examples
///// ```rust
///// extern crate wabt;
///// use wabt::wat2wasm;
///// fn main() {
///// assert_eq!(
///// wat2wasm("(module)").unwrap(),
///// &[
///// 0, 97, 115, 109, // \0ASM - magic
///// 1, 0, 0, 0 // 0x01 - version
///// ]
///// );
///// }
///// ```
//pub fn wat2wasm<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(source: S) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
// let result_buf = Wat2Wasm::new().convert(source)?;
// Ok(result_buf.as_ref().to_vec())
///// Disassemble wasm binary to wasm text format.
///// # Examples
///// ```rust
///// extern crate wabt;
///// use wabt::wasm2wat;
///// fn main() {
///// assert_eq!(
///// wasm2wat(&[
///// 0, 97, 115, 109, // \0ASM - magic
///// 1, 0, 0, 0 // 01 - version
///// ]),
///// Ok("(module)\n".to_owned()),
///// );
///// }
///// ```
//pub fn wasm2wat<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(wasm: S) -> Result<String, Error> {
// let result_buf = Wasm2Wat::new().convert(wasm)?;
// let text = String::from_utf8(result_buf.as_ref().to_vec())
// .map_err(|_| Error(ErrorKind::NonUtf8Result))?;
// Ok(text)
//struct WabtWriteScriptResult {
// raw_script_result: *mut ffi::WabtWriteScriptResult,
//struct WabtWriteScriptResultRelease {
// json_output_buffer: WabtBuf,
// _log_output_buffer: WabtBuf,
// module_output_buffers: HashMap<CString, WabtBuf>,
//impl WabtWriteScriptResult {
// fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_write_script_result_get_result(self.raw_script_result) == ffi::Result::Ok
// }
// }
// fn module_count(&self) -> usize {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_write_script_result_get_module_count(self.raw_script_result)
// }
// }
// fn module_filename(&self, index: usize) -> &CStr {
// assert!(index < self.module_count());
// unsafe {
// let s = ffi::wabt_write_script_result_get_module_filename(
// self.raw_script_result, index);
// CStr::from_ptr(s)
// }
// }
// fn take_all(self) -> Result<WabtWriteScriptResultRelease, ()> {
// if self.is_ok() {
// let json_output_buffer;
// let log_output_buffer;
// let mut module_output_buffers = HashMap::new();
// unsafe {
// json_output_buffer =
// ffi::wabt_write_script_result_release_json_output_buffer(
// self.raw_script_result);
// log_output_buffer =
// ffi::wabt_write_script_result_release_log_output_buffer(
// self.raw_script_result);
// }
// for i in 0..self.module_count() {
// let module_output_buffer = unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_write_script_result_release_module_output_buffer(
// self.raw_script_result, i)
// };
// let name = self.module_filename(i);
// module_output_buffers.insert(
// name.to_owned(),
// WabtBuf { raw_buffer: module_output_buffer },
// );
// }
// Ok(WabtWriteScriptResultRelease {
// json_output_buffer: WabtBuf { raw_buffer: json_output_buffer },
// _log_output_buffer: WabtBuf { raw_buffer: log_output_buffer },
// module_output_buffers,
// })
// } else {
// Err(())
// }
// }
//impl Drop for WabtWriteScriptResult {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// ffi::wabt_destroy_write_script_result(self.raw_script_result);
// }
// }
//fn module() {
// let binary_module = wat2wasm(r#"
// (import "foo" "bar" (func (param f32)))
// (memory (data "hi"))
// (type (func (param i32) (result i32)))
// (start 1)
// (table 0 1 anyfunc)
// (func)
// (func (type 1)
// i32.const 42
// drop)
// (export "e" (func 1)))
// let mut module = Module::read_binary(&binary_module, &ReadBinaryOptions::default()).unwrap();
// module.resolve_names().unwrap();
// module.validate().unwrap();
//fn test_wat2wasm() {
// assert_eq!(
// wat2wasm("(module)").unwrap(),
// &[0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0]
// );
// assert_eq!(
// wat2wasm(
// r#"
// (module
// )"#,
// ).unwrap(),
// &[0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0]
// );
// assert_eq!(wat2wasm("(modu"), Err(Error(ErrorKind::Parse(
//r#"test.wast:1:2: error: unexpected token "modu", expected a module field or a module.
// ^^^^
//fn test_wasm2wat() {
// assert_eq!(
// wasm2wat(&[
// 0, 97, 115, 109, // \0ASM - magic
// 1, 0, 0, 0 // 01 - version
// ]),
// Ok("(module)\n".to_owned()),
// );
// assert_eq!(
// wasm2wat(&[
// 0, 97, 115, 109, // \0ASM - magic
// ]),
// Err(Error(ErrorKind::Deserialize(
// "0000004: error: unable to read uint32_t: version\n".to_owned()
// ))),
// );
//#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
//fn roundtrip() {
// #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
// let factorial: &[u8] = &[
// 0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 96, 1, 124, 1, 124, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 7,
// 1, 3, 102, 97, 99, 0, 0, 10, 46, 1, 44, 0, 32, 0, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240,
// 63, 99, 4, 124, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 63, 5, 32, 0, 32, 0, 68, 0, 0, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 240, 63, 161, 16, 0, 162, 11, 11
// ];
// let text = wasm2wat(&factorial).unwrap();
// let binary = wat2wasm(&text).unwrap();
// assert_eq!(&*factorial, &*binary);