Convert SCUFL2 to wfdesc

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This is an extension to Scufl2 which provides the export capability to wfdesc ontology from the Wf4Ever [2] RO wfdesc ontology.

This is exposed as a command line tool scufl2-to-wfdesc, but can also be accessed programmatically as a plugin for the SCUFL2 API.


You can download the latest scufl2-wfdesc-*-standalone.jar (command line tool) from the myGrid Maven repository:

For instance, for version 0.3.7:


(c) 2011-2014 University of MAnchester

scufl2-wfdesc is licensed under the MIT license. See the file LICENCE.txt for details

SCUFL2 API is licensed under the LGPL 2.1 license which applies to the build binary.



To build, simply use mvn clean install


: stain@ralph ~/src/wf4ever/scufl2-wfdesc;mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building SCUFL2 to wfdesc 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.4.1:clean (default-clean) @ scufl2-wfdesc ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default) @ scufl2-wfdesc ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/stain/stuff/src/wf4ever/scufl2-wfdesc/target/generated-sources
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 46.734s
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Jan 04 15:22:58 WET 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 18M/129M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note that the first time you build, Maven will download several required dependencies from Maven repositories. Depending on your network connection this might take some time to complete.

Command line tool

After building, the folder target/scufl2-wfdesc contains a distribution of the command line tool scufl2-to-wfdesc, with launchers generated for Unix and Windows. You may copy and distribute this folder for a standalone usage of the conversion tool.

Alternatively, you can use the target/scufl2-wfdesc-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar directly with java -jar - this JAR embeds all required libraries and hence can be copied anywhere on your file system. This JAR is however not recommended for programmatic use as it embeds third party libraries.

The command line tool takes a list of Taverna workflow filenames (supported file types are *.t2flow and *.wfbundle). If no filenames are given, the tool will read a workflow definition from STDIN and write wfdesc to STDOUT. The argument -h or --help should give a minimal help.


: stain@ralph ~/src/wf4ever/scufl2-wfdesc; target/scufl2-wfdesc/bin/scufl2-to-wfdesc src/test/resources/helloworld.t2flow 
Converted src/test/resources/helloworld.t2flow to src/test/resources/helloworld.wfdesc.ttl

The output is a RDF Turtle document containing statements about the workflow structure according to the RO ontology wfdesc ontology.

: stain@ralph ~/src/wf4ever/scufl2-wfdesc; cat src/test/resources/helloworld.wfdesc.ttl 

@base <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix wfdesc: <> .
@prefix wf4ever: <> .
@prefix roterms: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix comp: <> .
@prefix dep: <> .
@prefix biocat: <> .
@prefix : <#> .

<datalink?from=processor/hello/out/value&to=out/greeting> a wfdesc:DataLink ;
	wfdesc:hasSource <processor/hello/out/value> ;
	wfdesc:hasSink <out/greeting> .

<> a wfdesc:Workflow , wfdesc:Description , wfdesc:Process ;
	dc:creator "Stian Soiland-Reyes" ;
	dcterms:description "One of the simplest workflows possible. No workflow input ports, a single workflow output port \"greeting\",  outputting \"Hello, world!\" as produced by the String Constant \"hello\"." ;
	dcterms:title "Hello World" ;
	rdfs:label "Hello_World" ;
	wfdesc:hasOutput <out/greeting> ;
	wfdesc:hasSubProcess <processor/hello/> ;
	wfdesc:hasDataLink <datalink?from=processor/hello/out/value&to=out/greeting> .

<out/greeting> a wfdesc:Output , wfdesc:Description , wfdesc:Input ;
	rdfs:label "greeting" .

<processor/hello/> a wfdesc:Process , wfdesc:Description ;
	rdfs:label "hello" ;
	wfdesc:hasOutput <processor/hello/out/value> .

<processor/hello/out/value> a wfdesc:Output , wfdesc:Description ;
	rdfs:label "value" .

Extracted annotations

Annotations in the workflow are also extracted for the workflow, processors and input ports (see namespaces above):

  • dc:creator
  • dcterms:description
  • dcterms:title
  • biocat:exampleData

Richer semantic annotations (e.g. on Taverna Components) are extracted verbatim, e.g.:

<> a wfdesc:Workflow , wfdesc:Description , wfdesc:Process ;
	comp:fits comp:MigrationAction ;
	comp:migrates _:node18musbm56x1 .

_:node18musbm56x1 a comp:MigrationPath ;
	comp:fromMimetype "image/tiff" ;
	comp:toMimetype "image/tiff" .

See valid_component_imagemagickconvert.wfdesc.ttl for the complete example.

See the scufl2-wfdesc wiki for common wfdesc queries.

Programmatic use

Add a Maven dependency to “scufl2-wfdesc”:


See the pom.xml file of the latest git tag for the latest version.

Stable builds are available from -- to retrieve artifacts from the myGrid repository, also add to your POM:

        <snapshots />
        <name>myGrid Repository</name>



File original = new File("helloworld.t2flow");
File output = new File("helloworld.wfdesc.ttl");
String original = null; // to guess filetype
WorkflowBundle wfBundle = io.readBundle(original, null);
io.writeBundle(wfBundle, output, "text/vnd.wf4ever.wfdesc+turtle");
