Title: Command-line Tool Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

The Apache Taverna Command-line Tool is a script that runs Taverna workflows from a terminal. The command-line script is called executeworkflow (executeworkflow.bat on Windows and executeworkflow.sh on Linux/UNIX).

You can download the Command-line Tool from the Taverna Web site or use the executeworkflow.sh or executeworkflow.bat that is bundled with the Taverna Workbench installation.


What are the differences between the bundled and unbundled versions?

Other important information

Executeworkflow Script

Basic Operations

Running the script with a database


##What are the differences between the bundled and standalone versions?

This section describes some of the differences between the bundled and standalone versions of *executeworkflow * Other important information is provided in the following section.

  • Versions use different configuration directories. The standalone command-line tool stores its configuration settings in a separate home directory, called taverna-cmdline-2.x.x - while the bundled tool uses the same directory and settings as the Taverna Workbench.

  • Bundled tool may use more memory. The bundled tool will load all installed workbench plugins, including third-party plugins. However, it will also load various GUI-supporting functions, which may consume extra memory.

  • Standalone version has remote capability, GUI not required. The standalone version can easily be installed and used on remote servers without GUI access.

  • With embedded version, runs can show up in workbench. Running the embedded version with the database and provenance enabled allows the command-line runs to show up in the workbench as “Workflow runs.” However, if database and provenance are enabled and the workbench is already running, the command-line tool must use the -clientserver option. Alternatively, if the workbench is shut down, the command-line tool must use either a standalone -startdb database server process or the -embedded option.

##Other important information This section provides additional information on configuring proxy settings, installing service plugins, disk space considerations and potential conflicts.

  • Manually configure proxy settings. Any proxy settings must be manually configured. Copy conf/HttpProxy-B307A902-F292-4D2F-B8E7-00CC983982B6.config from a configured Workbench home directory.

  • Installing service plugins. To install service plugins for the command-line tool, manually edit the plugins/plugins.xml in the installation or home directory. The <plugin>... </plugin> block can be copied from the plugins/plugins.xml in the home directory of a Workbench installation where the plugin is installed.

  • Disk space considerations. The standalone installation and download is smaller than the workbench - but keeping both the standalone and embedded versions installed will use more disk space than the workbench version alone. (Note: the command-line tool could use the {repository}} folder from the workbench using symlinks or modifiying plugins/plugins.xml.)

  • Potential conflicts. Although the standalone version would not be in conflict with the workbench database (as it's in a different home directory), it could be in conflict with parallel runs of the command-line tool. In this case, a separate -startdb process should be started with the other calls using the -clientserver option. See #Running the script with a database

##Executeworkflow Script

To get help and a full set of options for the executeworkflow script, type the following at the command prompt:

$ sh executeworkflow.sh -help

This command will list the following usage options:

##Basic Operations This section describes inputs, outputs, and creating lists.

###Creating or exporting files and directories If this directory already exists, then a new directory is created and appended with _<n>, where n is incremented to the next available index.

Results are written to files named after the output port for that result. If a result is composed of lists, then a directory is created for the output port and individual list items are named after the list element index (with 1 being the first index). If the output is the result of an error, the filename is appended with ‘.error’.

You can provide your own output directory with the -outputdir option. (There will be an error if the directory already exists.)

You can export provenance using the -opm or -janus options.

You can also record your results to a Baclava document using -outputdoc option. The document will be overwritten if it already exists. (You can use the DataViewer Tool to view Baclava files.)

###Inputting data Inputs can be provided in three ways.

  • -inputdoc. -inputdoc option must be used on its own.

  • -inputfile. May be used with -inputvalue. Requires two additional arguments: input port name and input filename.

  • -inputvalue. May be used with -inputfile. Requires two additional arguments: input port name and input value.

###Creating a list If one or more of your workflow inputs is described as a list, you can create a list using the -inputdelimiter option. This option may be used with either -inputfile or -inputvalue.

The -inputdelimiter option takes two parameters: an input name and the delimiter used to split the input into a list. The delimiter may be a simple character, such as a comma or a new-line character, or a regular expression. The input string (or file) will then be converted into a list using the specified delimiter.

If a list of greater depth is required (i.e., a list or lists or deeper) then you will need to use the -inputdocoption to pass data from a Baclava file. However, if you provide an input of lower depth than what is required, it will automatically be wrapped in one or more list levels up to the required depth. Providing an input of greater depth than that required will result in an error.

##Running the script with a database

Storing data in memory is the default option. If a workflow has a high memory requirement, then it may be better to store data in a database. There are three options for using a database:

  • -embedded option, runs with an embedded database. This is slightly faster than the -clientserver option (below), but only one executeworkflow script may be executed at a time. (Simultaneous runs are not allowed.)

  • -clientserver option, allows the workflow to be executed, backed by the database running as a server. By default a database is not started for you. You may start a database using the -startdb option.

  • -startdb option, starts a database. It may be used without providing a workflow to allow a database to be started separately. In this manner, you can have multiple simultaneous executeworkflow script runs.

###Advanced database operations Advanced database configurations can be specified using the -dbproperties option, allowing you to take full control over the database used. This takes a second argument, the filename of the properties file. Below are the default settings for the properties file.

###Use Derby If you want to run the Derby database with client/server setting instead of with the embedded driver, change the properties in the -dbproperties file (described above) as follows:

If you want to run your own separate Derby server instance, then do not define the start_derby option and instead define your Derby server port as port=<port>.

###MySQL If you want to use MySQL rather than Derby, first copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.5.jar file from the mySQL website into the lib folder of the Taverna installation directory. (The Taverna installation directory is where you are running the script.)

Edit the -dbproperties file as follows:

Important: The database name in the jdbcuri property must be T2Provenance, as this database name is hard-coded into the MySQL provenance SQL queries.

If you do not specify the port, the script will try to connect to the default port for MySQL server, which is 3306.

When using -dbproperties together with other options, the other options take precedence.


Workflows names are listed at the end of the command, after any options. You must enclose file paths and input values in quotes if they contain spaces. Examples are shown below.

###Example 1

$ sh executeworkflow.sh "/Users/alex/Taverna Workflows/wf-1.t2flow"

The command in Example 1 executes the workflow located in /Users/alex/Taverna Workflows/wf-1.t2flow. It has no input values and uses memory for data storage (the default option). Because no output directory is specified, a subdirectory for output files (<workflowName>_outputdirectory) will be created under the current directory.

###Example 2

$ sh executeworkflow.sh -embedded -inputvalue in1 aaa -inputvalue in2 "bb b" -outputdir /tmp/wf-2/ wf-2.t2flow

The command in Example 2 executes the workflow wf-2.t2flow from the current directory and uses the embedded Derby database to store the data. It passes the value “aaa” to input port in1 and the value “bb b” to input port in2. Output files will be written to the /tmp/wf-2/ directory.

###Example 3

$ sh executeworkflow.sh -inputvalue in1 aaa -inputfile in2 input2.txt -inputdelimiter in2 "\n" wf-3.t2flow

The command in Example 3 executes the workflow wf-3.t2flow from the current directory, passing the value “aaa” to input port in1. It splits the contents of file input2.txt using “\n” (new line character) as the delimiter and passes the resulting list to input port in2. NOTE: The delimiter must be in quotes, even if it is a single character, such as “;”. The <workflowName>_outputdirectory subdirectory will be created under the current directory and will contain all output files.

###Example 4

$ sh executeworkflow.sh -inputdoc /tmp/input-doc.xml -outputdoc /tmp/output-doc.xml "/Users/alex/Taverna Workflows/wf-4.t2flow"

The command in Example 4 executes the workflow /Users/alex/Taverna Workflows/wf-4.t2flow, loading inputs from the Baclava document in /tmp/input-doc.xml, and creating a Baclava document in the output directory: /tmp/output-doc.xml.