blob: 3f8600c63a8b4b1bf5f65e9fda97cac5632c7b36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License..
use crate::metadata::*;
use crate::types::*;
use crate::*;
//#[link(name = "sgx_tstdc")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_cpuid.h
pub fn sgx_cpuid(cpuinfo: *mut [int32_t; 4], leaf: int32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cpuidex(cpuinfo: *mut [int32_t; 4], leaf: int32_t, subleaf: int32_t)
-> sgx_status_t;
// sgx_spinlock.h
pub fn sgx_spin_lock(lock: *mut sgx_spinlock_t) -> uint32_t;
pub fn sgx_spin_unlock(lock: *mut sgx_spinlock_t) -> uint32_t;
// sgx_thread.h
pub fn sgx_thread_mutex_init(
mutex: *mut sgx_thread_mutex_t,
unused: *const sgx_thread_mutex_attr_t,
) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_mutex_destroy(mutex: *mut sgx_thread_mutex_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_mutex_lock(mutex: *mut sgx_thread_mutex_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_mutex_trylock(mutex: *mut sgx_thread_mutex_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_mutex_unlock(mutex: *mut sgx_thread_mutex_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_cond_init(
cond: *mut sgx_thread_cond_t,
unused: *const sgx_thread_cond_attr_t,
) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_cond_destroy(cond: *mut sgx_thread_cond_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_cond_wait(
cond: *mut sgx_thread_cond_t,
mutex: *mut sgx_thread_mutex_t,
) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_cond_signal(cond: *mut sgx_thread_cond_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_cond_broadcast(cond: *mut sgx_thread_cond_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_self() -> sgx_thread_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_equal(a: sgx_thread_t, b: sgx_thread_t) -> int32_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.11 */
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_init(
rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t,
unused: *const sgx_thread_rwlockattr_t,
) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_rdlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_wrlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_rdunlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_wrunlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_thread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock: *mut sgx_thread_rwlock_t) -> int32_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.8 */
// sgx_rsrv_mem_mngr.h
pub fn sgx_alloc_rsrv_mem(length: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
pub fn sgx_free_rsrv_mem(addr: *const c_void, length: size_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_tprotect_rsrv_mem(
addr: *const c_void,
length: size_t,
prot: int32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.11 */
pub fn sgx_get_rsrv_mem_info(
start_addr: *mut *mut c_void,
max_size: *mut size_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_alloc_rsrv_mem_ex(desired_addr: *const c_void, length: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
//#[link(name = "sgx_tservice")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_dh.h
pub fn sgx_dh_init_session(
role: sgx_dh_session_role_t,
session: *mut sgx_dh_session_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_dh_responder_gen_msg1(
msg1: *mut sgx_dh_msg1_t,
dh_session: *mut sgx_dh_session_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_dh_initiator_proc_msg1(
msg1: *const sgx_dh_msg1_t,
msg2: *mut sgx_dh_msg2_t,
dh_session: *mut sgx_dh_session_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_dh_responder_proc_msg2(
msg2: *const sgx_dh_msg2_t,
msg3: *mut sgx_dh_msg3_t,
dh_session: *mut sgx_dh_session_t,
aek: *mut sgx_key_128bit_t,
initiator_identity: *mut sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_dh_initiator_proc_msg3(
msg3: *const sgx_dh_msg3_t,
dh_session: *mut sgx_dh_session_t,
aek: *mut sgx_key_128bit_t,
responder_identity: *mut sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
// sgx_tae_service.h
/* delete intel sgx sdk 2.8 */
pub fn sgx_create_pse_session() -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_close_pse_session() -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_ps_sec_prop(security_property: *mut sgx_ps_sec_prop_desc_t) -> sgx_status_t;
// intel sgx sdk 1.8
pub fn sgx_get_ps_sec_prop_ex(security_property: *mut sgx_ps_sec_prop_desc_ex_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_trusted_time(current_time: *mut sgx_time_t, time_source_nonce: *mut sgx_time_source_nonce_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_create_monotonic_counter_ex(owner_policy: uint16_t,
owner_attribute_mask: *const sgx_attributes_t,
counter_uuid: *mut sgx_mc_uuid_t,
counter_value: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_create_monotonic_counter(counter_uuid: *mut sgx_mc_uuid_t, counter_value: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_destroy_monotonic_counter(counter_uuid: *const sgx_mc_uuid_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_increment_monotonic_counter(counter_uuid: *const sgx_mc_uuid_t, counter_value: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_read_monotonic_counter(counter_uuid: *const sgx_mc_uuid_t, counter_value: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
// sgx_tseal.h
pub fn sgx_calc_sealed_data_size(
add_mac_txt_size: uint32_t,
txt_encrypt_size: uint32_t,
) -> uint32_t;
pub fn sgx_get_add_mac_txt_len(p_sealed_data: *const sgx_sealed_data_t) -> uint32_t;
pub fn sgx_get_encrypt_txt_len(p_sealed_data: *const sgx_sealed_data_t) -> uint32_t;
pub fn sgx_seal_data(
additional_MACtext_length: uint32_t,
p_additional_MACtext: *const uint8_t,
text2encrypt_length: uint32_t,
p_text2encrypt: *const uint8_t,
sealed_data_size: uint32_t,
p_sealed_data: *mut sgx_sealed_data_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_seal_data_ex(
key_policy: uint16_t,
attribute_mask: sgx_attributes_t,
misc_mask: sgx_misc_select_t,
additional_MACtext_length: uint32_t,
p_additional_MACtext: *const uint8_t,
text2encrypt_length: uint32_t,
p_text2encrypt: *const uint8_t,
sealed_data_size: uint32_t,
p_sealed_data: *mut sgx_sealed_data_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_unseal_data(
p_sealed_data: *const sgx_sealed_data_t,
p_additional_MACtext: *mut uint8_t,
p_additional_MACtext_length: *mut uint32_t,
p_decrypted_text: *mut uint8_t,
p_decrypted_text_length: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_mac_aadata(
additional_MACtext_length: uint32_t,
p_additional_MACtext: *const uint8_t,
sealed_data_size: uint32_t,
p_sealed_data: *mut sgx_sealed_data_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_mac_aadata_ex(
key_policy: uint16_t,
attribute_mask: sgx_attributes_t,
misc_mask: sgx_misc_select_t,
additional_MACtext_length: uint32_t,
p_additional_MACtext: *const uint8_t,
sealed_data_size: uint32_t,
p_sealed_data: *mut sgx_sealed_data_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_unmac_aadata(
p_sealed_data: *const sgx_sealed_data_t,
p_additional_MACtext: *mut uint8_t,
p_additional_MACtext_length: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
// sgx_utils.h
pub fn sgx_create_report(
target_info: *const sgx_target_info_t,
report_data: *const sgx_report_data_t,
report: *mut sgx_report_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_self_report() -> *const sgx_report_t;
pub fn sgx_self_target(target_info: *mut sgx_target_info_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_verify_report(report: *const sgx_report_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_key(
key_request: *const sgx_key_request_t,
key: *mut sgx_key_128bit_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.16 */
pub fn sgx_verify_report2(report_mac_struct: *const sgx_report2_mac_struct_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.7.1 */
// sgx_secure_align_api.h
pub fn sgx_aligned_malloc(
size: size_t,
alignment: size_t,
data: *const align_req_t,
count: size_t,
) -> *mut c_void;
pub fn sgx_aligned_free(ptr: *mut c_void);
pub fn sgx_get_aligned_ptr(
raw: *mut c_void,
raw_size: size_t,
allocate_size: size_t,
alignment: size_t,
data: *const align_req_t,
count: size_t,
) -> *mut c_void;
//#[link(name = "sgx_tcrypto")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_tcrypto.h
/* instel sgx sdk 2.16 */
pub fn sgx_sha384_msg(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_sha384_hash_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha384_init(p_sha_handle: *mut sgx_sha_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha384_update(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha384_get_hash(
sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_sha384_hash_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha384_close(sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha256_msg(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_sha256_hash_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha256_init(p_sha_handle: *mut sgx_sha_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha256_update(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha256_get_hash(
sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_sha256_hash_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha256_close(sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* instel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_sha1_msg(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_sha1_hash_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha1_init(p_sha_handle: *mut sgx_sha_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha1_update(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha1_get_hash(
sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_sha1_hash_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_sha1_close(sha_handle: sgx_sha_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_rijndael128GCM_encrypt(
p_key: *const sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t,
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_dst: *mut uint8_t,
p_iv: *const uint8_t,
iv_len: uint32_t,
p_aad: *const uint8_t,
aad_len: uint32_t,
p_out_mac: *mut sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_rijndael128GCM_decrypt(
p_key: *const sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_key_t,
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_dst: *mut uint8_t,
p_iv: *const uint8_t,
iv_len: uint32_t,
p_aad: *const uint8_t,
aad_len: uint32_t,
p_in_mac: *const sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_rijndael128_cmac_msg(
p_key: *const sgx_cmac_128bit_key_t,
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_mac: *mut sgx_cmac_128bit_tag_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cmac128_init(
p_key: *const sgx_cmac_128bit_key_t,
p_cmac_handle: *mut sgx_cmac_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cmac128_update(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
cmac_handle: sgx_cmac_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cmac128_final(
cmac_handle: sgx_cmac_state_handle_t,
p_hash: *mut sgx_cmac_128bit_tag_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cmac128_close(cmac_handle: sgx_cmac_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_hmac_sha256_msg(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: int32_t,
p_key: *const uint8_t,
key_len: int32_t,
p_mac: *mut uint8_t,
mac_len: int32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_hmac256_init(
p_key: *const uint8_t,
key_len: int32_t,
p_hmac_handle: *mut sgx_hmac_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_hmac256_update(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: int32_t,
hmac_handle: sgx_hmac_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_hmac256_final(
p_hash: *mut uint8_t,
hash_len: int32_t,
hmac_handle: sgx_hmac_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_hmac256_close(hmac_handle: sgx_hmac_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_aes_ctr_encrypt(
p_key: *const sgx_aes_ctr_128bit_key_t,
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_ctr: *mut uint8_t,
ctr_inc_bits: uint32_t,
p_dst: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_aes_ctr_decrypt(
p_key: *const sgx_aes_ctr_128bit_key_t,
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_ctr: *mut uint8_t,
ctr_inc_bits: uint32_t,
p_dst: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecc256_open_context(p_ecc_handle: *mut sgx_ecc_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecc256_create_key_pair(
p_private: *mut sgx_ec256_private_t,
p_public: *mut sgx_ec256_public_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecc256_check_point(
p_point: *const sgx_ec256_public_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t,
p_valid: *mut int32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecc256_compute_shared_dhkey(
p_private_b: *const sgx_ec256_private_t,
p_public_ga: *const sgx_ec256_public_t,
p_shared_key: *mut sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 1.8 */
/* delete (intel sgx sdk 2.0)
pub fn sgx_ecc256_compute_shared_dhkey512(p_private_b: *mut sgx_ec256_private_t,
p_public_ga: *mut sgx_ec256_public_t,
p_shared_key: *mut sgx_ec256_dh_shared512_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecdsa_sign(
p_data: *const uint8_t,
data_size: uint32_t,
p_private: *const sgx_ec256_private_t,
p_signature: *mut sgx_ec256_signature_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ecdsa_verify(
p_data: *const uint8_t,
data_size: uint32_t,
p_public: *const sgx_ec256_public_t,
p_signature: *const sgx_ec256_signature_t,
p_result: *mut uint8_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_ecdsa_verify_hash(
hash: *const uint8_t,
p_public: *const sgx_ec256_public_t,
p_signature: *const sgx_ec256_signature_t,
p_result: *mut uint8_t,
ecc_handle: sgx_ecc_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 1.9 */
pub fn sgx_rsa3072_sign(p_data: *const uint8_t,
data_size: uint32_t,
p_private: *const sgx_rsa3072_private_key_t,
p_signature: *mut sgx_rsa3072_signature_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.0 */
pub fn sgx_rsa3072_sign(
p_data: *const uint8_t,
data_size: uint32_t,
p_key: *const sgx_rsa3072_key_t,
p_signature: *mut sgx_rsa3072_signature_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.15 */
pub fn sgx_rsa3072_sign_ex(
p_data: *const uint8_t,
data_size: uint32_t,
p_key: *const sgx_rsa3072_key_t,
p_public: *const sgx_rsa3072_public_key_t,
p_signature: *mut sgx_rsa3072_signature_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_rsa3072_verify(
p_data: *const uint8_t,
data_size: uint32_t,
p_public: *const sgx_rsa3072_public_key_t,
p_signature: *const sgx_rsa3072_signature_t,
p_result: *mut sgx_rsa_result_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.1.3 */
pub fn sgx_create_rsa_key_pair(
n_byte_size: int32_t,
e_byte_size: int32_t,
p_n: *mut uint8_t,
p_d: *mut uint8_t,
p_e: *mut uint8_t,
p_p: *mut uint8_t,
p_q: *mut uint8_t,
p_dmp1: *mut uint8_t,
p_dmq1: *mut uint8_t,
p_iqmp: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_rsa_priv_decrypt_sha256(
rsa_key: *const c_void,
pout_data: *mut uint8_t,
pout_len: *mut size_t,
pin_data: *const uint8_t,
pin_len: size_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_rsa_pub_encrypt_sha256(
rsa_key: *const c_void,
pout_data: *mut uint8_t,
pout_len: *mut size_t,
pin_data: *const uint8_t,
pin_len: size_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_create_rsa_priv2_key(
mod_size: int32_t,
exp_size: int32_t,
p_rsa_key_e: *const uint8_t,
p_rsa_key_p: *const uint8_t,
p_rsa_key_q: *const uint8_t,
p_rsa_key_dmp1: *const uint8_t,
p_rsa_key_dmq1: *const uint8_t,
p_rsa_key_iqmp: *const uint8_t,
new_pri_key2: *mut *mut c_void,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.6 */
pub fn sgx_create_rsa_priv1_key(
n_byte_size: int32_t,
e_byte_size: int32_t,
d_byte_size: int32_t,
le_n: *const uint8_t,
le_e: *const uint8_t,
le_d: *const uint8_t,
new_pri_key1: *mut *mut c_void,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_create_rsa_pub1_key(
mod_size: int32_t,
exp_size: int32_t,
le_n: *const uint8_t,
le_e: *const uint8_t,
new_pub_key1: *mut *mut c_void,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_free_rsa_key(
p_rsa_key: *const c_void,
key_type: sgx_rsa_key_type_t,
mod_size: int32_t,
exp_size: int32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_calculate_ecdsa_priv_key(
hash_drg: *const uint8_t,
hash_drg_len: int32_t,
sgx_nistp256_r_m1: *const uint8_t,
sgx_nistp256_r_m1_len: int32_t,
out_key: *mut uint8_t,
out_key_len: int32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.3 */
pub fn sgx_ecc256_calculate_pub_from_priv(
p_att_priv_key: *const sgx_ec256_private_t,
p_att_pub_key: *mut sgx_ec256_public_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_aes_gcm128_enc_init(
p_key: *const uint8_t,
p_iv: *const uint8_t,
iv_len: uint32_t,
p_aad: *const uint8_t,
aad_len: uint32_t,
aes_gcm_state: *mut sgx_aes_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_aes_gcm128_enc_get_mac(
mac: *mut uint8_t,
aes_gcm_state: sgx_aes_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_aes_gcm_close(aes_gcm_state: sgx_aes_state_handle_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_aes_gcm128_enc_update(
p_src: *const uint8_t,
src_len: uint32_t,
p_dst: *mut uint8_t,
aes_gcm_state: sgx_aes_state_handle_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_tkey_exchange")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_tkey_exchange.h
pub fn sgx_ra_init(
p_pub_key: *const sgx_ec256_public_t,
b_pse: int32_t,
p_context: *mut sgx_ra_context_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ra_init_ex(
p_pub_key: *const sgx_ec256_public_t,
b_pse: int32_t,
derive_key_cb: sgx_ra_derive_secret_keys_t,
p_context: *mut sgx_ra_context_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ra_get_keys(
context: sgx_ra_context_t,
keytype: sgx_ra_key_type_t,
p_key: *mut sgx_ra_key_128_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ra_close(context: sgx_ra_context_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ra_get_ga(
eid: sgx_enclave_id_t,
retval: *mut sgx_status_t,
context: sgx_ra_context_t,
g_a: *mut sgx_ec256_public_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_trts")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_trts.h
pub fn sgx_is_within_enclave(addr: *const c_void, size: size_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_is_outside_enclave(addr: *const c_void, size: size_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_read_rand(rand: *mut u8, length_in_bytes: size_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.1.2 */
pub fn sgx_is_enclave_crashed() -> int32_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.16 */
pub fn sgx_rdpkru(val: *mut uint32_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_wrpkru(val: uint32_t) -> int32_t;
// sgx_trts_exception.h
pub fn sgx_register_exception_handler(
is_first_handler: uint32_t,
exception_handler: sgx_exception_handler_t,
) -> *const c_void;
pub fn sgx_unregister_exception_handler(handler: *const c_void) -> uint32_t;
// sgx_edger8r.h
pub fn sgx_ocalloc(size: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
pub fn sgx_ocfree();
//#[link(name = "sgx_epid")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_uae_epid.h
pub fn sgx_init_quote(
p_target_info: *mut sgx_target_info_t,
p_gid: *mut sgx_epid_group_id_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 1.9 */
pub fn sgx_calc_quote_size(
p_sig_rl: *const uint8_t,
sig_rl_size: uint32_t,
p_quote_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_quote_size(
p_sig_rl: *const uint8_t,
p_quote_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_quote(
p_report: *const sgx_report_t,
quote_type: sgx_quote_sign_type_t,
p_spid: *const sgx_spid_t,
p_nonce: *const sgx_quote_nonce_t,
p_sig_rl: *const uint8_t,
sig_rl_size: uint32_t,
p_qe_report: *mut sgx_report_t,
p_quote: *mut sgx_quote_t,
quote_size: uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_extended_epid_group_id(p_extended_epid_group_id: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_report_attestation_status(
p_platform_info: *const sgx_platform_info_t,
attestation_status: int32_t,
p_update_info: *mut sgx_update_info_bit_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.6 */
pub fn sgx_check_update_status(
p_platform_info: *const sgx_platform_info_t,
p_update_info: *mut sgx_update_info_bit_t,
config: uint32_t,
p_status: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_launch")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_uae_launch.h
pub fn sgx_get_whitelist_size(p_whitelist_size: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_whitelist(p_whitelist: *mut uint8_t, whitelist_size: uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.1 */
pub fn sgx_register_wl_cert_chain(
p_wl_cert_chain: *const uint8_t,
wl_cert_chain_size: uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_platform")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_uae_platform.h
pub fn sgx_get_ps_cap(p_sgx_ps_cap: *mut sgx_ps_cap_t) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_quote_ex")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_uae_quote_ex.h
/* intel sgx sdk 2.5 */
pub fn sgx_select_att_key_id(
p_att_key_id_list: *const uint8_t,
att_key_id_list_size: uint32_t,
pp_selected_key_id: *mut sgx_att_key_id_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_init_quote_ex(
p_att_key_id: *const sgx_att_key_id_t,
p_qe_target_info: *mut sgx_target_info_t,
p_pub_key_id_size: *mut size_t,
p_pub_key_id: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_quote_size_ex(
p_att_key_id: *const sgx_att_key_id_t,
p_quote_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_quote_ex(
p_app_report: *const sgx_report_t,
p_att_key_id: *const sgx_att_key_id_t,
p_qe_report_info: *mut sgx_qe_report_info_t,
p_quote: *mut uint8_t,
quote_size: uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.9.1 */
pub fn sgx_get_supported_att_key_id_num(p_att_key_id_num: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_get_supported_att_key_ids(
p_att_key_id_list: *mut sgx_att_key_id_ext_t,
att_key_id_num: uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_uae_service")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_uae_service.h
// intel sgx sdk 2.7
// Split to,, and
//#[link(name = "sgx_ukey_exchange")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_ukey_exchange.h
pub fn sgx_ra_get_msg1(
context: sgx_ra_context_t,
eid: sgx_enclave_id_t,
p_get_ga: sgx_ecall_get_ga_trusted_t,
p_msg1: *mut sgx_ra_msg1_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ra_proc_msg2(
context: sgx_ra_context_t,
eid: sgx_enclave_id_t,
p_proc_msg2: sgx_ecall_proc_msg2_trusted_t,
p_get_msg3: sgx_ecall_get_msg3_trusted_t,
p_msg2: *const sgx_ra_msg2_t,
msg2_size: uint32_t,
pp_msg3: *mut *mut sgx_ra_msg3_t,
p_msg3_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.5 */
pub fn sgx_ra_get_msg1_ex(
p_att_key_id: *const sgx_att_key_id_t,
context: sgx_ra_context_t,
eid: sgx_enclave_id_t,
p_get_ga: sgx_ecall_get_ga_trusted_t,
p_msg1: *mut sgx_ra_msg1_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_ra_proc_msg2_ex(
p_att_key_id: *const sgx_att_key_id_t,
context: sgx_ra_context_t,
eid: sgx_enclave_id_t,
p_proc_msg2: sgx_ecall_proc_msg2_trusted_t,
p_get_msg3: sgx_ecall_get_msg3_trusted_t,
p_msg2: *const sgx_ra_msg2_t,
msg2_size: uint32_t,
pp_msg3: *mut *mut sgx_ra_msg3_t,
p_msg3_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_urts")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_urts.h
pub fn sgx_create_enclave(
file_name: *const c_char,
debug: int32_t,
launch_token: *mut sgx_launch_token_t,
launch_token_updated: *mut int32_t,
enclave_id: *mut sgx_enclave_id_t,
misc_attr: *mut sgx_misc_attribute_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.1.3 */
pub fn sgx_create_encrypted_enclave(
file_name: *const c_char,
debug: int32_t,
launch_token: *mut sgx_launch_token_t,
launch_token_updated: *mut int32_t,
enclave_id: *mut sgx_enclave_id_t,
misc_attr: *mut sgx_misc_attribute_t,
sealed_key: *const uint8_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.2 */
pub fn sgx_create_enclave_ex(
file_name: *const c_char,
debug: int32_t,
launch_token: *mut sgx_launch_token_t,
launch_token_updated: *mut int32_t,
enclave_id: *mut sgx_enclave_id_t,
misc_attr: *mut sgx_misc_attribute_t,
ex_features: uint32_t,
ex_features_p: *const [*const c_void; 32],
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_create_enclave_from_buffer_ex(
buffer: *const uint8_t,
buffer_size: size_t,
debug: int32_t,
enclave_id: *mut sgx_enclave_id_t,
misc_attr: *mut sgx_misc_attribute_t,
ex_features: uint32_t,
ex_features_p: *const [*const c_void; 32],
) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_destroy_enclave(enclave_id: sgx_enclave_id_t) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.4 */
pub fn sgx_get_target_info(
enclave_id: sgx_enclave_id_t,
target_info: *mut sgx_target_info_t,
) -> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.9.1 */
pub fn sgx_get_metadata(enclave_file: *const c_char, metadata: *mut metadata_t)
-> sgx_status_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 1.9 */
//#[link(name = "sgx_tprotected_fs")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_tprotected_fs.h
pub fn sgx_fopen(
filename: *const c_char,
mode: *const c_char,
key: *const sgx_key_128bit_t,
) -> SGX_FILE;
pub fn sgx_fopen_auto_key(filename: *const c_char, mode: *const c_char) -> SGX_FILE;
pub fn sgx_fwrite(ptr: *const c_void, size: size_t, count: size_t, stream: SGX_FILE) -> size_t;
pub fn sgx_fread(ptr: *mut c_void, size: size_t, count: size_t, stream: SGX_FILE) -> size_t;
pub fn sgx_ftell(stream: SGX_FILE) -> int64_t;
pub fn sgx_fseek(stream: SGX_FILE, offset: int64_t, origin: int32_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_fflush(stream: SGX_FILE) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_ferror(stream: SGX_FILE) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_feof(stream: SGX_FILE) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_clearerr(stream: SGX_FILE);
pub fn sgx_fclose(stream: SGX_FILE) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_remove(filename: *const c_char) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_fexport_auto_key(filename: *const c_char, key: *mut sgx_key_128bit_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_fimport_auto_key(filename: *const c_char, key: *const sgx_key_128bit_t) -> int32_t;
pub fn sgx_fclear_cache(stream: SGX_FILE) -> int32_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.0 */
//#[link(name = "sgx_capable")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_capable.h
pub fn sgx_is_capable(sgx_capable: *mut int32_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cap_enable_device(sgx_device_status: *mut sgx_device_status_t) -> sgx_status_t;
pub fn sgx_cap_get_status(sgx_device_status: *mut sgx_device_status_t) -> sgx_status_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_pce_wrapper")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_pce.h
pub fn sgx_set_pce_enclave_load_policy(policy: sgx_ql_request_policy_t) -> sgx_pce_error_t;
pub fn sgx_pce_get_target(
p_pce_target: *mut sgx_target_info_t,
p_pce_isv_svn: *mut sgx_isv_svn_t,
) -> sgx_pce_error_t;
pub fn sgx_get_pce_info(
p_report: *const sgx_report_t,
p_public_key: *const uint8_t,
key_size: uint32_t,
crypto_suite: uint8_t,
p_encrypted_ppid: *mut uint8_t,
encrypted_ppid_buf_size: uint32_t,
p_encrypted_ppid_out_size: *mut uint32_t,
p_pce_isv_svn: *mut sgx_isv_svn_t,
p_pce_id: *mut uint16_t,
p_signature_scheme: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_pce_error_t;
pub fn sgx_pce_sign_report(
isv_svn: *const sgx_isv_svn_t,
cpu_svn: *const sgx_cpu_svn_t,
p_report: *const sgx_report_t,
p_signature: *mut uint8_t,
signature_buf_size: uint32_t,
p_signature_out_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_pce_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.5 */
pub fn sgx_get_pce_info_without_ppid(
p_pce_isvsvn: *mut sgx_isv_svn_t,
p_pce_id: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_pce_error_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_dcap_ql")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_dcap_ql_wrapper.h
pub fn sgx_qe_set_enclave_load_policy(policy: sgx_ql_request_policy_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qe_get_target_info(p_qe_target_info: *mut sgx_target_info_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qe_get_quote_size(p_quote_size: *mut uint32_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qe_get_quote(
p_app_report: *const sgx_report_t,
quote_size: uint32_t,
p_quote: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qe_cleanup_by_policy() -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.6 */
pub fn sgx_ql_set_path(
path_type: sgx_ql_path_type_t,
p_path: *const c_char,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
//#[link(name = "dcap_quoteprov")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_default_quote_provider.h
pub fn sgx_ql_get_quote_config(
p_pck_cert_id: *const sgx_ql_pck_cert_id_t,
pp_quote_config: *mut *mut sgx_ql_config_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_ql_free_quote_config(p_quote_config: *const sgx_ql_config_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral(
fmspc: *const uint8_t,
fmspc_size: uint16_t,
pck_ra: *const c_char,
pp_quote_collateral: *mut *mut sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.13 */
pub fn sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral_with_params(
fmspc: *const uint8_t,
fmspc_size: uint16_t,
pck_ra: *const c_char,
custom_param: *const c_void,
custom_param_length: uint16_t,
pp_quote_collateral: *mut *mut sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral(
p_quote_collateral: *const sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.14 */
pub fn tdx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral(
fmspc: *const uint8_t,
fmspc_size: uint16_t,
pck_ra: *const c_char,
pp_quote_collateral: *mut *mut tdx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn tdx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral(
p_quote_collateral: *const sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_ql_get_qve_identity(
pp_qve_identity: *mut *mut c_char,
p_qve_identity_size: *mut uint32_t,
pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain: *mut *mut c_char,
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_ql_free_qve_identity(
p_qve_identity: *const c_char,
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain: *const c_char,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.4 */
pub fn sgx_ql_get_root_ca_crl(
pp_root_ca_crl: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_root_ca_crl_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_ql_free_root_ca_crl(p_root_ca_crl: *const uint8_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 2.14 */
pub fn sgx_ql_set_logging_callback(logger: sgx_ql_logging_callback_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
//#[link(name = "sgx_default_qcnl_wrapper")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_default_qcnl_wrapper.h
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_pck_cert_chain(
p_pck_cert_id: *const sgx_ql_pck_cert_id_t,
pp_quote_config: *mut *mut sgx_ql_config_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_free_pck_cert_chain(p_quote_config: *const sgx_ql_config_t);
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_pck_crl_chain(
ca: *const c_char,
ca_size: uint16_t,
custom_param_b64_string: *const c_char,
p_crl_chain: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_crl_chain_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_free_pck_crl_chain(p_crl_chain: *const uint8_t);
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_tcbinfo(
fmspc: *const c_char,
fmspc_size: uint16_t,
custom_param_b64_string: *const c_char,
p_tcbinfo: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_tcbinfo_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_free_tcbinfo(p_tcbinfo: *const uint8_t);
/* intel DCAP 1.14 */
pub fn tdx_qcnl_get_tcbinfo(
fmspc: *const c_char,
fmspc_size: uint16_t,
custom_param_b64_string: *const c_char,
p_tcbinfo: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_tcbinfo_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn tdx_qcnl_free_tcbinfo(p_tcbinfo: *const uint8_t);
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_qe_identity(
qe_type: uint8_t,
custom_param_b64_string: *const c_char,
p_qe_identity: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_qe_identity_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_free_qe_identity(p_qe_identity: *const uint8_t);
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_qve_identity(
custom_param_b64_string: *const c_char,
pp_qve_identity: *mut *mut c_char,
p_qve_identity_size: *mut uint32_t,
pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain: *mut *mut c_char,
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_free_qve_identity(
p_qve_identity: *const c_char,
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain: *const c_char,
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_root_ca_crl(
root_ca_cdp_url: *const c_char,
custom_param_b64_string: *const c_char,
p_root_ca_crl: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_root_ca_cal_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_free_root_ca_crl(p_root_ca_crl: *const uint8_t);
/* intel DCAP 1.13 */
pub fn sgx_qcnl_get_api_version(p_major_ver: *mut uint16_t, p_minor_ver: *mut uint16_t)
-> bool;
pub fn sgx_qcnl_set_logging_callback(logger: sgx_ql_logging_callback_t) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.13 delete */
// pub fn sgx_qcnl_register_platform(
// p_pck_cert_id: *const sgx_ql_pck_cert_id_t,
// platform_manifest: *const uint8_t,
// platform_manifest_size: uint16_t,
// user_token: *const uint8_t,
// user_token_size: uint16_t,
// ) -> sgx_qcnl_error_t;
//#[link(name = "dcap_quoteverify")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_dcap_quoteverify.h
pub fn sgx_qv_verify_quote(
p_quote: *const uint8_t,
quote_size: uint32_t,
p_quote_collateral: *const sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
expiration_check_date: time_t,
p_collateral_expiration_status: *mut uint32_t,
p_quote_verification_result: *mut sgx_ql_qv_result_t,
p_qve_report_info: *mut sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t,
supplemental_data_size: uint32_t,
p_supplemental_data: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qv_get_quote_supplemental_data_size(
p_data_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qv_set_enclave_load_policy(policy: sgx_ql_request_policy_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.5 */
pub fn sgx_qv_get_qve_identity(
pp_qveid: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_qveid_size: *mut uint32_t,
pp_qveid_issue_chain: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_qveid_issue_chain_size: *mut uint32_t,
pp_root_ca_crl: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_root_ca_crl_size: *mut uint16_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn sgx_qv_free_qve_identity(
p_qveid: *const uint8_t,
p_qveid_issue_chain: *const uint8_t,
p_root_ca_crl: *const uint8_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.6 */
pub fn sgx_qv_set_path(
path_type: sgx_qv_path_type_t,
p_path: *const c_char,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.13 */
pub fn tdx_qv_get_quote_supplemental_data_size(
p_data_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn tdx_qv_verify_quote(
p_quote: *const uint8_t,
quote_size: uint32_t,
p_quote_collateral: *const tdx_ql_qve_collateral_t,
expiration_check_date: time_t,
p_collateral_expiration_status: *mut uint32_t,
p_quote_verification_result: *mut sgx_ql_qv_result_t,
p_qve_report_info: *mut sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t,
supplemental_data_size: uint32_t,
p_supplemental_data: *mut uint8_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel DCAP 1.7 */
//#[link(name = "sgx_dcap_tvl")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_dcap_tvl.h
pub fn sgx_tvl_verify_qve_report_and_identity(
p_quote: *const uint8_t,
quote_size: uint32_t,
p_qve_report_info: *const sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t,
expiration_check_date: time_t,
collateral_expiration_status: uint32_t,
quote_verification_result: sgx_ql_qv_result_t,
p_supplemental_data: *const uint8_t,
supplemental_data_size: uint32_t,
qve_isvsvn_threshold: sgx_isv_svn_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.16 */
//#[link(name = "sgx_ttls")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_ttls.h
pub fn tee_get_certificate_with_evidence(
p_subject_name: *const c_uchar,
p_prv_key: *const uint8_t,
private_key_size: size_t,
p_pub_key: *const uint8_t,
public_key_size: size_t,
pp_output_cert: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_output_cert_size: *mut size_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn tee_free_certificate(p_certificate: *mut uint8_t) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn tee_verify_certificate_with_evidence(
p_cert_in_der: *const uint8_t,
cert_in_der_len: size_t,
expiration_check_date: time_t,
p_qv_result: *mut sgx_ql_qv_result_t,
pp_supplemental_data: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_supplemental_data_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
/* intel sgx sdk 2.16 */
//#[link(name = "sgx_utls")]
extern "C" {
// sgx_utls.h
pub fn tee_verify_certificate_with_evidence_host(
cert_in_der_len: size_t,
expiration_check_date: time_t,
p_qv_result: *mut sgx_ql_qv_result_t,
pp_supplemental_data: *mut *mut uint8_t,
p_supplemental_data_size: *mut uint32_t,
) -> sgx_quote3_error_t;
pub fn tee_free_supplemental_data_host(p_supplemental_data: *mut uint8_t)
-> sgx_quote3_error_t;