This is an extension to Scufl2 API which provides the export capability to wfdesc ontology from the Wf4Ever [2] RO wfdesc ontology.
You can use the tavlang convert command line tool for converting Taverna workflows to wfdesc.
The output is a RDF Turtle document containing statements about the workflow structure according to the RO ontology wfdesc ontology, with additional service descriptions using the wf4ever ontology where supported.
: stain@ralph ~/src/wf4ever/scufl2-wfdesc; cat src/test/resources/helloworld.wfdesc.ttl
@base <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix prov: <> . @prefix wfdesc: <> . @prefix wf4ever: <> . @prefix roterms: <> . @prefix dc: <> . @prefix dcterms: <> . @prefix comp: <> . @prefix dep: <> . @prefix biocat: <> . @prefix : <#> . <datalink?from=processor/hello/out/value&to=out/greeting> a wfdesc:DataLink ; wfdesc:hasSource <processor/hello/out/value> ; wfdesc:hasSink <out/greeting> . <> a wfdesc:Workflow , wfdesc:Description , wfdesc:Process ; dc:creator "Stian Soiland-Reyes" ; dcterms:description "One of the simplest workflows possible. No workflow input ports, a single workflow output port \"greeting\", outputting \"Hello, world!\" as produced by the String Constant \"hello\"." ; dcterms:title "Hello World" ; rdfs:label "Hello_World" ; wfdesc:hasOutput <out/greeting> ; wfdesc:hasSubProcess <processor/hello/> ; wfdesc:hasDataLink <datalink?from=processor/hello/out/value&to=out/greeting> . <out/greeting> a wfdesc:Output , wfdesc:Description , wfdesc:Input ; rdfs:label "greeting" . <processor/hello/> a wfdesc:Process , wfdesc:Description ; rdfs:label "hello" ; wfdesc:hasOutput <processor/hello/out/value> . <processor/hello/out/value> a wfdesc:Output , wfdesc:Description ; rdfs:label "value" .
Annotations in the workflow are also extracted for the workflow, processors and input ports (see namespaces above):
Richer semantic annotations (e.g. on Taverna Components) are extracted verbatim, e.g.:
<> a wfdesc:Workflow , wfdesc:Description , wfdesc:Process ;
comp:fits comp:MigrationAction ;
comp:migrates _:node18musbm56x1 .
_:node18musbm56x1 a comp:MigrationPath ;
comp:fromMimetype "image/tiff" ;
comp:toMimetype "image/tiff" .
See valid_component_imagemagickconvert.wfdesc.ttl
for the complete example.
import org.apache.taverna.scufl2.api.container.WorkflowBundle; import; import; import; .. File original = new File("helloworld.t2flow"); File output = new File("helloworld.wfdesc.ttl"); String original = null; // to guess filetype WorkflowBundle wfBundle = io.readBundle(original, null); io.writeBundle(wfBundle, output, "text/vnd.wf4ever.wfdesc+turtle");
These queries can be executed using SPARQL on the returned wfdesc Turtle, and assume these PREFIXes:
PREFIX prov: <> PREFIX wfdesc: <> PREFIX wfprov: <> PREFIX tavernaprov: <> PREFIX cnt: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX wf4ever: <> PREFIX comp: <>
The wfdesc model does not have a concept of “top-level” workflow, however you can use a SPARQL NOT EXISTS
filter to skip any nested workflows:
SELECT ?wf WHERE { ?wf a wfdesc:Workflow . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?processInParent prov:specializationOf ?wf . ?parent wfdesc:hasSubProcess ?processInParent } . }
Thus any workflow ?wf
which (specialization) has been used as a sub-process in ?parent
are excluded from the result. As SCUFL2 workflows have unique URIs within each workflow bundle, e.g. - the above would not be excluding a workflow just because its structure has been reused elsewhere.
A variant of the above is if you are only interested in processors in top-level workflows:
SELECT ?proc WHERE { ?wf a wfdesc:Workflow ; wfdesc:hasSubProcess ?proc . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?processInParent prov:specializationOf ?wf . ?parent wfdesc:hasSubProcess ?processInParent } . }