blob: cbc0dc861f558480e3ed36c96b06673c99102e80 [file] [log] [blame]
use matrix::{Matrix, BaseMatrix, BaseMatrixMut};
use matrix::{back_substitution};
use matrix::PermutationMatrix;
use vector::Vector;
use error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use std::vec::*;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cmp;
use libnum::{Float, Zero, One};
use matrix::decomposition::Decomposition;
/// Result of unpacking an instance of
/// [PartialPivLu](struct.PartialPivLu.html).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LUP<T> {
/// The lower triangular matrix in the decomposition.
pub l: Matrix<T>,
/// The upper triangular matrix in the decomposition.
pub u: Matrix<T>,
/// The permutation matrix in the decomposition.
pub p: PermutationMatrix<T>
/// LU decomposition with partial pivoting.
/// For any square matrix A, there exist a permutation matrix
/// `P`, a lower triangular matrix `L` and an upper triangular
/// matrix `U` such that
/// ```text
/// PA = LU.
/// ```
/// However, due to the way partial pivoting algorithms work,
/// LU decomposition with partial pivoting is in general
/// *only numerically stable for well-conditioned invertible matrices*.
/// That said, partial pivoting is sufficient in the vast majority
/// of practical applications, and it is also the fastest of the
/// pivoting schemes in existence.
/// # Applications
/// Given a matrix `x`, computing the LU(P) decomposition is simple:
/// ```
/// use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::{PartialPivLu, LUP, Decomposition};
/// use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// let x = Matrix::<f64>::identity(4);
/// // The matrix is consumed and its memory
/// // re-purposed for the decomposition
/// let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).expect("Matrix is invertible.");
/// // See below for applications
/// // ...
/// // The factors L, U and P can be obtained by unpacking the
/// // decomposition, for example by destructuring as seen here
/// let LUP { l, u, p } = lu.unpack();
/// ```
/// ## Solving linear systems
/// Arguably the most common use case of LU decomposition
/// is the computation of solutions to (multiple) linear systems
/// that share the same coefficient matrix.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::PartialPivLu;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let x = Matrix::identity(4);
/// # let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
/// let b = vector![3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0];
/// let y = lu.solve(b)
/// .expect("Matrix is invertible.");
/// assert_vector_eq!(y, vector![3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0], comp = float);
/// // We can efficiently solve multiple such systems
/// let c = vector![0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
/// let z = lu.solve(c).unwrap();
/// assert_vector_eq!(z, vector![0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], comp = float);
/// # }
/// ```
/// ## Computing the inverse of a matrix
/// The LU decomposition provides a convenient way to obtain
/// the inverse of the decomposed matrix. However, please keep
/// in mind that explicitly computing the inverse of a matrix
/// is *usually* a bad idea. In many cases, one might instead simply
/// solve multiple systems using `solve`.
/// For example, a common misconception is that when one needs
/// to solve multiple linear systems `Ax = b` for different `b`,
/// one should pre-compute the inverse of the matrix for efficiency.
/// In fact, this is practically never a good idea! A far more efficient
/// and accurate method is to perform the LU decomposition once, and
/// then solve each system as shown in the examples of the previous
/// subsection.
/// That said, there are definitely cases where an explicit inverse is
/// needed. In these cases, the inverse can easily be obtained
/// through the `inverse()` method.
/// # Computing the determinant of a matrix
/// Once the LU decomposition has been obtained, computing
/// the determinant of the decomposed matrix is a very cheap
/// operation.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::PartialPivLu;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// # fn main() {
/// # let x = Matrix::<f64>::identity(4);
/// # let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(lu.det(), 1.0);
/// # }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PartialPivLu<T> {
lu: Matrix<T>,
p: PermutationMatrix<T>
impl<T: Clone + One + Zero> Decomposition for PartialPivLu<T> {
type Factors = LUP<T>;
fn unpack(self) -> LUP<T> {
use internal_utils::nullify_lower_triangular_part;
let l = unit_lower_triangular_part(&;
let mut u =;
nullify_lower_triangular_part(&mut u);
l: l,
u: u,
p: self.p
impl<T: 'static + Float> PartialPivLu<T> {
/// Performs the decomposition.
/// # Panics
/// The matrix must be square.
/// # Errors
/// An error will be returned if the matrix
/// is singular to working precision (badly conditioned).
pub fn decompose(matrix: Matrix<T>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let n = matrix.cols;
assert!(matrix.rows == n, "Matrix must be square for LU decomposition.");
let mut lu = matrix;
let mut p = PermutationMatrix::identity(n);
for index in 0..n {
let mut curr_max_idx = index;
let mut curr_max = lu[[curr_max_idx, curr_max_idx]];
for i in (curr_max_idx+1)..n {
if lu[[i, index]].abs() > curr_max.abs() {
curr_max = lu[[i, index]];
curr_max_idx = i;
if curr_max.abs() < T::epsilon() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::DivByZero,
"The matrix is too ill-conditioned for
LU decomposition with partial pivoting."));
lu.swap_rows(index, curr_max_idx);
p.swap_rows(index, curr_max_idx);
gaussian_elimination(&mut lu, index);
Ok(PartialPivLu {
lu: lu,
p: p.inverse()
// TODO: Remove Any bound (cannot for the time being, since
// back substitution uses Any bound)
impl<T> PartialPivLu<T> where T: Any + Float {
/// Solves the linear system `Ax = b`.
/// Here, `A` is the decomposed matrix satisfying
/// `PA = LU`. Note that this method is particularly
/// well suited to solving multiple such linear systems
/// involving the same `A` but different `b`.
/// # Errors
/// If the matrix is very ill-conditioned, the function
/// might fail to obtain the solution to the system.
/// # Panics
/// The right-hand side vector `b` must have compatible size.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::PartialPivLu;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// # fn main() {
/// let x = Matrix::identity(4);
/// let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
/// let b = vector![3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0];
/// let y = lu.solve(b)
/// .expect("Matrix is invertible.");
/// assert_vector_eq!(y, vector![3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0], comp = float);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn solve(&self, b: Vector<T>) -> Result<Vector<T>, Error> {
assert!(b.size() ==,
"Right-hand side vector must have compatible size.");
// Note that applying p here implicitly incurs a clone.
// TODO: Is it possible to avoid the clone somehow?
// To my knowledge, applying a permutation matrix
// in-place in O(n) time requires O(n) storage for bookkeeping.
// However, we might be able to get by with something like
// O(n log n) for the permutation as the forward/backward
// substitution algorithms are O(n^2), if this helps us
// avoid the memory overhead.
let b = lu_forward_substitution(&, &self.p * b);
back_substitution(&, b)
/// Computes the inverse of the matrix which this LUP decomposition
/// represents.
/// # Errors
/// The inversion might fail if the matrix is very ill-conditioned.
pub fn inverse(&self) -> Result<Matrix<T>, Error> {
let n =;
let mut inv = Matrix::zeros(n, n);
let mut e = Vector::zeros(n);
// To compute the inverse of a matrix A, note that
// we can simply solve the system
// AX = I,
// where X is the inverse of A, and I is the identity
// matrix of appropriate dimension.
// Note that this is not optimal in terms of performance,
// and there is likely significant potential for improvement.
// A more performant technique is usually to compute the
// triangular inverse of each of the L and U triangular matrices,
// but this again requires efficient algorithms (blocked/recursive)
// to invert triangular matrices, which at this point
// we do not have available.
// Solve for each column of the inverse matrix
for i in 0 .. n {
e[i] = T::one();
let col = try!(self.solve(e));
for j in 0 .. n {
inv[[j, i]] = col[j];
e = col.apply(&|_| T::zero());
/// Computes the determinant of the decomposed matrix.
/// Note that the determinant of an empty matrix is considered
/// to be equal to 1.
pub fn det(&self) -> T {
// Recall that the determinant of a triangular matrix
// is the product of its diagonal entries. Also,
// the determinant of L is implicitly 1.
let u_det =, |x, &y| x * y);
// Note that the determinant of P is equal to the
// determinant of P^T, so we don't have to invert it
let p_det = self.p.clone().det();
p_det * u_det
/// Result of unpacking an instance of
/// [FullPivLu](struct.FullPivLu.html).
/// PAQ = LU
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LUPQ<T> {
/// The lower triangular matrix in the decomposition.
pub l: Matrix<T>,
/// The upper triangular matrix in the decomposition.
pub u: Matrix<T>,
/// The row-exchange permutation matrix in the decomposition.
pub p: PermutationMatrix<T>,
/// The column-exchange permutation matrix in the decomposition.
pub q: PermutationMatrix<T>
/// LU decomposition with complete pivoting.
/// For any square matrix A, there exist two permutation matrices
/// `P` and `Q`, a lower triangular matrix `L` and an upper triangular
/// matrix `U` such that
/// ```text
/// PAQ = LU.
/// ```
/// Unlike the LU decomposition computed with partial pivoting, this
/// decomposition is stable for singular matrices. It is also a rank-
/// revealing decomposition.
/// See [PartialPivLu](decomposition/struct.PartialPivLu.html) for
/// applications of LU decompositions in general.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FullPivLu<T> {
lu: Matrix<T>,
p: PermutationMatrix<T>,
q: PermutationMatrix<T>
impl<T: Clone + One + Zero> Decomposition for FullPivLu<T> {
type Factors = LUPQ<T>;
fn unpack(self) -> LUPQ<T> {
use internal_utils::nullify_lower_triangular_part;
let l = unit_lower_triangular_part(&;
let mut u =;
nullify_lower_triangular_part(&mut u);
l: l,
u: u,
p: self.p,
q: self.q,
impl<T: 'static + Float> FullPivLu<T> {
fn select_pivot(mat: &Matrix<T>, index: usize) -> (usize, usize, T) {
let mut piv_row = index;
let mut piv_col = index;
let mut piv_val = mat[[index,index]];
for row in index..mat.rows() {
for col in index..mat.cols() {
let val = mat[[row,col]];
if val.abs() > piv_val.abs() {
piv_val = val;
piv_row = row;
piv_col = col;
(piv_row, piv_col, piv_val)
/// Performs the decomposition.
pub fn decompose(matrix: Matrix<T>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
matrix.rows() == matrix.cols(),
"Matrix must be square for LU decomposition.");
let mut lu = matrix;
let nrows = lu.rows();
let ncols = lu.cols();
let diag_size = cmp::min(nrows, ncols);
let mut p = PermutationMatrix::identity(nrows);
let mut q = PermutationMatrix::identity(ncols);
for index in 0..diag_size {
// Select the current pivot. This is the largest value in
// the bottom right corner of the matrix, starting at
// (index, index).
let (piv_row, piv_col, piv_val) = FullPivLu::select_pivot(&lu, index);
if piv_val.abs() == T::zero() {
lu.swap_rows(index, piv_row);
lu.swap_cols(index, piv_col);
p.swap_rows(index, piv_row);
// This is a little misleading, but even though
// we're calling swap_rows here, since q is applied on the
// right to A (i.e. P * A * Q), the result is a column swap of A.
q.swap_rows(index, piv_col);
// We've swapped the pivot row and column so that the pivot
// ends up in the (index, index) position, so apply gaussian
// elimination to the bottom-right corner.
gaussian_elimination(&mut lu, index);
Ok(FullPivLu {
lu: lu,
p: p.inverse(),
q: q.inverse()
// TODO: Remove Any bound (cannot for the time being, since
// back substitution uses Any bound)
impl<T> FullPivLu<T> where T: Any + Float {
/// Solves the linear system `Ax = b`.
/// Here, `A` is the decomposed matrix satisfying
/// `PAQ = LU`. Note that this method is particularly
/// well suited to solving multiple such linear systems
/// involving the same `A` but different `b`.
/// # Errors
/// If the matrix is very ill-conditioned, the function
/// might fail to obtain the solution to the system.
/// # Panics
/// The right-hand side vector `b` must have compatible size.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::FullPivLu;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// # fn main() {
/// let x = Matrix::identity(4);
/// let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
/// let b = vector![3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0];
/// let y = lu.solve(b)
/// .expect("Matrix is invertible.");
/// assert_vector_eq!(y, vector![3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0], comp = float);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn solve(&self, b: Vector<T>) -> Result<Vector<T>, Error> {
assert!(b.size() ==,
"Right-hand side vector must have compatible size.");
let b = lu_forward_substitution(&, &self.p * b);
back_substitution(&, b).map(|x| &self.q * x)
/// Computes the inverse of the matrix which this LUP decomposition
/// represents.
/// # Errors
/// The inversion might fail if the matrix is very ill-conditioned.
/// The inversion fails if the matrix is not invertible.
pub fn inverse(&self) -> Result<Matrix<T>, Error> {
let n =;
let mut inv = Matrix::zeros(n, n);
let mut e = Vector::zeros(n);
if !self.is_invertible() {
return Err(
"Non-invertible matrix found while attempting inversion"));
for i in 0 .. n {
e[i] = T::one();
let col = try!(self.solve(e));
for j in 0 .. n {
inv[[j, i]] = col[j];
e = col.apply(&|_| T::zero());
/// Computes the determinant of the decomposed matrix.
/// Empty matrices are considered to have a determinant of 1.0.
/// # Panics
/// If the underlying matrix is non-square.
pub fn det(&self) -> T {
// Recall that the determinant of a triangular matrix
// is the product of its diagonal entries. Also,
// the determinant of L is implicitly 1.
let u_det =, |x, &y| x * y);
// Note that the determinants of P and Q are equal to the
// determinant of P^T and Q^T, so we don't have to invert them
let p_det = self.p.clone().det();
let q_det = self.q.clone().det();
p_det * u_det * q_det
/// Computes the rank of the decomposed matrix.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::FullPivLu;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// # fn main() {
/// let x = matrix![1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
/// 4.0, 5.0, 6.0;
/// 5.0, 7.0, 9.0];
/// let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(lu.rank(), 2);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn rank(&self) -> usize {
let eps = self.epsilon();
let mut rank = 0;
for d in {
if d.abs() > eps {
rank = rank + 1;
} else {
/// Returns whether the matrix is invertible.
/// Empty matrices are considered to be invertible for
/// the sake of this function.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::decomposition::FullPivLu;
/// # use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// # fn main() {
/// let x = Matrix::<f64>::identity(4);
/// let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
/// assert!(lu.is_invertible());
/// let y = matrix![1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
/// 4.0, 5.0, 6.0;
/// 5.0, 7.0, 9.0];
/// let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(y).unwrap();
/// assert!(!lu.is_invertible());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn is_invertible(&self) -> bool {
let diag_size = cmp::min(,;
if diag_size > 0 {
let diag_last = diag_size - 1;
let last =
unsafe {[diag_last, diag_last]) };
last.abs() > self.epsilon()
} else {
fn epsilon(&self) -> T {[0, 0]).unwrap_or(&T::one()).abs() * T::epsilon()
/// Performs Gaussian elimination in the lower-right hand corner starting at
/// (index, index).
fn gaussian_elimination<T: Float>(lu: &mut Matrix<T>, index: usize) {
let piv_val = lu[[index, index]];
for i in (index+1) {
let mult = lu[[i, index]] / piv_val;
lu[[i, index]] = mult;
for j in (index+1) {
lu[[i, j]] = lu[[i,j]] - mult*lu[[index, j]];
/// Performs forward substitution using the LU matrix
/// for which L has an implicit unit diagonal. That is,
/// the strictly lower triangular part of LU corresponds
/// to the strictly lower triangular part of L.
/// This is equivalent to solving the system Lx = b.
fn lu_forward_substitution<T: Float>(lu: &Matrix<T>, b: Vector<T>) -> Vector<T> {
assert!(lu.rows() == lu.cols(), "LU matrix must be square.");
assert!(b.size() == lu.rows(), "LU matrix and RHS vector must be compatible.");
let mut x = b;
for (i, row) in lu.row_iter().enumerate().skip(1) {
// Note that at time of writing we need raw_slice here for
// auto-vectorization to kick in
let adjustment = row.raw_slice()
.fold(T::zero(), |sum, (l, x)| sum + l * x);
x[i] = x[i] - adjustment;
fn unit_lower_triangular_part<T, M>(matrix: &M) -> Matrix<T>
where T: Zero + One + Clone, M: BaseMatrix<T> {
let m = matrix.rows();
let mut data = Vec::<T>::with_capacity(m * m);
for (i, row) in matrix.row_iter().enumerate() {
for element in row.iter().take(i).cloned() {
for _ in (i + 1) .. m {
Matrix::new(m, m, data)
impl<T> Matrix<T> where T: Any + Float
/// Computes L, U, and P for LUP decomposition.
/// Returns L,U, and P respectively.
/// This function is deprecated.
/// Please see [PartialPivLu](decomposition/struct.PartialPivLu.html)
/// for a replacement.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rulinalg; fn main() {
/// use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix;
/// let a = matrix![1.0, 2.0, 0.0;
/// 0.0, 3.0, 4.0;
/// 5.0, 1.0, 2.0];
/// let (l, u, p) = a.lup_decomp().expect("This matrix should decompose!");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// - Matrix is not square.
/// # Failures
/// - Matrix cannot be LUP decomposed.
pub fn lup_decomp(self) -> Result<(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>), Error> {
let n = self.cols;
assert!(self.rows == n, "Matrix must be square for LUP decomposition.");
let mut l = Matrix::<T>::zeros(n, n);
let mut u = self;
let mut p = Matrix::<T>::identity(n);
for index in 0..n {
let mut curr_max_idx = index;
let mut curr_max = u[[curr_max_idx, curr_max_idx]];
for i in (curr_max_idx+1)..n {
if u[[i, index]].abs() > curr_max.abs() {
curr_max = u[[i, index]];
curr_max_idx = i;
if curr_max.abs() < T::epsilon() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::DivByZero,
"Singular matrix found in LUP decomposition. \
A value in the diagonal of U == 0.0."));
if curr_max_idx != index {
l.swap_rows(index, curr_max_idx);
u.swap_rows(index, curr_max_idx);
p.swap_rows(index, curr_max_idx);
l[[index, index]] = T::one();
for i in (index+1)..n {
let mult = u[[i, index]]/curr_max;
l[[i, index]] = mult;
u[[i, index]] = T::zero();
for j in (index+1)..n {
u[[i, j]] = u[[i,j]] - mult*u[[index, j]];
Ok((l, u, p))
mod tests {
use matrix::{Matrix, PermutationMatrix};
use testsupport::{is_lower_triangular, is_upper_triangular};
use super::{PartialPivLu, LUP, FullPivLu, LUPQ};
use matrix::decomposition::Decomposition;
fn test_non_square_lup_decomp() {
let a: Matrix<f64> = Matrix::ones(2, 3);
let _ = a.lup_decomp();
fn test_lup_decomp() {
use error::ErrorKind;
let a: Matrix<f64> = matrix![
1., 2., 3., 4.;
0., 0., 0., 0.;
0., 0., 0., 0.;
0., 0., 0., 0.
match a.lup_decomp() {
Err(e) => assert!(*e.kind() == ErrorKind::DivByZero),
Ok(_) => panic!()
fn partial_piv_lu_decompose_arbitrary() {
// Since the LUP decomposition is not in general unique,
// we can not test against factors directly, but
// instead we must rely on the fact that the
// matrices P, L and U together construct the
// original matrix
let x = matrix![ -3.0, 0.0, 4.0, 1.0;
-12.0, 5.0, 17.0, 1.0;
15.0, 0.0, -18.0, -5.0;
6.0, 20.0, -10.0, -15.0 ];
let LUP { l, u, p } = PartialPivLu::decompose(x.clone())
let y = p.inverse() * &l * &u;
assert_matrix_eq!(x, y, comp = float);
pub fn partial_piv_lu_inverse_identity() {
let lu = PartialPivLu::<f64> {
lu: Matrix::identity(3),
p: PermutationMatrix::identity(3)
let inv = lu.inverse().expect("Matrix is invertible.");
assert_matrix_eq!(inv, Matrix::identity(3), comp = float);
pub fn partial_piv_lu_inverse_arbitrary_invertible_matrix() {
let x = matrix![5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0;
4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0;
1.0, 6.0, 4.0, 5.0];
let inv = matrix![1.85185185185185203e-01, 1.85185185185185175e-01, -7.40740740740740561e-02, -1.02798428206033007e-17;
1.66666666666666630e-01, 6.66666666666666519e-01, -6.66666666666666519e-01, 4.99999999999999833e-01;
-3.88888888888888840e-01, 1.11111111111111174e-01, 5.55555555555555358e-01, -4.99999999999999833e-01;
7.40740740740740838e-02, -9.25925925925925819e-01, 3.70370370370370294e-01, 5.13992141030165006e-17];
let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
assert_matrix_eq!(lu.inverse().unwrap(), inv, comp = float);
pub fn partial_piv_lu_det_identity() {
let lu = PartialPivLu::<f64> {
lu: Matrix::identity(3),
p: PermutationMatrix::identity(3)
assert_eq!(lu.det(), 1.0);
pub fn partial_piv_lu_det_arbitrary_invertible_matrix() {
let x = matrix![ 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0;
15.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0;
5.0, 2.0, 17.0, 32.0];
let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
let expected_det = 149.99999999999997;
assert_scalar_eq!(lu.det(), expected_det, comp = float);
pub fn partial_piv_lu_solve_arbitrary_matrix() {
let x = matrix![ 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0;
4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0;
1.0, 6.0, 4.0, 5.0 ];
let b = vector![9.0, 16.0, 49.0, 45.0];
let expected = vector![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];
let lu = PartialPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
let y = lu.solve(b).unwrap();
// Need to up the tolerance to take into account
// numerical error. Ideally there'd be a more systematic
// way to test this.
assert_vector_eq!(y, expected, comp = ulp, tol = 100);
pub fn lu_forward_substitution() {
use super::lu_forward_substitution;
let lu: Matrix<f64> = matrix![];
let b = vector![];
let x = lu_forward_substitution(&lu, b);
assert!(x.size() == 0);
let lu = matrix![3.0];
let b = vector![1.0];
let x = lu_forward_substitution(&lu, b);
assert_eq!(x, vector![1.0]);
let lu = matrix![3.0, 2.0;
2.0, 2.0];
let b = vector![1.0, 2.0];
let x = lu_forward_substitution(&lu, b);
assert_eq!(x, vector![1.0, 0.0]);
fn full_piv_lu_decompose_arbitrary() {
// Since the LUP decomposition is not in general unique,
// we can not test against factors directly, but
// instead we must rely on the fact that the
// matrices P, L and U together construct the
// original matrix
let x = matrix![ -3.0, 0.0, 4.0, 1.0;
-12.0, 5.0, 17.0, 1.0;
15.0, 0.0, -18.0, -5.0;
6.0, 20.0, -10.0, -15.0 ];
let LUPQ { l, u, p, q } = FullPivLu::decompose(x.clone())
let y = p.inverse() * &l * &u * q.inverse();
assert_matrix_eq!(x, y, comp = float);
fn full_piv_lu_decompose_singular() {
let x = matrix![ -3.0, 0.0, 4.0, 1.0;
-12.0, 5.0, 17.0, 1.0;
15.0, 0.0, -18.0, -5.0;
-6.0, 0.0, 8.0, 2.0 ];
let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(lu.rank(), 3);
let LUPQ { l, u, p, q } = lu.unpack();
let y = p.inverse() * &l * &u * q.inverse();
assert_matrix_eq!(x, y, comp = float);
fn full_piv_lu_decompose_rectangular() {
let x = matrix![ -3.0, 0.0, 4.0;
-12.0, 5.0, 17.0;
15.0, 0.0, -18.0;
-6.0, 0.0, 20.0];
pub fn full_piv_lu_solve_arbitrary_matrix() {
let x = matrix![ 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0;
4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0;
1.0, 6.0, 4.0, 5.0 ];
let b = vector![9.0, 16.0, 49.0, 45.0];
let expected = vector![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];
let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
let y = lu.solve(b).unwrap();
// Need to up the tolerance to take into account
// numerical error. Ideally there'd be a more systematic
// way to test this.
assert_vector_eq!(y, expected, comp = ulp, tol = 100);
pub fn full_piv_lu_inverse_arbitrary_invertible_matrix() {
let x = matrix![5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0;
4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0;
1.0, 6.0, 4.0, 5.0];
let inv = matrix![1.85185185185185203e-01, 1.85185185185185175e-01, -7.40740740740740561e-02, -1.02798428206033007e-17;
1.66666666666666630e-01, 6.66666666666666519e-01, -6.66666666666666519e-01, 4.99999999999999833e-01;
-3.88888888888888840e-01, 1.11111111111111174e-01, 5.55555555555555358e-01, -4.99999999999999833e-01;
7.40740740740740838e-02, -9.25925925925925819e-01, 3.70370370370370294e-01, 5.13992141030165006e-17];
let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
assert_matrix_eq!(lu.inverse().unwrap(), inv, comp = float);
pub fn full_piv_lu_inverse_noninvertible() {
let x = matrix![5.0, 0.0, 1.0;
4.0, 5.0, 5.0;
9.0, 5.0, 6.0];
let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
pub fn full_piv_lu_empty_matrix() {
use matrix::base::BaseMatrix;
let x = Matrix::from_fn(0, 0, |_, _| 0.0);
assert_eq!(x.rows(), 0);
assert_eq!(x.cols(), 0);
let lu = FullPivLu::decompose(x).unwrap();
assert_eq!(lu.rank(), 0);
assert_eq!(lu.det(), 1.0);
let inverse = lu.inverse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(inverse.rows(), 0);
assert_eq!(inverse.cols(), 0);
let LUPQ { l, u, p, q } = lu.unpack();
assert_eq!(l.rows(), 0);
assert_eq!(l.cols(), 0);
assert_eq!(u.rows(), 0);
assert_eq!(u.cols(), 0);
assert_eq!(p.size(), 0);
assert_eq!(q.size(), 0);