blob: 902200bf9175e7ba4eee76eeb58dc01c6c0e4c15 [file] [log] [blame]
* A folder where to write the registrations
$registrations_folder = "/var/taverna-registration";
function xmlescape($string){
$res = str_replace("&", "&amp;",$string);
$res = str_replace("<", "&lt;",$res);
$res = str_replace(">", "&gt;",$res);
return $res;
/* From
* Requires yum install uuid-php
and in .htaccess / php.ini:
php_value allow_call_time_pass_reference true
class uuid {
* This class enables you to get real uuids using the OSSP library.
* Note you need php-uuid installed.
* On my system 1000 UUIDs are created in 0.0064 seconds.
* @author Marius Karthaus
protected $uuidobject;
* On long running deamons i've seen a lost resource. This checks the resource and creates it if needed.
protected function create() {
if (! is_resource ( $this->uuidobject )) {
uuid_create ( &$this->uuidobject );
* Return a type 1 (MAC address and time based) uuid
* @return String
public function v1() {
$this->create ();
uuid_make ( $this->uuidobject, UUID_MAKE_V1 );
uuid_export ( $this->uuidobject, UUID_FMT_STR, &$uuidstring );
return trim ( $uuidstring );
* Return a type 4 (random) uuid
* @return String
public function v4() {
$this->create ();
uuid_make ( $this->uuidobject, UUID_MAKE_V4 );
uuid_export ( $this->uuidobject, UUID_FMT_STR, &$uuidstring );
return trim ( $uuidstring );
* Return a type 5 (SHA-1 hash) uuid
* @return String
public function v5() {
$this->create ();
uuid_make ( $this->uuidobject, UUID_MAKE_V5 );
uuid_export ( $this->uuidobject, UUID_FMT_STR, $uuidstring );
return trim ( $uuidstring );
$taverna_version = $_POST['taverna_version'];
$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$keep_me_informed = $_POST['keep_me_informed'];
$institution_or_company = $_POST['institution_or_company'];
$industry = $_POST['industry_type'];
$field = $_POST['field'];
$purpose = $_POST['purpose'];
$uuid=new uuid();
// Generate user registration data file name with a random identifier
$random_id = $uuid->v4();
$user_registration_file_name = $registrations_folder . "/user_registration_" . $random_id . ".xml";
$user_registration_file = fopen($user_registration_file_name,'w') or die ("Could not open file ". $user_registration_file_name . " for writing." );
// Save this to a file
$registration_data = "";
$registration_data .= "Taverna version=" . $taverna_version . "\n";
$registration_data .= "First name=" . $first_name . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Last name=" . $last_name . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Email address=" . $email . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Keep me informed by email=" . $keep_me_informed . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Institution or company=" . $institution_or_company . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Industry=" . $industry_type . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Field of interest=" . $field . "\n";
$registration_data .= "Purpose of using Taverna=" . $purpose;
$registration_data = "";
$registration_data .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
$registration_data .= "<registration_data>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<taverna_version>".xmlescape($taverna_version)."</taverna_version>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<first_name>".xmlescape($first_name)."</first_name>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<last_name>".xmlescape($last_name)."</last_name>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<email_address>".xmlescape($email)."</email_address>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<keep_me_informed>".xmlescape($keep_me_informed)."</keep_me_informed>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<institution_or_company_name>".xmlescape($institution_or_company)."</institution_or_company_name>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<industry_type>".xmlescape($industry)."</industry_type>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<field_of_interest>".xmlescape($field)."</field_of_interest>\n";
$registration_data .= "\t<purpose_of_using_taverna>".xmlescape($purpose)."</purpose_of_using_taverna>\n";
$registration_data .= "</registration_data>\n";
fwrite($user_registration_file, $registration_data) or die ("Could not write to file ". $user_registration_file_name );
echo "Registration successful!";