blob: e76f157853449f75b174433c7f3a09f3f79a5f51 [file] [log] [blame]
pub mod csv;
pub mod dot;
pub mod dupes;
pub mod fuzzy;
pub mod grep;
pub mod map;
pub mod node;
pub mod range;
pub mod rust;
pub mod set;
pub mod union;
// If compile times become unruly, comment out unused modules above and use
// the following macro to satisfying the compiler.
// macro_rules! unused {
// ($($name:ident),*) => {
// $(
// pub mod $name {
// pub fn run(_: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), ::Error> {
// unimplemented!()
// }
// }
// )*
// }
// }
// unused! { csv, dot, fuzzy, grep, map, union }