Title: Taverna in use Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

More than 350 organizations around the world, both academic and commercial, are known to use Taverna. It is employed in a significant number of differing domains to facilitate novel research or to accelerate, formalise or share existing research. See the domains where Taverna is in use or has been used.

Taverna applications have been implemented or deployed in several domains using a variety of platforms and technologies:

##Summary of Taverna in use The table below shows the distribution of Taverna application domains per deployment infrastructure.

View by chronological order of deployment.

##Non-workbench applications <a name=“server” ###As a server###

Taverna has been used as a service and deployed using Taverna Server by several projects:

  • BioVel - establishing an international e-Laboratory to enable scientists to work in biodiversity sciences
  • VPH-DARE@IT - using Taverna in research to fight dementia
  • VPH-SHARE - online environment for the development, construction and storage of biomedical workflows
  • Shared Genomics - using Taverna Server to run genetic data workflows
  • HELIO - using Taverna Server to run heliophysics workflows
  • caGrid - submit Taverna workflows using caGrid's analytic and data services for execution to a Remote Workflow Execution Service on caGrid
  • NeISS - runnig social science workflows deployed on a Taverna server from a portal

<a name=“grid” ###On a grid### Various projects and institutions use mechanisms to run Taverna workflows on a grid or allow them to access services on a grid:

Learn more about how Taverna workflows can 
over a grid infrastructure

<a name=“cloud” ###On a cloud###

Taverna has been used as a service deployed on a cloud by several projects:

  • TSB grant - to address NHS requirements for accessing and comparing large amounts of information and find common genetic links when testing new treatments (in partnership with Eagle Genomics)
  • Next generation sequencing - using Taverna for the genome Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis on the Amazon cloud
  • SCAPE - large scale and computation intense automated digital preservation and quality assurance workflows on a cloud infrastructure
  • National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR)'s Opal toolkit - a mechanism to wrap up existing scientific applications rapidly as Web services on a cloud
  • e-Science Central - allows e-Science Central workflows to be included as services within a Taverna workflow
  • Cloud-based Taverna workflows for NMR-based metabolomics data analysis
  • The BioVeL project uses the Taverna Server within the Amazon Cloud by employing a Taverna Server Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • The VPH-Share project does rapid deployment of Taverna Server in their Cloud platform to execute workflows for clinical physiology. These workflows then use further Cloud instances to run applications that are displayed back to users within the VPH-Share portal the resource and data management are all handled by the workflow inside the Taverna Server instance.

<a name=“portal” ###Behind a portal### Various projects and tools use portals to allow users to perform actions that run Taverna workflows “behind the scenes”.
These projects include:

<a name=“bundled-with-products” ###Bundled with products### Several packages include Taverna as part of their distribution:

  • BioLinux - a version of Ubuntu Linux that includes distributions of many bioinformatics programs and Taverna
  • OMII-UK - included with the OMII-UK's open-source software developed to enable a sustained future for the UK e-Research community
  • Systems Biology Operational Software (SB.OS) - Systems Biology Software based on Ubuntu Linux containing the distribution of Taverna
  • CalcTav (bundled with OpenCalc) - a plugin to OpenOffice Calc with the aim of allowing calling bioinformatics services as spreadsheet functions

<a name=“by-domain” ##Taverna by domain##

Various domains where scientists have used Taverna so far include:

<a name=“chronology” ##Taverna-in-use chronology##

More than 350 organizations around the world, both academic and commercial, are known to use Taverna. It is employed in a significant number of differing domains to facilitate novel research or to accelerate, formalise or share existing research.


VP-DATE@IT and VPH-SHARE - active


PML Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Institute)


TSB Completed Dec-2012
BioVeL - Active
Mass spectrometry data analysis in proteomics - Active
SCAPE - Active
Tav4SB - Software
BioWEP- Software
Open software development wfs - Active
Trypanosomiasis - Active
CalcTav - Active


PANACEA - Completed Dec-2012
DAE - Active
TavernaPBS - Active
Next generation sequencing - Active
SB.OS - Software
JPL - Active
MCISB - Completed May-2012
ChemTaverna - Active


NeISS - Completed Mar-2012
e-LICO - Completed 2012
HELIO - Completed Dec-2012


IMPACT - Completed Jan-2012
MetWare - Software
EU-ADR - Completed Jan-2012
BioLinux - Software
AFAWE - Institute
caGrid - Completed Nov-2009
ENGAGE - Active
ONDEX Completed Mar-2011


Shared Genomics - Completed Feb-2010
AID - Active Graves disease - Active Course generator - Active
TaWeka - Active Composing music - Active
MicroArray analysis
REFINE - Completed Jun-2010


CCPN - Active
PLANET - Active
Anthrax analysis - Active
KnowARC - Completed 2009
MIASGrid - Completed 2006
eCHASE - Completed2006
MOTEUR - Active
PLANET - Active


ENFIN - Completed Nov-2010
CICC - Completed 2008

EMBRACE - Completed May-2006
DGEMap - Completed 2009
SIGENAE - Active
Measuring yeast characteristics - Completed Apr-2010


eFamily - Active
Williams-Beuren syndrome - Active
Qurator - Completed Jul-2007 ProDom - Database
e-Fungi - Completed Jun-2008
iSpider - Completed Jun-2007


CASIMIR - Completed May-2006


SIMDAT - Active
Moby consortium - Active
AstroGrid - Completed 2009