Title: Download Taverna Command-line Tool Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. jsonld: { “@context” : “http://schema.org”, “@type” : “SoftwareApplication”, “@id”: “https://taverna.incubator.apache.org/download/commandline/”, “url”: “https://taverna.incubator.apache.org/download/commandline/”, “applicationSuite”: “Apache Taverna (incubating)”, “name” : “Apache Taverna Command Line (incubating)”, “description” : “Apache Taverna Command Line Tool (incubating) runs Taverna workflows, usable from shell scripts and the command line.”, “publisher” : { “@type” : “Organization”, “@id” : “https://www.apache.org/”, “url” : “https://www.apache.org/”, “name” : “The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)” }, “downloadUrl” : “https://www-eu.apache.org/dist/incubator/taverna/source/taverna-commandline-3.1.0-incubating/apache-taverna-commandline-3.1.0-incubating-source-release.zip”, “softwareVersion”: “3.1.0-incubating”, “fileSize”: “607KB”, “applicationCategory”: “Scientific Workflows”, “operatingSystem”: [“Windows”, “OS/X”, “Linux”, “Java”],
“datePublished”: “2016-06-31”, “releaseNotes” : “https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12332251&projectId=12318322”, “author”: { “@id”: “https://taverna.incubator.apache.org/about/”, “url”: “https://taverna.incubator.apache.org/about/”, “type”: “Organization”, “name”: “Apache Taverna PPMC” } }

Users of Taverna Workbench 2.x are still recommended to use the archived non-Apache releases of Taverna Command Line 2.5 in production, and try the Apache Taverna Command-line Tool 3.1.0 for development. We appreciate any feedback and contributions!

Taverna Command-line Tool enables you to run workflows from a command prompt. The Tool is essentially the Taverna Workbench stripped of its GUI so you can run workflows headlessly from a command prompt (i.e., without the graphical environment).

Apache Taverna Command-line Tool can run workflows defined with Apache Taverna Language in SCUFL2 format (.wfbundle). In addition, you can execute many Taverna 2 workflows (.t2flow) , depending on which activities they require.

Support for executing Common Workflow Language workflows is planned. Please contact the dev@taverna mailing list for details.

Source code

Below you can find all Taverna Command-line Tool source releases.

After downloading the files, verify the PGP signatures using the Apache Taverna KEYS file.


Apache Taverna Command-line 3.1.0-incubating was published on 2016-07-01, and is available for download from official mirrors of the ASF Distribution Directory incubator/taverna/:

The Taverna Command-line Tool changelog is available from the Apache Taverna Jira.

Note that when building Taverna Command-line Tool, it will require other Taverna modules:

You can either compile those Taverna modules first, or let Maven fetch them from Maven Central. See the <properties> file in the Command-line Tool's pom.xml for version information.

Source code repositories

For the latest developments you may also be interested in the corresponding source code repositories:

Each release also has a tag corresponding to its version, e.g., 3.1.0-incubating.

Binary distribution

Version 3.1.0 is the first release of the Apache Taverna 3 Command-line Tool. It is only available as source code, as we think this release is mainly useful for development and testing.

Apache Taverna is planning to include a binary distribution of the Taverna Command-line Tool with its next release. Please contact the dev@taverna mailing list for details.

The previous non-Apache release of Taverna Command Line 2.5 remains available in binary distributions and installers. (see below).

Archived releases

For all archived Apache Taverna releases, see archive.apache.org.

Taverna 2.5 and earlier were released before incubating to the Apache Software Foundation. Taverna Command Line 2.5 and earlier remain available for archival purposes.

Users of the Taverna Workbench 2.x are still recommended to use the non-Apache release of Taverna Command Line 2.5 in production. Note however that Taverna 2.5 is no longer maintained - users are encouraged to evaluate Apache Taverna Command-line Tool and provide feedback to its development.

Taverna Command Line 2.5 can be downloaded from BitBucket. Note that these non-Apache releases are licensed under LGPL 2.1 or GPL 3.0.