blob: bab8310e67d5bd19e6a5a9b63b8c4e7d122849c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Manchester
* Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their
* respective authors, or their employers as appropriate.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
package org.apache.taverna.reference.ui.tree;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* A subclass of DefaultTreeModel which is aware of the depth property of its
* leaf nodes. This is used to hold and assemble data collections prior to
* registration through the ReferenceService. The root node is an internal
* placeholder so that we can handle depth 0 inputs without having to replace
* the root all the time, it always has one or zero children.
* <p>
* Non-leaf nodes always have an empty user object, leaf nodes can be one of
* <ol>
* <li></li>
* <li></li>
* <li>String</li>
* <li>byte[]</li>
* </ol>
* The getAsPojo method returns the appropriate object type for the entire
* contents of this tree, mapping empty nodes to List implementations. It
* returns null if the root node has zero children.
* @author Tom Oinn
public class PreRegistrationTreeModel extends DefaultTreeModel {
private static Logger logger = Logger
private static final String INPUT = "Input";
private static final String LIST_OF_DEPTH = "List of depth";
private static final String LIST_OF_LISTS_OF_LISTS = "List of lists of lists";
private static final String LIST_OF_LISTS = "List of lists";
private static final String LIST = "List";
private static final String SINGLE_VALUE = "Single value";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4133642236173701467L;
private int depth = 0;
public PreRegistrationTreeModel(int depth) {
this(depth, INPUT);
public PreRegistrationTreeModel(int depth, String name) {
super(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(getRootName(depth, name)));
this.depth = depth;
private static String getRootName(int depth, String name) {
switch (depth) {
case 0:
return name + ": " + SINGLE_VALUE;
case 1:
return name + ": " + LIST;
case 2:
return name + ": " + LIST_OF_LISTS;
case 3:
return name + ": " + LIST_OF_LISTS_OF_LISTS;
return name + ": " + LIST_OF_DEPTH + " " + depth;
public int getDepth() {
return this.depth;
* Get the contents of this tree model as a POJO ready for registration with
* the ReferenceService, returns null if the root has no children and throws
* IllegalStateException if there are any objects other than File, URL,
* String or byte[] at leaf nodes.
* @return
public synchronized Object getAsPojo() {
if (getChildCount(getRoot()) == 0)
return null;
return getAsPojoInner(getChild(getRoot(), 0));
private synchronized Object getAsPojoInner(Object child) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode childNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) child;
Object userObject = childNode.getUserObject();
if (userObject == null) {
List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>();
int children = getChildCount(childNode);
for (int i = 0; i < children; i++)
result.add(getAsPojoInner(getChild(childNode, i)));
return result;
if (userObject instanceof String || userObject instanceof File
|| userObject instanceof URL || userObject instanceof byte[]) {
return userObject;
throw new IllegalStateException("Found an illegal object of type '"
+ userObject.getClass().getCanonicalName()
+ "' in collection structure.");
* Nodes are leaves if they are not the root node and if they have a user
* object defined. All non-leaf nodes are either the root (special case) or
* have a null user object.
public boolean isLeaf(Object o) {
if (o == getRoot())
return false;
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) o;
return node.getUserObject() != null;
* Add the specified pojo at a particular place in the collection. The
* target node is, if required, re-written to ensure the depth property of
* the model is maintained. If specified as null the target is assumed to be
* the root node.
* @param parent
* @param pojo
* @param depth
public synchronized DefaultMutableTreeNode addPojoStructure(
MutableTreeNode parent, MutableTreeNode preceding, Object pojo,
int depth) {
* Firstly check for a null target and set the root node to be the
* target if so.
if (parent == null)
parent = (MutableTreeNode) getRoot();
* Now ensure that the target node has the correct depth. The target
* node must have depth of (depth - 1) to be correct, this means we can
* add the collection in place without any problems.
int targetDepth = getNodeDepth(parent);
if (targetDepth > depth + 1) {
* Need to traverse down the structure to find an appropriate parent
* node, creating empty nodes as we go if required.
if (parent.getChildCount() == 0)
insertNodeInto(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(null), parent, 0);
return addPojoStructure((MutableTreeNode) parent.getChildAt(0), preceding, pojo,
} else if (targetDepth < depth + 1) {
* Need to traverse up the structure to find an appropriate parent
* node
if (parent.getParent() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't add this pojo, depths are not compatible.");
return addPojoStructure((MutableTreeNode) parent.getParent(), preceding, pojo, depth);
* Found an appropriate parent node, we can insert at position 0 here.
* If this is the root node then we need to clear it first, the root can
* only have zero or one child nodes.
if (parent == getRoot())
if (parent.getChildCount() == 1)
removeNodeFromParent((MutableTreeNode) parent.getChildAt(0));
int children = parent.getChildCount();
int position = children;
if (preceding != null && preceding.getParent() != null
&& preceding.getParent().equals(parent))
position = parent.getIndex(preceding) + 1;
if (pojo instanceof List) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode newTarget = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(null);
insertNodeInto(newTarget, parent, position);
for (Object child : (List<Object>) pojo)
addPojoStructure(newTarget, preceding, child, depth - 1);
return newTarget;
} else {
DefaultMutableTreeNode newChild = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(pojo);
insertNodeInto(newChild, parent, position);
return newChild;
* Move a node to another node, used to respond to internal drag and drop
* events corresponding to re-arrangements of this collection structure.
* Behaviour depends on the relative depths (in t2reference terms where a
* leaf node has depth 0) of the source and target nodes
* <ol>
* <li>If the target is the same depth as the source then this is
* interpreted as a request to move the source to become a sibling of the
* target positioned immediately after it in the target's parent's child
* list.</li>
* <li>If the target is a lower depth than the source then the target node
* is re-written to be the node on the target's path to the root with the
* same depth as the source and treated as above.</li>
* <li>If the target is at a higher depth than the source by exactly one
* then this is interpreted as a request to insert the source node at the
* start of the target's child list.</li>
* <li>If the target is at a higher depth by more than one the target node
* is rewritten to be the first child of the target node. If the target node
* has no children a new node is created, inserted into the target and set
* as the target for this method, which is called recursively</li>
* </ol>
* This method is called before any nodes are modified, and causes the
* modifications to take place.
public synchronized void moveNode(MutableTreeNode source,
MutableTreeNode target) {
// Check that we're not dragging onto ourselves!
if (source.equals(target))
int targetDepth = getNodeDepth(target);
int sourceDepth = getNodeDepth(source);
// Handle drag onto a future sibling
if (sourceDepth == targetDepth) {
* Move the source from wherever it currently is and add it as a
* sibling of the target node at an index one higher.
// Capture the index of the target in its parent
int targetIndex = getIndexOfChild(target.getParent(), target);
* Insert the source node into the target's parent at the
* appropriate index
insertNodeInto(source, (MutableTreeNode) target.getParent(),
targetIndex + 1);
// Traverse up to find a potential sibling node
else if (targetDepth < sourceDepth)
moveNode(source, (MutableTreeNode) target.getParent());
// Check for a move to an immediate future parent
else if (targetDepth == sourceDepth + 1) {
* Insert at index 0 in the target, removing from our old parent
* first
insertNodeInto(source, target, 0);
* Otherwise traverse, picking the child at index 0 every time and
* creating a new one if required
else if (targetDepth > sourceDepth) {
// Create a new non-leaf node first if needed
if (target.getChildCount() == 0)
insertNodeInto(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(null), target, 0);
* Recursively try to move the source to the target's child list at
* position 0
moveNode(source, (MutableTreeNode) target.getChildAt(0));
public synchronized void removeNodeFromParent(MutableTreeNode node) {
if (node.getParent() != null)
* Return the depth of the specified tree node. Depth is determined by the
* length of the path to the root, where a path of length 2 corresponds to
* the depth of this model structure. The result is therefore equal to
* <code>getDepth() - (getPathToRoot(o).length - 2)</code>
* @param o
* @return
private int getNodeDepth(TreeNode o) {
return getDepth() - (getPathToRoot(o).length - 2);