Added new attribute "approximateSizeInBytes" to ReferenceSet to contain the approximate size of the data held by ExternalReferenceSPIs of that ReferenceSet. The attribute is set at the time of registering data and will add a new column in the database. Also set loading of ExternalReferenceSPIs from the database to lazy so that hibernate does not load all ExternalReferenceSPIs for a ReferenceSet if we just want to peek at the data size. ExternalReferenceSPIs have also been updated to support the new attribute "approximateSizeInBytes".

git-svn-id: bf327186-88b3-11dd-a302-d386e5130c1c
5 files changed
tree: ad658fdc7dce3edc9ec1fc33dcc192122d61cdef
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml