tl;dr: The Taverna code base is no longer maintained and is provided here for archival purposes.
From 2014 till 2020 this code base was maintained by the Apache Incubator project Apache Taverna (incubating) (see web archive and podling status).
In 2020 the Taverna community voted to retire Taverna as a project and withdraw the code base from the Apache Software Foundation.
This code base remains available under the Apache License 2.0 (see License below), but is now simply called Taverna rather than Apache Taverna (incubating).
While the code base is no longer actively maintained, Pull Requests are welcome to the GitHub organization taverna, which may infrequently be considered by remaining volunteer caretakers.
Releases 2015-2018 during incubation at Apache Software Foundation are available from the ASF Download Archive
Releases 2014 from the University of Manchester are on BitBucket
Releases 2009-2013 from myGrid are on LaunchPad
Releases 2003-2009 are on SourceForge
Binary JARs for Taverna are available from Maven Central or the myGrid Maven repository
The Taverna Maven Parent provides common build settings for the rest of Taverna.
mvn clean install
Note: Modules of Taverna might not use the latest version of the Taverna Parent. This is not generally an issue, if you want to avoid its download from Maven Central. you may want to build the Taverna Parent version corresponding to <parent>
in the module's pom.xml
of each top-level project.beanshell.version
within incubator-taverna-common-activities
) should rather be defined in the top-level pom.xml
of that project.(c) 2010-2014 University of Manchester (c) 2014-2016 Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0, see the file LICENSE for details.
The file NOTICE contain any additional attributions and details about embedded third-party libraries and source code.
Any contributions received are assumed to be covered by the Apache License 2.0.