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# wfprov ontology
# Wf4Ever Research Object Model 1.0
# (c) 2011-2014
# Stian Soiland-Reyes, University of Manchester
# Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
# Khalid Belhajjame, University of Manchester
# Graham Klyne, University of Oxford
# Daniel Garijo, UPM
# Oscar Corcho, UPM
# Esteban GarcĂ­a Cuesta, iSOCO
# Raul Palma, PSNC
# Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
@prefix wfprov: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix wfdesc: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix ro: <> .
@base <> .
<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
owl:versionIRI <> ;
rdfs:comment """The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using the wf ontology.
Here the concern is mainly the provenance which affects the research object, so in particular how some ro:Resource's might have been generated or used by the execution of a wfdesc:Workflow.
The main class here is a wfprov:WorkflowRun which shows how wfprov:Artifact instances (the data) wfprov:wasOutputFrom a wfprov:ProcessRun for generated artifacts, or wfprov:usedInput for consumed artifacts. The WorkflowRun is also a ProcessRun, and so the overall inputs and outputs of thw workflow execution can be described in the same manner.
These provenance details are linked to the corresponding wfdesc descriptions using wfdesc:describedbyProcess, wfdesc:describedByWorkflow and wfdesc:describedByParameter.
This ontology can be further linked to more specific provenance ontologies like OPM-V or W3C PROV-O, but this should be done separately."""@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
owl:imports <> ,
<> .
# Annotation properties
# Datatypes
# Object Properties
wfprov:describedByParameter rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This object property is used to associate a wfprov:Artifact to the wfdesc:Parameter description."@en ;
rdfs:range wfdesc:Parameter ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:Artifact .
wfprov:describedByProcess rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This object property associate a wfprov:Processrun to its wfdesc:Process description ."@en ;
rdfs:range wfdesc:Process ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:ProcessRun .
wfprov:describedByWorkflow rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property associates a wfprov:WorkflowRun to its corresponding wfdesc:Workflow description."@en ;
rdfs:range wfdesc:Workflow ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:WorkflowRun ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf wfprov:describedByProcess .
wfprov:usedInput rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property specifies that a wfprov:ProcessRun used an wfprov:Artifact as an input"@en ;
rdfs:range wfprov:Artifact ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:ProcessRun .
wfprov:wasEnactedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "wfprov:wasEnactedBy associates a wfprov:ProcessRun with a wfprov:WorkflowEngine, specifying that the execution of the process was enacted by the engine."@en ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:ProcessRun ;
rdfs:range wfprov:WorkflowEngine .
wfprov:wasOutputFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property specifies that a wfprov:Artifact was generated as an output from a wfprov:ProcessRun"@en ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:Artifact ;
rdfs:range wfprov:ProcessRun .
wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRun rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property specifies that a wfprov:ProcessRun was executed as part of a wfprov:WorkflowRun. This typically corresponds to wfdesc:hasSubProcess in the workflow description."@en ;
rdfs:domain wfprov:ProcessRun ;
rdfs:range wfprov:WorkflowRun .
# Classes
wfprov:Artifact rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "An artifact is a data value or item which wfprov:wasOutputFrom of a wfprov:ProcessRun or that the process run used as input (wfprov:usedInput). Such an artifact might also be a ro:Resource if it has been aggregated in the ro:ResearchObject (typically if the artifact was used or generated by a wfprov:WorkflowRun) - but this might always not be the case for intermediate values from wfprov:ProcessRun."@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso ro:ResearchObject ,
ro:Resource ,
wfprov:ProcessRun ,
wfprov:usedInput ,
wfprov:wasOutputFrom ,
wfprov:workflowRun .
wfprov:ProcessRun rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A process run is a particular execution of a wfdesc:Process description (wfprov:describedByProcess), which can wfprov:usedInput some wfprov:Artifact instances, and produce new artifacts (wfprov:wasOutputFrom). A wfprov:WorkflowRun is a specialisation of this class."@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso wfdesc:Process ,
wfprov:Artifact ,
wfprov:WorkflowRun ,
wfprov:describedByProcess ,
wfprov:usedInput ,
wfprov:wasOutputFrom .
wfprov:WorkflowEngine rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf <> ;
rdfs:comment "A workflow engine is an foaf:Agent that is responsible for enacting a workflow definition (which could be described in a wfdesc:Workflow). The result of workflow enactment gives rise to a wfprov:WorkflowRun."@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso wfdesc:Workflow ,
wfprov:WorkflowRun .
wfprov:WorkflowRun rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf wfprov:ProcessRun ;
rdfs:comment "A workflow run is a wfprov:ProcessRun which have been enacted by a wfprov:WorkflowEngine, according to a workflow definition (which could be wfdesc:describedByWorkflow a wfdesc:Workflow). Such a process typically contains several subprocesses (wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRun) corresponding to wfdesc:Process descriptions"@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso wfdesc:Process ,
wfdesc:Workflow ,
wfprov:WorkflowEngine .
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