blob: d7824eb565d5564de4a9ef922b252e63e6ad3bed [file] [log] [blame]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use ::Result;
use ast::*;
use instruction::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::f64;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Error as FmtError, Formatter};
use std::mem::swap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use value::*;
const MAX_REGISTERS: i32 = 200;
const REG_UNDEFINED: usize = OPCODE_MAXA as usize;
const LABEL_NO_JUMP: usize = 0;
const FIELDS_PER_FLUSH: i32 = 50;
fn lua_modulo(lhs: f64, rhs: f64) -> f64 {
let mut v = lhs % rhs;
if lhs < 0.0 || rhs < 0.0 && !(lhs < 0.0 && rhs < 0.0) {
v += rhs;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
enum ExprScope {
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
struct ExprContext {
scope: ExprScope,
reg: usize,
/// opt >= 0: wants varargopt+1 results, i.e a = func()
/// opt = -1: ignore results i.e func()
/// opt = -2: receive all results i.e a = {func()}
opt: i32,
impl ExprContext {
fn new(scope: ExprScope, reg: usize, opt: i32) -> ExprContext {
ExprContext {
fn with_opt(opt: i32) -> ExprContext {
ExprContext::new(ExprScope::None, REG_UNDEFINED, opt)
fn update(&mut self, typ: ExprScope, reg: usize, opt: i32) {
self.scope = typ;
self.reg = reg;
self.opt = opt;
fn savereg(&self, reg: usize) -> usize {
if self.scope != ExprScope::Local || self.reg == REG_UNDEFINED {
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct AssignContext {
expr_ctx: ExprContext,
keyrk: usize,
valrk: usize,
keyks: bool,
/// need move
nmove: bool,
impl AssignContext {
fn new(expr_ctx: ExprContext, keyrk: usize, valrk: usize, keyks: bool, nmove: bool) -> AssignContext {
AssignContext {
struct Lblabels {
t: i32,
f: i32,
e: i32,
b: bool,
impl Lblabels {
fn new(t: i32, f: i32, e: i32, b: bool) -> Lblabels {
Lblabels {
fn start_line<T>(p: &Node<T>) -> u32 {
debug_assert!(p.line() != 0);
fn end_line<T>(p: &Node<T>) -> u32 {
debug_assert!(p.last_line() != 0);
fn int2fb(val: i32) -> i32 {
let mut e = 0;
let mut x = val;
while x >= 16 {
x = (x + 1) >> 1;
e += 1;
if x < 8 {
return x;
((e + 1) << 3) | (x - 8)
fn get_expr_name(expr: &Expr) -> String {
match expr {
Expr::Ident(ref s) => s.clone(),
Expr::AttrGet(ref key, _) => {
match key.inner() {
Expr::String(ref s) => s.clone(),
_ => "?".to_string()
_ => "?".to_string()
struct Instructions {
insts: Vec<u32>,
lines: Vec<u32>,
pc: usize,
impl Instructions {
fn new() -> Instructions {
Instructions {
insts: Vec::new(),
lines: Vec::new(),
pc: 0,
fn add(&mut self, inst: Instruction, line: u32) {
let len = self.insts.len();
if len <= 0 || self.pc == len {
} else {
let pc = self.pc;
self.insts[pc] = inst;
self.lines[pc] = line;
self.pc += 1;
fn add_ABC(&mut self, op: OpCode, a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, line: u32) {
self.add(ABC(op, a, b, c), line);
fn add_ABx(&mut self, op: OpCode, a: i32, bx: i32, line: u32) {
self.add(ABx(op, a, bx), line)
fn add_ASBx(&mut self, op: OpCode, a: i32, sbx: i32, line: u32) {
self.add(ASBx(op, a, sbx), line)
fn set_opcode(&mut self, pc: usize, op: OpCode) {
set_opcode(&mut self.insts[pc], op)
fn set_arga(&mut self, pc: usize, a: i32) {
set_arga(&mut self.insts[pc], a)
fn set_argb(&mut self, pc: usize, b: i32) {
set_argb(&mut self.insts[pc], b)
fn set_argc(&mut self, pc: usize, c: i32) {
set_argc(&mut self.insts[pc], c)
fn set_argbx(&mut self, pc: usize, bx: i32) {
set_argbx(&mut self.insts[pc], bx)
fn set_argsbx(&mut self, pc: usize, sbx: i32) {
set_argsbx(&mut self.insts[pc], sbx)
fn at(&self, pc: usize) -> Instruction {
fn list(&self) -> Vec<Instruction> {
let pc = self.pc;
fn line_list(&self) -> Vec<u32> {
let pc = self.pc;
fn pc(&self) -> usize {
fn last_pc(&self) -> usize {
self.pc - 1
fn last(&self) -> Instruction {
if self.pc == 0 {
} else {
self.insts[self.pc - 1]
fn pop(&mut self) {
self.pc -= 1
fn propagate_KMV(&mut self, top: usize, save: &mut usize, reg: &mut usize, inc: usize, loadk: bool) {
let lastinst = self.last();
if get_arga(lastinst) >= (top as i32) {
match get_opcode(lastinst) {
// if check `LOADK`
if loadk {
let cindex = get_argbx(lastinst);
if cindex <= opMaxIndexRk {
*save = rk_ask(cindex) as usize;
OP_MOVE => {
*save = get_argb(lastinst) as usize;
_ => {}
*save = *reg;
*reg += inc;
impl Debug for Instructions {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> StdResult<(), FmtError> {
writeln!(f, "PC: <{}>", self.pc)?;
for (i, inst) in self.insts.iter().enumerate() {
writeln!(f, "<{:04}:L{:04}> {}", i, self.lines[i], to_string(*inst))?;
/// Variable
struct Var {
index: usize,
name: String,
impl Var {
fn new(index: usize, name: String) -> Var {
Var {
/// Variable table
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct VarRegistry {
names: Vec<String>,
offset: usize,
impl VarRegistry {
fn new(offset: usize) -> VarRegistry {
VarRegistry {
names: Vec::new(),
fn names(&self) -> Vec<String> {
fn list(&self) -> Vec<Var> {
map(|(index, name)|
Var::new(index + self.offset, name.clone())).
fn last_index(&self) -> usize {
self.offset + self.names.len()
fn find(&self, name: &String) -> Option<usize> {
.find(|x| x.1 == name)
.map(|x| self.offset + x.0)
fn register_unique(&mut self, name: String) -> usize {
match self.find(&name) {
Some(index) => index,
None => self.register(name),
fn register(&mut self, name: String) -> usize {
self.names.len() - 1 + self.offset
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Block {
locals: VarRegistry,
break_label: usize,
parent: Option<Box<Block>>,
ref_upval: bool,
lineinfo: (u32, u32),
impl Block {
fn new(locals: VarRegistry, break_label: usize, lineinfo: (u32, u32)) -> Box<Block> {
Box::new(Block {
parent: None,
ref_upval: false,
/// Recursively find a local variable, return a block
/// containing a local variable
fn find_var_block(&mut self, name: &String) -> Option<&mut Block> {
match self.locals.find(name) {
Some(_) => Some(self),
None => match self.parent {
Some(ref mut parent) => parent.find_var_block(name),
None => None
fn set_parent(&mut self, parent: Option<Box<Block>>) {
self.parent = parent;
fn set_ref_upval(&mut self, b: bool) {
self.ref_upval = b;
fn startline(&self) -> u32 {
fn endline(&self) -> u32 {
const VARARG_HAS: u8 = 1;
const VARARG_IS: u8 = 2;
const VARARG_NEED: u8 = 4;
struct DebugLocalInfo {
name: String,
/// start pc
spc: usize,
/// end pc
epc: usize,
impl DebugLocalInfo {
fn new(name: String, spc: usize, epc: usize) -> Box<DebugLocalInfo> {
Box::new(DebugLocalInfo {
struct DebugCall {
name: String,
pc: usize,
impl DebugCall {
fn new(name: String, pc: usize) -> DebugCall {
DebugCall {
impl Debug for DebugCall {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> StdResult<(), FmtError> {
write!(f, "<{:04}> {}", self.pc,
pub struct FunctionProto {
source: String,
/// lineinfo: (startline, endline)
lineinfo: (u32, u32),
upval_count: u8,
param_count: u8,
is_vararg: u8,
used_registers: u8,
code: Vec<Instruction>,
constants: Vec<Rc<Value>>,
prototypes: Vec<Box<FunctionProto>>,
/// Debug information
debug_pos: Vec<u32>,
debug_locals: Vec<Box<DebugLocalInfo>>,
debug_calls: Vec<DebugCall>,
debug_upval: Vec<String>,
/// String constants
strings: Vec<String>,
impl FunctionProto {
pub fn new(source: String) -> Box<FunctionProto> {
Box::new(FunctionProto {
lineinfo: (0, 0),
upval_count: 0,
param_count: 0,
is_vararg: 0,
used_registers: 2,
code: Vec::with_capacity(128),
constants: Vec::with_capacity(32),
prototypes: Vec::with_capacity(16),
debug_pos: Vec::with_capacity(128),
debug_locals: Vec::with_capacity(16),
debug_calls: Vec::with_capacity(128),
debug_upval: Vec::with_capacity(16),
strings: Vec::with_capacity(32),
struct Compiler<'p> {
proto: Box<FunctionProto>,
code: Instructions,
parent: Option<&'p Compiler<'p>>,
upval: VarRegistry,
block: Box<Block>,
reg_top: usize,
label_id: i32,
label_pc: HashMap<i32, usize>,
impl<'p> Compiler<'p> {
fn new(source: String, parent: Option<&'p Compiler>) -> Box<Compiler<'p>> {
Box::new(Compiler {
proto: FunctionProto::new(source),
code: Instructions::new(),
upval: VarRegistry::new(0),
block: Block::new(VarRegistry::new(0), LABEL_NO_JUMP, (0, 0)),
reg_top: 0,
label_id: 1,
label_pc: HashMap::new(),
fn new_label(&mut self) -> i32 {
let r = self.label_id;
self.label_id += 1;
fn set_label_pc(&mut self, label: i32, pc: usize) {
self.label_pc.insert(label, pc);
fn get_label_pc(&self, label: i32) -> usize {
fn const_index(&mut self, value: Rc<Value>) -> usize {
let v = self.proto.constants
.find(|x| x.1 == &value)
.map(|x| x.0);
match v {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let index = self.proto.constants.len() - 1;
if index > (OPCODE_MAXBx as usize) {
panic!("{}:{:?} to many constants", self.proto.source, self.proto.lineinfo)
} else {
fn reg_top(&self) -> usize {
fn register_local_var(&mut self, name: String) -> usize {
let ret = self.block.locals.register(name.clone());
self.proto.debug_locals.push(DebugLocalInfo::new(name, self.code.pc(), 0));
self.reg_top += 1;
fn find_local_var(&self, name: &String) -> Option<usize> {
let mut blk = &self.block;
loop {
let r = blk.locals.find(name);
match r {
Some(i) => return Some(i),
None => match blk.parent {
Some(ref parent) => blk = parent,
None => return None
fn enter_block(&mut self, blabel: usize, lineinfo: (u32, u32)) {
let vtb = VarRegistry::new(self.reg_top());
let mut blk = Block::new(vtb, blabel, lineinfo);
swap(&mut blk, &mut self.block);
fn close_upval(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
if self.block.ref_upval {
match self.block.parent {
Some(ref parent) => {
let x = parent.locals.last_index();
self.code.add_ABC(OP_CLOSE, x as i32, 0, 0, self.block.endline());
None => None,
} else {
fn end_scope(&mut self) {
let last_pc = self.code.last_pc();
for vr in self.block.locals.list().iter() {
self.proto.debug_locals[vr.index].epc = last_pc;
fn leave_block(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
let closed = self.close_upval();
let mut parent: Option<Box<Block>> = None; // swap replacement
swap(&mut self.block.parent, &mut parent);
self.block = parent.unwrap();
self.reg_top = self.block.locals.last_index();
fn compile_chunk(&mut self, chunk: &Vec<StmtNode>) {
for stmt in chunk.iter() {
fn compile_block(&mut self, block: &Vec<StmtNode>) {
if block.len() < 1 {
let start_line = start_line(&block[0]);
let end_line = end_line(&block[block.len() - 1]);
self.enter_block(LABEL_NO_JUMP, (start_line, end_line));
for stmt in block.iter() {
fn get_ident_reftype(&self, name: &String) -> ExprScope {
// local variable
match self.find_local_var(name) {
Some(_) => ExprScope::Local,
None => {
// upvalue or global variable
let t = match self.parent {
Some(ref parent) => parent.get_ident_reftype(name),
None => ExprScope::Global,
if t != ExprScope::Global {
} else {
fn load_rk(&mut self, reg: &mut usize, expr: &ExprNode, cnst: Rc<Value>) -> i32 {
let cindex = self.const_index(cnst) as i32;
if cindex < opMaxIndexRk {
} else {
let ret = *reg;
*reg += 1;
self.code.add_ABx(OP_LOADK, ret as i32, cindex, start_line(expr));
ret as i32
fn compile_table_expr(&mut self, mut reg: usize, table: &ExprNode, expr_ctx: &ExprContext) {
let tablereg = reg;
reg += 1;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_NEWTABLE, tablereg as i32, 0, 0, start_line(table));
let tablepc = self.code.last_pc();
let regbase = reg;
if let Expr::Table(ref fields) = table.inner() {
let mut array_count = 0;
let mut lastvarargs = false;
let fieldlen = fields.len();
for (i, field) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
let islast = i == fieldlen - 1;
match field.key {
None => {
if islast && field.val.inner().is_vararg() {
lastvarargs = true;
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, &field.val, &ExprContext::with_opt(-2));
} else {
array_count += 1;
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, &field.val, &ExprContext::with_opt(0))
Some(ref key) => {
let regorg = reg;
let mut b = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(&key, &mut reg, &mut b);
let mut c = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(&field.val, &mut reg, &mut c);
let opcode = if let Expr::String(_) = key.inner() { OP_SETTABLEKS } else { OP_SETTABLE };
self.code.add_ABC(opcode, tablereg as i32, b as i32, c as i32, start_line(key));
reg = regorg;
let flush = array_count % FIELDS_PER_FLUSH;
if (array_count != 0 && (flush == 0 || islast)) || lastvarargs {
reg = regbase;
let num = if flush == 0 { FIELDS_PER_FLUSH } else { flush };
let mut c = (array_count - 1) / FIELDS_PER_FLUSH + 1;
let b = if islast && field.val.inner().is_vararg() { 0 } else { num };
let line = match field.key {
Some(ref expr) => start_line(expr),
None => start_line(&field.val),
if c > 511 {
c = 0;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_SETLIST, tablereg as i32, b as i32, c as i32, line);
if c == 0 {
self.code.add(0, line);
self.code.set_argb(tablepc, int2fb(array_count as i32));
self.code.set_argc(tablepc, int2fb(fieldlen as i32 - array_count));
if expr_ctx.scope == ExprScope::Local && expr_ctx.reg != tablereg {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_MOVE, expr_ctx.reg as i32, tablereg as i32, 0, start_line(table))
} else {
fn compile_fncall_expr(&mut self, mut reg: usize, expr: &ExprNode, expr_ctx: &ExprContext) -> usize {
if expr_ctx.scope == ExprScope::Local
&& self.proto.param_count > 0
&& expr_ctx.reg == self.proto.param_count as usize - 1 {
reg = expr_ctx.reg
let funcreg = reg;
let mut islastvargs = false;
let (name, argc) = match expr.inner() {
Expr::FuncCall(ref func) => {
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, &func.func, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
let len = func.args.len();
for (i, arg) in func.args.iter().enumerate() {
islastvargs = (i == len - 1) && arg.inner().is_vararg();
if islastvargs {
self.compile_expr(reg, arg, &ExprContext::with_opt(-2));
} else {
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, arg, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
(get_expr_name(&func.func.inner()), len)
Expr::MethodCall(ref method) => {
let mut b = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_MV_propagation(&method.receiver, &mut reg, &mut b);
let c = self.load_rk(&mut reg, expr, Rc::new(Value::String(method.method.clone())));
self.code.add_ABC(OP_SELF, funcreg as i32, b as i32, c, start_line(expr));
reg = b + 1;
let reg2 = funcreg + 2;
if reg2 > reg {
reg = reg2
let len = method.args.len();
for (i, arg) in method.args.iter().enumerate() {
islastvargs = (i == len - 1) && arg.inner().is_vararg();
if islastvargs {
self.compile_expr(reg, arg, &ExprContext::with_opt(-2));
} else {
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, arg, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
(method.method.clone(), len + 1)
_ => unreachable!()
let b = if islastvargs { 0 } else { argc + 1 };
self.code.add_ABC(OP_CALL, funcreg as i32, b as i32, expr_ctx.opt + 2, start_line(expr));
self.proto.debug_calls.push(DebugCall::new(name, self.code.last_pc()));
if expr_ctx.opt == 0 && expr_ctx.scope == ExprScope::Local && funcreg != expr_ctx.reg {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_MOVE, expr_ctx.reg as i32, funcreg as i32, 0, start_line(expr));
return 1;
if self.reg_top() > (funcreg + (expr_ctx.opt + 2) as usize) || expr_ctx.opt < -1 {
return 0;
(expr_ctx.opt + 1) as usize
fn compile_binary_arith_expr(&mut self, mut reg: usize,
opr: BinaryOpr, lhs: &ExprNode, rhs: &ExprNode,
expr_ctx: &ExprContext, line: u32) {
let a = expr_ctx.savereg(reg);
let mut b = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(lhs, &mut reg, &mut b);
let mut c = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(rhs, &mut reg, &mut c);
let opcode = match opr {
BinaryOpr::Add => OP_ADD,
BinaryOpr::Sub => OP_SUB,
BinaryOpr::Mul => OP_MUL,
BinaryOpr::Div => OP_DIV,
BinaryOpr::Mod => OP_MOD,
BinaryOpr::Pow => OP_POW,
_ => unreachable!()
self.code.add_ABC(opcode, a as i32, b as i32, c as i32, line);
fn compile_binary_rel_expr_aux(&mut self, mut reg: usize,
opr: BinaryOpr, lhs: &ExprNode, rhs: &ExprNode,
flip: i32, jumplabel: i32, line: u32) {
let mut b = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(lhs, &mut reg, &mut b);
let mut c = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(rhs, &mut reg, &mut c);
let inst = match opr {
BinaryOpr::Eq => ABC(OP_EQ, 0 ^ flip, b as i32, c as i32),
BinaryOpr::NE => ABC(OP_EQ, 1 ^ flip, b as i32, c as i32),
BinaryOpr::LT => ABC(OP_LT, 0 ^ flip, b as i32, c as i32),
BinaryOpr::GT => ABC(OP_LT, 0 ^ flip, c as i32, b as i32),
BinaryOpr::LE => ABC(OP_LE, 0 ^ flip, b as i32, c as i32),
BinaryOpr::GE => ABC(OP_LE, 0 ^ flip, c as i32, b as i32),
_ => unreachable!()
self.code.add(inst, line);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, jumplabel, line);
fn compile_binary_rel_expr(&mut self, reg: usize,
opr: BinaryOpr, lhs: &ExprNode, rhs: &ExprNode,
expr_ctx: &ExprContext, line: u32) {
let a = expr_ctx.savereg(reg);
let jumplabel = self.new_label();
self.compile_binary_rel_expr_aux(reg, opr, lhs, rhs, 1, jumplabel, line);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, a as i32, 0, 1, line);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(jumplabel, lastpc);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, a as i32, 1, 0, line);
fn compile_binary_log_expr_aux(&mut self, mut reg: usize,
expr: &ExprNode, expr_ctx: &ExprContext,
thenlabel: i32, elselabel: i32, hasnextcond: bool, lb: &mut Lblabels) {
let mut flip = 0;
let mut jumplabel = elselabel;
if hasnextcond {
flip = 1;
jumplabel = thenlabel;
match expr.inner() {
&Expr::False => {
if elselabel == lb.e {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, lb.f, start_line(expr));
lb.b = true;
} else {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, elselabel, start_line(expr));
&Expr::True => {
if thenlabel == lb.e {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, lb.t, start_line(expr));
lb.b = true;
} else {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, thenlabel, start_line(expr));
&Expr::Nil => {
if elselabel == lb.e {
self.compile_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, lb.e, start_line(expr));
} else {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, elselabel, start_line(expr));
&Expr::String(_) | &Expr::Number(_) => {
if thenlabel == lb.e {
self.compile_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, lb.e, start_line(expr));
} else {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, thenlabel, start_line(expr));
&Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::And, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let nextcondlabel = self.new_label();
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, lhs, expr_ctx, nextcondlabel, elselabel, false, lb);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(nextcondlabel, lastpc);
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, rhs, expr_ctx, thenlabel, elselabel, hasnextcond, lb);
&Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::Or, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let nextcondlabel = self.new_label();
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, lhs, expr_ctx, thenlabel, nextcondlabel, true, lb);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(nextcondlabel, lastpc);
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, rhs, expr_ctx, thenlabel, elselabel, hasnextcond, lb);
Expr::BinaryOp(ref opr, ref lhs, ref rhs)
if opr == &BinaryOpr::Eq ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::LT ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::LE ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::NE ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::GT ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::GE => {
if thenlabel == elselabel {
flip ^= 1;
jumplabel = lb.t;
lb.b = true;
} else if thenlabel == lb.e {
jumplabel = lb.t;
lb.b = true;
} else if elselabel == lb.e {
jumplabel = lb.f;
lb.b = true;
self.compile_binary_rel_expr_aux(reg, *opr, lhs, rhs, flip, jumplabel, start_line(expr));
_ => {
if !hasnextcond && thenlabel == elselabel {
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx);
} else {
let a = reg;
let sreg = expr_ctx.savereg(a);
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, expr, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
if sreg == a {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_TEST, a as i32, 0, 0 ^ flip, start_line(expr));
} else {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_TESTSET, sreg as i32, a as i32, 0 ^ flip, start_line(expr));
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, jumplabel, start_line(expr))
fn compile_binary_log_expr(&mut self, reg: usize,
opr: BinaryOpr, lhs: &ExprNode, rhs: &ExprNode,
expr_ctx: &ExprContext, line: u32) {
let a = expr_ctx.savereg(reg);
let endlabel = self.new_label();
let mut lb = Lblabels::new(self.new_label(), self.new_label(), endlabel, false);
let nextcondlabel = self.new_label();
match opr {
BinaryOpr::And => {
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, lhs, expr_ctx, nextcondlabel, endlabel, false, &mut lb);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(nextcondlabel, lastpc);
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, rhs, expr_ctx, endlabel, endlabel, false, &mut lb);
BinaryOpr::Or => {
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, lhs, expr_ctx, endlabel, nextcondlabel, true, &mut lb);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(nextcondlabel, lastpc);
self.compile_binary_log_expr_aux(reg, rhs, expr_ctx, endlabel, endlabel, false, &mut lb);
_ => unreachable!()
if lb.b {
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(lb.f, lastpc);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, a as i32, 0, 1, line);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(lb.t, lastpc);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, a as i32, 1, 0, line);
let lastinst = self.code.last();
if get_opcode(lastinst) == OP_JMP && get_argsbx(lastinst) == endlabel {
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(endlabel, lastpc);
fn compile_binaryop_expr(&mut self, mut reg: usize, expr: &ExprNode, expr_ctx: &ExprContext) {
match expr.inner() {
Expr::BinaryOp(ref opr, ref lhs, ref rhs)
if opr == &BinaryOpr::Add ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Sub ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Mul ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Div ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Mod ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Pow => {
if let Some(e) = self.const_fold(expr) {
let exprnode = ExprNode::new(e, expr.lineinfo());
self.compile_expr(reg, &exprnode, expr_ctx);
} else {
self.compile_binary_arith_expr(reg, *opr, lhs, rhs, expr_ctx, start_line(expr));
Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::Concat, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let mut crange = 1;
let mut current = rhs;
loop {
match current.inner() {
Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::Concat, ref sublhs, ref subrhs) => {
crange += 1;
current = subrhs;
_ => break
let a = expr_ctx.savereg(reg);
let basereg = reg;
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, lhs, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, rhs, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
let mut pc = self.code.last_pc();
while pc != 0 && get_opcode( == OP_CONCAT {
pc -= 1;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_CONCAT, a as i32, basereg as i32, basereg as i32 + crange, start_line(expr));
Expr::BinaryOp(ref opr, ref lhs, ref rhs)
if opr == &BinaryOpr::Eq ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::LT ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::LE ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::NE ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::GT ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::GE => {
self.compile_binary_rel_expr(reg, *opr, lhs, rhs, expr_ctx, start_line(expr));
Expr::BinaryOp(opr, ref lhs, ref rhs) if opr == &BinaryOpr::And || opr == &BinaryOpr::Or => {
self.compile_binary_log_expr(reg, *opr, lhs, rhs, expr_ctx, start_line(expr));
_ => unreachable!()
fn compile_unaryop_expr(&mut self, mut reg: usize, expr: &ExprNode, expr_ctx: &ExprContext) {
let (opcode, operand) = match expr.inner() {
Expr::UnaryOp(UnaryOpr::Not, ref subexpr) => {
match subexpr.inner() {
&Expr::True => {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, expr_ctx.savereg(reg) as i32, 0, 0, start_line(expr));
&Expr::False | &Expr::Nil => {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, expr_ctx.savereg(reg) as i32, 1, 0, start_line(expr));
_ => (OP_NOT, subexpr)
Expr::UnaryOp(UnaryOpr::Length, ref subexpr) => (OP_LEN, subexpr),
Expr::UnaryOp(UnaryOpr::Minus, ref subexpr) => {
if let Some(e) = self.const_fold(expr) {
let exprnode = ExprNode::new(e, expr.lineinfo());
self.compile_expr(reg, &exprnode, expr_ctx);
(OP_UNM, subexpr)
_ => unreachable!()
let a = expr_ctx.savereg(reg);
let mut b = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_MV_propagation(operand, &mut reg, &mut b);
self.code.add_ABC(opcode, a as i32, b as i32, 0, start_line(expr));
/// Attempts to constant fold (i.e. evaluate at compile time as an optimization) the given
/// operation on the two expressions.
/// Folding is attempted only on operations on numbers that are known constants
/// (e.g. `local x = 1+1` -> `local x = 2`). Moreover, constant folding is skipped on
/// division (or modulo) by zero (resulting in not-a-number, NaN), which Lua 5.1 folded
/// but it caused problems so this folding was eliminated in Lua 5.2.
/// Returns 1 (not 0) if folding was possible.
/// --see
fn const_fold(&mut self, expr: &ExprNode) -> Option<Expr> {
match expr.inner() {
Expr::UnaryOp(UnaryOpr::Minus, ref subexpr) => {
match self.const_fold(subexpr) {
None => if let Expr::Number(n) = subexpr.inner() { Some(Expr::Number(-n)) } else { None }
Some(sub) => {
if let Expr::Number(n) = sub {
} else {
Expr::BinaryOp(ref opr, ref lhs, ref rhs)
if opr == &BinaryOpr::Add ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Sub ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Mul ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Div ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Mod ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::Pow => {
if let Expr::Number(l) = lhs.inner() {
if let Expr::Number(r) = rhs.inner() {
let v = match opr {
&BinaryOpr::Add => { l + r }
&BinaryOpr::Sub => { l - r }
&BinaryOpr::Mul => { l * r }
&BinaryOpr::Div => { l / r }
&BinaryOpr::Mod => { lua_modulo(*l, *r) }
&BinaryOpr::Pow => { l.powf(*r) }
_ => unreachable!()
return Some(Expr::Number(v));
// TODO: partial fold
let subl = Box::new(ExprNode::new(self.const_fold(lhs)?, lhs.lineinfo()));
let subr = Box::new(ExprNode::new(self.const_fold(rhs)?, lhs.lineinfo()));
Some(Expr::BinaryOp(*opr, subl, subr))
Expr::Number(n) => Some(Expr::Number(*n)),
_ => None
fn compile_expr(&mut self, mut reg: usize, expr: &ExprNode, expr_ctx: &ExprContext) -> usize {
let sreg = expr_ctx.savereg(reg);
let mut sused: usize = if sreg < reg { 0 } else { 1 };
let svreg = sreg as i32;
// TODO: const value
match expr.inner() {
&Expr::True => self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, svreg, 1, 0, start_line(expr)),
&Expr::False => self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADBOOL, svreg, 0, 0, start_line(expr)),
&Expr::Nil => self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADNIL, svreg, svreg, 0, start_line(expr)),
&Expr::Number(f) => {
let num = self.const_index(Rc::new(Value::Number(f)));
self.code.add_ABx(OP_LOADK, svreg, num as i32, start_line(expr))
&Expr::String(ref s) => {
let index = self.const_index(Rc::new(Value::String(s.clone())));
self.code.add_ABx(OP_LOADK, svreg, index as i32, start_line(expr))
&Expr::Dots => {
if self.proto.is_vararg == 0 {
panic!("cannot use '...' outside a vararg function")
self.proto.is_vararg &= !VARARG_NEED;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_VARARG, svreg, expr_ctx.opt + 2, 0, start_line(expr));
sused = if self.reg_top() > (expr_ctx.opt + 2) as usize || expr_ctx.opt < -1 {
} else {
(svreg + 1 + expr_ctx.opt) as usize - reg
&Expr::Ident(ref s) => {
let identtype = self.get_ident_reftype(s);
match identtype {
ExprScope::Global => {
let index = self.const_index(Rc::new(Value::String(s.clone())));
self.code.add_ABx(OP_GETGLOBAL, svreg, index as i32, start_line(expr))
ExprScope::Upval => {
let index = self.upval.register_unique(s.clone());
self.code.add_ABC(OP_GETUPVAL, svreg, index as i32, 0, start_line(expr));
ExprScope::Local => {
let index = self.find_local_var(s).unwrap() as i32;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_MOVE, svreg, index, 0, start_line(expr));
_ => unreachable!()
&Expr::AttrGet(ref obj, ref key) => {
let a = svreg;
let mut b = reg.clone();
self.compile_expr_with_MV_propagation(obj, &mut reg, &mut b);
let mut c = reg.clone();
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(key, &mut reg, &mut c);
let opcode = if let &Expr::String(_) = key.inner() { OP_GETTABLEKS } else { OP_GETTABLE };
self.code.add_ABC(opcode, a, b as i32, c as i32, start_line(expr));
&Expr::Table(_) => {
self.compile_table_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx);
// TODO: needs?
sused = 1;
&Expr::FuncCall(_) | &Expr::MethodCall(_) => sused = self.compile_fncall_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx),
&Expr::BinaryOp(_, _, _) => self.compile_binaryop_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx),
&Expr::UnaryOp(_, _) => self.compile_unaryop_expr(reg, expr, expr_ctx),
&Expr::Function(ref params, ref stmts) => {
let (proto, upvals) = {
let mut subcompiler = Compiler::new(self.proto.source.clone(), Some(self));
subcompiler.compile_func_expr(params, stmts, expr_ctx, expr.lineinfo());
let mut upval = VarRegistry::new(0);
swap(&mut subcompiler.upval, &mut upval);
(subcompiler.proto, upval)
let protono = self.proto.prototypes.len();
self.code.add_ABx(OP_CLOSURE, svreg, protono as i32, start_line(expr));
for upv in &upvals.names {
let (op, mut index) = match self.block.find_var_block(upv) {
Some(blk) => {
blk.ref_upval = true;
(OP_MOVE, blk.locals.find(upv).unwrap() as i32)
None => {
match self.upval.find(upv) {
Some(i) => (OP_GETUPVAL, i as i32),
None => (OP_GETUPVAL, -1)
if index == -1 {
index = self.upval.register_unique(upv.clone()) as i32;
self.code.add_ABC(op, 0, index, 0, start_line(expr));
fn compile_expr_with_propagation(&mut self, expr: &ExprNode, reg: &mut usize, save: &mut usize, loadk: bool) {
let incr = self.compile_expr(*reg, expr, &ExprContext::with_opt(0));
match expr.inner() {
Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::And, _, _) | Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::Or, _, _) => {
*save = *reg;
*reg += incr;
_ => {
let top = self.reg_top();
self.code.propagate_KMV(top, save, reg, incr, loadk)
fn compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(&mut self, expr: &ExprNode, reg: &mut usize, save: &mut usize) {
self.compile_expr_with_propagation(expr, reg, save, true)
fn compile_expr_with_MV_propagation(&mut self, expr: &ExprNode, reg: &mut usize, save: &mut usize) {
self.compile_expr_with_propagation(expr, reg, save, false)
fn compile_assign_stmt_left(&mut self, lhs: &Vec<ExprNode>) -> (usize, Vec<AssignContext>) {
let mut reg = self.reg_top();
let len = lhs.len();
let mut acs = Vec::<AssignContext>::with_capacity(len);
for (i, expr) in lhs.iter().enumerate() {
let islast = i == len - 1;
match expr.inner() {
&Expr::Ident(ref s) => {
let identtype = self.get_ident_reftype(s);
let mut expr_ctx = ExprContext::new(identtype, REG_UNDEFINED, 0);
match identtype {
ExprScope::Global => {
ExprScope::Upval => {
ExprScope::Local => {
if islast {
// TODO: check
expr_ctx.reg = self.find_local_var(s).unwrap();
_ => unreachable!("invalid lhs identity type")
acs.push(AssignContext::new(expr_ctx, 0, 0, false, false))
&Expr::AttrGet(ref obj, ref key) => {
let mut expr_ctx = ExprContext::new(ExprScope::Table, REG_UNDEFINED, 0);
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(obj, &mut reg, &mut expr_ctx.reg);
let keyks = if let Expr::String(_) = key.inner() { true } else { false };
let mut assi_ctx = AssignContext::new(expr_ctx, 0, 0, keyks, false);
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(key, &mut reg, &mut assi_ctx.keyrk);
_ => unreachable!("invalid left expression:{:#?}", expr.inner())
(reg, acs)
fn compile_assign_stmt_right(&mut self, mut reg: usize,
lhs: &Vec<ExprNode>,
rhs: &Vec<ExprNode>,
mut acs: Vec<AssignContext>) -> (usize, Vec<AssignContext>) {
let lennames = lhs.len();
let lenexprs = rhs.len();
let mut namesassigned = 0;
while namesassigned < lennames {
// multiple assign with vararg function
if namesassigned < rhs.len() && rhs[namesassigned].inner().is_vararg() && (lenexprs - namesassigned - 1) <= 0 {
let opt = lennames - namesassigned - 1;
let regstart = reg;
let incr = self.compile_expr(reg, &rhs[namesassigned], &ExprContext::with_opt(opt as i32));
reg += incr;
for i in namesassigned..(namesassigned + incr) {
acs[i].nmove = true;
if acs[i].expr_ctx.scope == ExprScope::Table {
acs[i].valrk = regstart + (i - namesassigned);
namesassigned = lennames;
// regular assignment
let ac = &mut acs[namesassigned];
let mut nilexprs: Vec<ExprNode> = vec![];
let expr = if namesassigned >= lenexprs {
let mut expr = ExprNode::new(Expr::Nil, lhs[namesassigned].lineinfo());
} else {
let idx = reg;
let incr = self.compile_expr(reg, &expr, &ac.expr_ctx);
if ac.expr_ctx.scope == ExprScope::Table {
match expr.inner() {
Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::And, _, _) | Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::Or, _, _) => {
ac.valrk = idx;
reg += incr;
_ => {
let regtop = self.reg_top();
self.code.propagate_KMV(regtop, &mut ac.valrk, &mut reg, incr, true);
} else {
ac.nmove = incr != 0;
reg += incr;
namesassigned += 1;
let rightreg = reg - 1;
for i in namesassigned..lenexprs {
let opt = if i != lenexprs - 1 { 0 } else { -1 };
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, &rhs[i], &ExprContext::with_opt(opt));
(rightreg, acs)
fn compile_assign_stmt(&mut self, lhs: &Vec<ExprNode>, rhs: &Vec<ExprNode>) {
let lhslen = lhs.len();
let (reg, acs) = self.compile_assign_stmt_left(lhs);
let (reg, acs) = self.compile_assign_stmt_right(reg, lhs, rhs, acs);
let mut reg = reg as i32;
for j in 0..lhslen {
let i = lhslen - 1 - j;
let expr = &lhs[i];
match acs[i].expr_ctx.scope {
ExprScope::Local => {
if acs[i].nmove {
if let Expr::Ident(ref s) = expr.inner() {
let index = match self.find_local_var(s) {
Some(i) => i as i32,
None => -1
self.code.add_ABC(OP_MOVE, index, reg, 0, start_line(expr));
reg -= 1;
} else {
ExprScope::Global => {
if let Expr::Ident(ref s) = expr.inner() {
let index = self.const_index(Rc::new(Value::String(s.clone())));
self.code.add_ABx(OP_SETGLOBAL, reg, index as i32, start_line(expr));
reg -= 1;
} else {
ExprScope::Upval => {
if let Expr::Ident(ref s) = expr.inner() {
let index = self.upval.register_unique(s.clone());
self.code.add_ABC(OP_SETUPVAL, reg, index as i32, 0, start_line(expr));
reg -= 1;
} else {
ExprScope::Table => {
let opcode = if acs[i].keyks { OP_SETTABLEKS } else { OP_SETTABLE };
self.code.add_ABC(opcode, acs[i].expr_ctx.reg as i32, acs[i].keyrk as i32, acs[i].valrk as i32, start_line(expr));
if !is_k(acs[i].valrk as i32) {
reg -= 1;
_ => {}
fn compile_reg_assignment(&mut self, names: &Vec<String>, exprs: &Vec<ExprNode>,
mut reg: usize, nvars: usize, line: u32) {
let lennames = names.len();
let lenexprs = exprs.len();
let mut namesassigned = 0;
let mut expr_ctx = ExprContext::with_opt(0);
while namesassigned < lennames && namesassigned < lenexprs {
if exprs[namesassigned].inner().is_vararg() && (lenexprs - namesassigned - 1) <= 0 {
let opt = nvars - namesassigned;
expr_ctx.update(ExprScope::Vararg, reg, (opt - 1) as i32);
self.compile_expr(reg, &exprs[namesassigned], &expr_ctx);
reg += opt;
namesassigned = lennames;
} else {
expr_ctx.update(ExprScope::Local, reg, 0);
self.compile_expr(reg, &exprs[namesassigned], &expr_ctx);
reg += 1;
namesassigned += 1;
if lennames > namesassigned {
let left = lennames - namesassigned - 1;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_LOADNIL, reg as i32, (reg + left) as i32, 0, line);
reg += left;
for i in namesassigned..lenexprs {
let opt = if i != lenexprs - 1 { 0 } else { -1 };
expr_ctx.update(ExprScope::None, reg, opt);
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, &exprs[i], &expr_ctx);
fn compile_local_assign_stmt(&mut self, names: &Vec<String>, values: &Vec<ExprNode>, line: u32) {
let reg = self.reg_top();
if names.len() == 1 && values.len() == 1 {
if let Expr::Function(ref params, ref stmts) = values[0].inner() {
self.compile_reg_assignment(names, values, reg, names.len(), line);
self.compile_reg_assignment(names, values, reg, names.len(), line);
for name in names {
fn compile_branch_condition(&mut self, mut reg: usize, expr: &ExprNode,
thenlabel: i32, elselabel: i32, hasnextcond: bool) {
let startline = start_line(expr);
let (flip, jumplabel) = if hasnextcond { (1, thenlabel) } else { (0, elselabel) };
match expr.inner() {
&Expr::False | &Expr::Nil => {
if !hasnextcond {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, elselabel, startline);
&Expr::True | &Expr::Number(_) | &Expr::String(_) => {
if !hasnextcond {
&Expr::UnaryOp(UnaryOpr::Not, ref ex) => {
self.compile_branch_condition(reg, ex, elselabel, thenlabel, !hasnextcond);
&Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::And, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let nextcondlabel = self.new_label();
self.compile_branch_condition(reg, lhs, nextcondlabel, elselabel, false);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(nextcondlabel, lastpc);
self.compile_branch_condition(reg, rhs, thenlabel, elselabel, hasnextcond);
&Expr::BinaryOp(BinaryOpr::Or, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let nextcondlabel = self.new_label();
self.compile_branch_condition(reg, lhs, thenlabel, nextcondlabel, true);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(nextcondlabel, lastpc);
self.compile_branch_condition(reg, rhs, thenlabel, elselabel, hasnextcond);
&Expr::BinaryOp(ref opr, ref lhs, ref rhs)
if opr == &BinaryOpr::Eq ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::LT ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::LE ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::NE ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::GT ||
opr == &BinaryOpr::GE => {
self.compile_binary_rel_expr_aux(reg, *opr, lhs, rhs, flip, jumplabel, startline);
_ => {}
let mut a = reg;
self.compile_expr_with_MV_propagation(expr, &mut reg, &mut a);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_TEST, a as i32, 0, 0 ^ flip, startline);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, jumplabel, startline)
fn compile_while_stmt(&mut self, cond: &ExprNode, stmts: &Vec<StmtNode>,
star_line: u32, end_line: u32) {
let thenlabel = self.new_label();
let elselabel = self.new_label();
let condlabel = self.new_label();
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(condlabel, lastpc);
let regtop = self.reg_top();
self.compile_branch_condition(regtop, cond, thenlabel, elselabel, false);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(thenlabel, lastpc);
self.enter_block(elselabel as usize, (star_line, end_line));
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, condlabel as i32, end_line);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(elselabel, lastpc);
fn compile_repeat_stmt(&mut self, cond: &ExprNode, stmts: &Vec<StmtNode>,
star_line: u32, end_line: u32) {
let initlabel = self.new_label();
let thenlabel = self.new_label();
let elselabel = self.new_label();
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(initlabel, lastpc);
self.set_label_pc(elselabel, lastpc);
self.enter_block(thenlabel as usize, (star_line, end_line));
let regtop = self.reg_top();
self.compile_branch_condition(regtop, cond, thenlabel, elselabel, false);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(thenlabel, lastpc);
match self.leave_block() {
Some(n) => {
let label = self.new_label();
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, label, end_line);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(elselabel, lastpc);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_CLOSE, n as i32, 0, 0, end_line);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, initlabel, end_line);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(label, lastpc);
None => {}
fn compile_if_stmt(&mut self, ifelsethen: &IfThenElse, startline: u32, endline: u32) {
let thenlabel = self.new_label();
let elselabel = self.new_label();
let endlabel = self.new_label();
let regtop = self.reg_top();
self.compile_branch_condition(regtop, &ifelsethen.condition, thenlabel, elselabel, false);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(thenlabel, lastpc);
if ifelsethen.els.len() > 0 {
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, endlabel, startline)
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(elselabel, lastpc);
if ifelsethen.els.len() > 0 {
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(endlabel, lastpc);
fn compile_nfor_stmt(&mut self, nfor: &NumberFor, startline: u32, endline: u32) {
let endlabel = self.new_label();
let mut expr_ctx = ExprContext::with_opt(0);
self.enter_block(endlabel as usize, (startline, endline));
let regtop = self.reg_top();
let rindex = self.register_local_var(String::from("(for index)"));
expr_ctx.update(ExprScope::Local, rindex, 0);
self.compile_expr(regtop, &nfor.init, &expr_ctx);
let regtop = self.reg_top();
let rlimit = self.register_local_var(String::from("(for limit)"));
expr_ctx.update(ExprScope::Local, rlimit, 0);
self.compile_expr(regtop, &nfor.limit, &expr_ctx);
let regtop = self.reg_top();
let rstep = self.register_local_var(String::from("(for step)"));
expr_ctx.update(ExprScope::Local, rstep, 0);
self.compile_expr(regtop, &nfor.step, &expr_ctx);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_FORPREP, rindex as i32, 0, startline);
let bodypc = self.code.last_pc();
let flpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_FORLOOP, rindex as i32, bodypc as i32 - (flpc as i32 + 1), startline);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(endlabel, lastpc);
self.code.set_argsbx(bodypc, (flpc - bodypc) as i32);
fn compile_gfor_stmt(&mut self, gfor: &GenericFor, startline: u32, endline: u32) {
let endlabel = self.new_label();
let bodylable = self.new_label();
let fllabel = self.new_label();
let nnames = gfor.names.len();
self.enter_block(endlabel as usize, (startline, endline));
let rgen = self.register_local_var(String::from("(for generator)"));
self.register_local_var(String::from("(for state)"));
self.register_local_var(String::from("(for control)"));
let regtop = self.reg_top();
self.compile_reg_assignment(&gfor.names, &gfor.exprs, regtop - 3, 3, startline);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, fllabel, startline);
for name in &gfor.names {
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(bodylable, lastpc);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(fllabel, lastpc);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_TFORLOOP, rgen as i32, 0, nnames as i32, startline);
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, bodylable as i32, startline);
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.set_label_pc(endlabel, lastpc);
fn compile_return_stmt(&mut self, exprs: &Vec<ExprNode>, startline: u32, endline: u32) {
let lenexprs = exprs.len();
let mut reg = self.reg_top();
let a = reg;
let mut lastisvararg = false;
if lenexprs == 1 {
match exprs[0].inner() {
Expr::Ident(ref s) => {
if let Some(index) = self.find_local_var(s) {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_RETURN, index as i32, 2, 0, startline);
Expr::FuncCall(ref expr) => {
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, &exprs[0], &ExprContext::with_opt(-2));
let lastpc = self.code.last_pc();
self.code.set_opcode(lastpc, OP_TAILCALL);
self.code.add_ABC(OP_RETURN, a as i32, 0, 0, startline);
_ => {}
for (i, expr) in exprs.iter().enumerate() {
if i == lenexprs - 1 && expr.inner().is_vararg() {
self.compile_expr(reg, expr, &ExprContext::with_opt(-2));
lastisvararg = true;
} else {
reg += self.compile_expr(reg, expr, &ExprContext::with_opt(0))
let count = if lastisvararg { 0 } else { reg - a + 1 };
self.code.add_ABC(OP_RETURN, a as i32, count as i32, 0, startline);
fn compile_break_stmt(&mut self, startline: u32) {
let mut blk = &self.block;
loop {
let label = blk.break_label;
if label != LABEL_NO_JUMP {
if blk.ref_upval {
match blk.parent {
Some(ref parent) => {
self.code.add_ABC(OP_CLOSE, parent.locals.last_index() as i32, 0, 0, startline);
None => unreachable!()
self.code.add_ASBx(OP_JMP, 0, label as i32, startline);
match blk.parent {
Some(ref parent) => blk = parent,
None => break
panic!("no loop to break: {}", startline);
fn compile_stmt(&mut self, stmt: &StmtNode) {
let (startline, endline) = (start_line(stmt), end_line(stmt));
match stmt.inner() {
&Stmt::Assign(ref lhs, ref rhs) => self.compile_assign_stmt(lhs, rhs),
&Stmt::LocalAssign(ref names, ref values) => self.compile_local_assign_stmt(names, values, startline),
&Stmt::FuncCall(ref expr) | &Stmt::MethodCall(ref expr) => {
let regtop = self.reg_top();
self.compile_fncall_expr(regtop, expr, &ExprContext::with_opt(-1));
&Stmt::DoBlock(ref stmts) => {
self.enter_block(LABEL_NO_JUMP, (startline, endline));
&Stmt::While(ref cond, ref stmts) => self.compile_while_stmt(cond, stmts, startline, endline),
&Stmt::Repeat(ref cond, ref stmts) => self.compile_repeat_stmt(cond, stmts, startline, endline),
&Stmt::If(ref ifthenelse) => self.compile_if_stmt(ifthenelse, startline, endline),
&Stmt::NumberFor(ref nfor) => self.compile_nfor_stmt(nfor, startline, endline),
&Stmt::GenericFor(ref gfor) => self.compile_gfor_stmt(gfor, startline, endline),
&Stmt::FuncDef(ref funcdef) => self.compile_assign_stmt(&, &funcdef.body),
&Stmt::MethodDef(ref methoddef) => {
let mut regtop = self.reg_top();
let mut treg = 0;
self.compile_expr_with_KMV_propagation(&methoddef.receiver, &mut regtop, &mut treg);
let kreg = self.load_rk(&mut regtop, &methoddef.body, Rc::new(Value::String(methoddef.method.clone())));
self.compile_expr(regtop, &methoddef.body, &ExprContext::new(ExprScope::Method, REG_UNDEFINED, 0));
self.code.add_ABC(OP_SETTABLE, treg as i32, kreg as i32, regtop as i32, start_line(&methoddef.receiver))
&Stmt::Return(ref exprs) => self.compile_return_stmt(exprs, startline, endline),
&Stmt::Break => self.compile_break_stmt(startline),
fn patchcode(&mut self) {
let mut maxreg = if self.proto.param_count > 1 { self.proto.param_count as i32 } else { 1 };
let mut moven = 0;
let mut pc = 0;
let lastpc = self.code.pc;
while pc < lastpc {
let inst =;
let curop = get_opcode(inst);
match curop {
pc += self.proto.prototypes[get_argbx(inst) as usize].upval_count as usize + 1;
moven = 0;
OP_CALL => {
let reg = get_arga(inst) + get_argb(inst) - 2;
if reg > maxreg {
maxreg = reg;
let reg = get_arga(inst) + get_argb(inst) - 1;
if reg > maxreg {
maxreg = reg;
OP_SELF => {
let reg = get_arga(inst) + 1;
if reg > maxreg {
maxreg = reg;
let reg = get_argb(inst);
if reg > maxreg {
maxreg = reg;
OP_JMP => {
let mut distance = 0;
let mut count = 0;
let mut jmp = inst;
while get_opcode(jmp) == OP_JMP && count < 5 {
let d = self.get_label_pc(get_argsbx(jmp)) as i32 - pc as i32;
if d > OPCODE_MAXSBx {
if distance == 0 {
panic!("too long to jump")
distance = d;
count += 1;
jmp = as i32 + distance + 1) as usize);
if distance == 0 {
self.code.set_opcode(pc, OP_NOP);
} else {
self.code.set_argsbx(pc, distance as i32);
_ => {
let reg = get_arga(inst);
if reg > maxreg {
maxreg = reg;
if curop == OP_MOVE {
moven += 1;
} else {
if moven > 1 {
self.code.set_opcode(pc - moven, OP_MOVEN);
let c = if moven - 1 < OPCODE_MAXC as usize { (moven - 1) as i32 } else { OPCODE_MAXC };
self.code.set_argc(pc - moven, c);
moven = 0;
pc += 1;
maxreg += 1;
if maxreg > MAX_REGISTERS {
panic!("<{}:{:?}> register overflow(too many local variables)", self.proto.source, self.proto.lineinfo)
self.proto.used_registers = maxreg as u8;
fn compile_func_expr(&mut self, params: &ParList, stmts: &Vec<StmtNode>,
expr_ctx: &ExprContext, lineinfo: (u32, u32)) {
self.proto.lineinfo = lineinfo;
let endline = lineinfo.1;
if params.names.len() > (MAX_REGISTERS as usize) {
panic!("register overflow")
self.proto.param_count = params.names.len() as u8;
if expr_ctx.scope == ExprScope::Method {
self.proto.param_count += 1;
for name in &params.names {
if params.vargs {
// compact vararg
self.proto.is_vararg = VARARG_HAS | VARARG_NEED;
if let Some(_) = self.parent {
self.proto.is_vararg |= VARARG_IS;
self.code.add_ABC(OP_RETURN, 0, 1, 0, endline);
let codestore = Instructions::new();
self.proto.code = self.code.list();
self.proto.debug_pos = self.code.line_list();
self.proto.debug_upval = self.upval.names();
self.proto.upval_count = self.proto.debug_upval.len() as u8;
let mut strv: Vec<String> = vec![];
for clv in &self.proto.constants {
let sv = if let Value::String(ref s) = **clv { s.clone() } else { String::new() };
self.proto.strings = strv;
pub fn compile(stmts: Vec<StmtNode>, name: String) -> Result<Box<FunctionProto>> {
let mut compiler = Compiler::new(name, None);
let mut par = ParList::new();
let lineinfo = if stmts.len() > 0 { (start_line(&stmts[0]), end_line(&stmts[stmts.len() - 1])) } else { (1, 1) };
compiler.compile_func_expr(&par, &stmts, &ExprContext::with_opt(0), lineinfo);