blob: b403ed77ef4f9b6792904b2b5513ef83b7817f01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.taverna.prov.owl;
import java.util.Calendar;
import org.apache.jena.riot.IO_Jena;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.IO_JenaWriters;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.DatatypeProperty;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntClass;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import org.apache.jena.util.FileManager;
import org.apache.jena.util.LocationMapper;
public class ProvModel {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProvModel.class);
private static final String EMPTY_PREFIX = "";
protected static final OntModelSpec DEFAULT_ONT_MODEL_SPEC = OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF;
protected static final String FOAF_0_1 = "";
protected static final String FOAF_RDF = "foaf.rdf";
protected static final String ORE = "";
protected static final String PAV = "";
protected static final String PAV_RDF = "pav.rdf";
protected static final String PROV = "";
protected static final String PROV_AQ_RDF = "prov-aq.rdf";
protected static final String PROV_DICTIONARY = "";
protected static final String PROV_DICTIONARY_TTL = "prov-dictionary.ttl";
protected static final String PROV_O = "";
protected static final String PROV_O_RDF = "prov-o.rdf";
protected static final String RO = "";
public OntClass Activity;
public OntClass Association;
public OntClass Bundle;
public OntClass Collection;
public OntClass Communication;
public OntClass Dictionary;
public OntClass EmptyCollection;
public OntClass EmptyDictionary;
public OntClass End;
public OntClass Entity;
public OntClass Generation;
public OntClass KeyEntityPair;
public OntClass Plan;
public OntClass Role;
public OntClass Start;
public OntClass Usage;
public ObjectProperty activity;
public ObjectProperty agent;
public ObjectProperty entity;
public ObjectProperty hadDictionaryMember;
public ObjectProperty hadMember;
public ObjectProperty hadPlan;
public ObjectProperty hadRole;
public ObjectProperty pairEntity;
public ObjectProperty qualifiedAssociation;
public ObjectProperty qualifiedCommunication;
public ObjectProperty qualifiedEnd;
public ObjectProperty qualifiedGeneration;
public ObjectProperty qualifiedStart;
public ObjectProperty qualifiedUsage;
public ObjectProperty used;
public ObjectProperty wasAssociatedWith;
public ObjectProperty wasDerivedFrom;
public ObjectProperty wasGeneratedBy;
public ObjectProperty wasInformedBy;
public DatatypeProperty atTime;
public DatatypeProperty endedAtTime;
public DatatypeProperty pairKey;
public DatatypeProperty startedAtTime;
public OntModel model;
private static boolean jenaFileManagerInitialized = false;
protected OntModel prov;
protected OntModel provDict;
public ProvModel() {
public ProvModel(Model model) {
String defaultPrefix = model.getNsPrefixURI(EMPTY_PREFIX);
OntModel ontModel;
if (model instanceof OntModel) {
ontModel = (OntModel) model;
} else {
ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(spec, model);
if (defaultPrefix != null) {
// Restore the defaultPrefix (:)
model.setNsPrefix(EMPTY_PREFIX, defaultPrefix);
} else {
private void initializeJenaFileManager() {
if (! jenaFileManagerInitialized) {
// Only initialize once to avoid adding the same locators
// (but no need to synchronize, the occassional extra should be ok)
jenaFileManagerInitialized = true;
// So that it can find our location-mapping.n3
// and the OWLs in classpath /org.apache.taverna.prov.owl/
Model mapping = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
InputStream mappingStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/location-mapping.n3");, "", "N3");
FileManager.get().setLocationMapper(new LocationMapper(mapping));
public void resetJena() {
public void addKeyPair(Individual dictionary, long position,
Individual listItem) {
dictionary.addProperty(hadMember, listItem);
Individual keyPair = model.createIndividual(KeyEntityPair);
keyPair.addProperty(pairEntity, listItem);
keyPair.addLiteral(pairKey, position);
dictionary.addProperty(hadDictionaryMember, keyPair);
protected void checkNotNull(OntModel model, Object... possiblyNulls) {
int i = 0;
for (Object check : possiblyNulls) {
if (check == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load term #" + i
+ " from ontology");
public Individual createActivity(URI uri) {
return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Activity);
public Individual createBundle(URI uri) {
return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Bundle);
public Individual createDictionary(URI uri) {
Individual artifact = createEntity(uri);
return artifact;
public Individual createEntity(URI uri) {
return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Entity);
public Individual createPlan(URI planUri) {
return model.createIndividual(planUri.toString(), Plan);
public Individual createRole(URI uri) {
return model.createIndividual(uri.toASCIIString(), Role);
public OntModel getModel() {
return model;
public void loadOntologies() {
protected OntModel loadOntologyFromClasspath(String classPathUri, String uri) {
OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();
// Load from classpath
InputStream inStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(classPathUri);
if (inStream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't load " + classPathUri);
// Ontology ontology = ontModel.createOntology(uri);
if (classPathUri.endsWith(".ttl")) {, uri, "TURTLE");
} else {, uri);
return ontModel;
protected synchronized void loadProvDictionary() {
if (provDict != null) {
OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(PROV_DICTIONARY_TTL,
hadDictionaryMember = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
+ "hadDictionaryMember");
pairEntity = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "pairEntity");
pairKey = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "pairKey");
Dictionary = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Dictionary");
EmptyDictionary = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "EmptyDictionary");
KeyEntityPair = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "KeyEntityPair");
checkNotNull(ontModel, hadDictionaryMember, pairEntity, pairKey,
Dictionary, EmptyDictionary, KeyEntityPair);
provDict = ontModel;
protected synchronized void loadPROVO() {
if (prov != null) {
OntModel ontModel = loadOntologyFromClasspath(PROV_O_RDF, PROV_O);
ontModel.setNsPrefix("prov", PROV_O);
wasDerivedFrom = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "wasDerivedFrom");
wasAssociatedWith = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
+ "wasAssociatedWith");
qualifiedAssociation = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
+ "qualifiedAssociation");
wasGeneratedBy = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "wasGeneratedBy");
qualifiedGeneration = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
+ "qualifiedGeneration");
used = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "used");
qualifiedUsage = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "qualifiedUsage");
wasInformedBy = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "wasInformedBy");
qualifiedCommunication = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV
+ "qualifiedCommunication");
qualifiedStart = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "qualifiedStart");
qualifiedEnd = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "qualifiedEnd");
hadMember = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "hadMember");
agent = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "agent");
entity = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "entity");
activity = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "activity");
hadPlan = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "hadPlan");
hadRole = ontModel.getObjectProperty(PROV + "hadRole");
startedAtTime = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "startedAtTime");
endedAtTime = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "endedAtTime");
atTime = ontModel.getDatatypeProperty(PROV + "atTime");
Bundle = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Bundle");
Entity = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Entity");
Activity = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Activity");
Start = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Start");
End = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "End");
Association = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Association");
Plan = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Plan");
Role = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Role");
Generation = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Generation");
Usage = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Usage");
Communication = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Communication");
Collection = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "Collection");
EmptyCollection = ontModel.getOntClass(PROV + "EmptyCollection");
checkNotNull(ontModel, wasDerivedFrom, wasAssociatedWith,
qualifiedAssociation, wasGeneratedBy, qualifiedGeneration,
used, qualifiedUsage, wasInformedBy, qualifiedCommunication,
agent, entity, activity, hadPlan, hadMember, hadRole,
startedAtTime, endedAtTime, atTime, qualifiedStart,
Bundle, Entity, Activity, Association, Plan, Role, Generation,
Usage, Communication, Start, End, Collection, EmptyCollection);
prov = ontModel;
public void setEmptyDictionary(Individual dictionary) {
public Individual setEndedAtTime(Individual endedActivity, Calendar time) {
if (time == null) {
logger.warn("Unknown end time");
return null;
return setEndedAtTime(endedActivity, model.createTypedLiteral(time));
public Individual setEndedAtTime(Individual endedActivity, Literal time) {
if (time == null) {
logger.warn("Unknown end time");
return null;
endedActivity.addLiteral(endedAtTime, time);
Individual end = model.createIndividual(End);
endedActivity.setPropertyValue(qualifiedEnd, end);
end.addLiteral(atTime, time);
return end;
public void setModel(OntModel model) {
this.model = model;
public void setRole(Individual involvement, Individual role) {
involvement.addProperty(hadRole, role);
public Individual setStartedAtTime(Individual startedActivity, Calendar time) {
if (time == null) {
logger.warn("Unknown start time");
return null;
return setStartedAtTime(startedActivity, model.createTypedLiteral(time));
public Individual setStartedAtTime(Individual startedActivity, Literal time) {
if (time == null) {
logger.warn("Unknown start time");
return null;
startedActivity.addLiteral(startedAtTime, time);
Individual start = model.createIndividual(Start);
startedActivity.setPropertyValue(qualifiedStart, start);
start.addLiteral(atTime, time);
return start;
public Individual setUsed(Individual activity, Individual usedEntity) {
activity.addProperty(used, usedEntity);
Individual usage = model.createIndividual(Usage);
activity.addProperty(qualifiedUsage, usage);
usage.addProperty(entity, usedEntity);
return usage;
public Individual setWasAssociatedWith(Individual activity,
Individual associatedAgent, Individual plan) {
activity.setPropertyValue(wasAssociatedWith, associatedAgent);
Individual association = model.createIndividual(Association);
activity.setPropertyValue(qualifiedAssociation, association);
association.setPropertyValue(agent, associatedAgent);
if (plan != null) {
association.setPropertyValue(hadPlan, plan);
return association;
public void setWasDerivedFrom(Individual derived, Individual original) {
derived.addProperty(wasDerivedFrom, original);
public Individual setWasGeneratedBy(Individual generated,
Individual generatingActivity) {
generated.setPropertyValue(wasGeneratedBy, generatingActivity);
Individual generation = model.createIndividual(Generation);
generated.setPropertyValue(qualifiedGeneration, generation);
generation.setPropertyValue(activity, generatingActivity);
return generation;
public Individual setWasInformedBy(Individual informed, Individual informer) {
informed.setPropertyValue(wasInformedBy, informer);
Individual communication = model.createIndividual(Communication);
informed.setPropertyValue(qualifiedCommunication, communication);
communication.setPropertyValue(activity, informer);
return communication;