blob: 278ebb7c29fdc8005de267509c3db972f253f543 [file] [log] [blame]
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Initialize workflow."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import datetime\n",
"import struct, socket\n",
"import shutil\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import linecache, bisect\n",
"import csv, json\n",
"import operator\n",
"import os, time, subprocess \n",
"from collections import OrderedDict\n",
" import ipywidgets as widgets # For jupyter/ipython >= 1.4\n",
"except ImportError:\n",
" from IPython.html import widgets\n",
"from IPython.display import display, Javascript, clear_output\n",
"path = os.getcwd().split(\"/\") \n",
"date = path[len(path)-1] \n",
"dsource = path[len(path)-2] \n",
"cpath = '/'.join(['context' if var == 'ipynb' else var for var in path][:len(path)-2]) + '/'\n",
"coff = 250;\n",
"nwloc = cpath + 'networkcontext.csv' \n",
"srcdict,srclist = {},[]\n",
"dstdict,dstlist = {},[]\n",
"sportdict,sportlist = {},[]\n",
"dportdict,dportlist = {},[]\n",
"global svals\n",
"svals = [] "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def apply_css_to_select(select):\n",
" select._css = (\n",
" (None, 'height', '90%'),\n",
" (None, 'width', '90%'),\n",
" ('select', 'overflow-x', 'auto'),\n",
" ('select', 'width', '100%'),\n",
" ('select', 'margin', 0)\n",
" )\n",
"# Source IP box\n",
"scrIpLalbel = widgets.HTML(value=\"Source IP:\", height='10%', width='100%')\n",
"# srcselect = widgets.Select(options=srclist, height='90%')\n",
"srcselect = widgets.Select(height='100%')\n",
"srcIpBox = widgets.Box(width='25%', height='100%')\n",
"srcIpBox.children = (scrIpLalbel, srcselect)\n",
"# Destination IP box\n",
"dstIpLalbel = widgets.HTML(value=\"Dest IP:\", height='10%', width='100%')\n",
"dstselect = widgets.Select(height='100%')\n",
"# dstselect = widgets.Select(options=dstlist, height='90%')\n",
"dstIpBox = widgets.Box(width='25%', height='100%')\n",
"dstIpBox.children = (dstIpLalbel, dstselect)\n",
"# Source Port box\n",
"scrPortLalbel = widgets.HTML(value=\"Src Port:\", height='10%', width='100%')\n",
"sportselect = widgets.Select(height='100%')\n",
"# sportselect = widgets.Select(options=sportlist, height='90%')\n",
"srcPortBox = widgets.Box(width='20%', height='100%')\n",
"srcPortBox.children = (scrPortLalbel, sportselect)\n",
"# Destionation Port box\n",
"dstPortLalbel = widgets.HTML(value=\"Dst Port:\", height='10%', width='100%')\n",
"dportselect = widgets.Select(height='100%')\n",
"# dportselect = widgets.Select(options=dportlist,height='90%')\n",
"dstPortBox = widgets.Box(width='20%', height='100%')\n",
"dstPortBox.children = (dstPortLalbel, dportselect)\n",
"# Quick Search and Actions Box\n",
"emptyLalbel = widgets.HTML(value=\" \")\n",
"srctext = widgets.Text(value='', width='100%', placeholder='Quick IP scoring')\n",
"srctext._css = (\n",
" (None, 'width', '100%'),\n",
"ratingbut = widgets.RadioButtons(description='Rating:',options=['1', '2', '3'], width='100%')\n",
"assignbut = widgets.Button(description='Score', width='45%')\n",
"assignbut.button_style = 'primary'\n",
"updatebut = widgets.Button(description='Save', width='45%')\n",
"updatebut.button_style = 'primary'\n",
"updatebut._css = (\n",
" (None, 'margin-left', '10%'),\n",
"actionsBox = widgets.Box(width='20%', height='100%')\n",
"actionsBox.children = (emptyLalbel, srctext,ratingbut,assignbut,updatebut)\n",
"# Container Box\n",
"bigBox = widgets.HBox(width='90%', height=250)\n",
"bigBox.children = (srcIpBox, dstIpBox, srcPortBox, dstPortBox, actionsBox)\n",
"rest_msg_box = widgets.HTML()\n",
"def fill_list(list_control,source):\n",
" options_list = ['- Select -'] \n",
" options_list.extend([s for s in source])\n",
" list_control.options = options_list\n",
"def data_loader():\n",
" # build dict of IP addresses\n",
" #sev,score, tstart,srcIP,dstIP,sport,dport,proto,ipkt,ibyt\n",
" srcdict,srclist = {},[]\n",
" dstdict,dstlist = {},[]\n",
" sportdict,sportlist = {},[]\n",
" dportdict,dportlist = {},[] \n",
" global svals \n",
" srcips,srcports = [],[]\n",
" dstips,dstports = [],[]\n",
" response = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
" query=\"\"\"query($date:SpotDateType!) {\n",
" flow{\n",
" suspicious(date:$date){\n",
" srcIP: srcIp\n",
" sport: srcPort\n",
" dstIP: dstIp\n",
" dport: dstPort\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\"\"\",\n",
" variables={\n",
" 'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\n",
" }\n",
" )\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" for item in svals:\n",
" srcips.append(item[0])\n",
" srcports.append(item[2]) \n",
" dstips.append(item[1]) \n",
" dstports.append(item[3])\n",
" \n",
" rowct = 1\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" if not 'errors' in response:\n",
" for row in response['data']['flow']['suspicious']:\n",
" if row['srcIP'] not in srcdict and row['srcIP'] not in srcips:\n",
" srclist.append(row['srcIP'])\n",
" srcdict[row['srcIP']] = struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row['srcIP']))[0]\n",
" if row['dstIP'] not in dstdict and row['dstIP'] not in dstips:\n",
" dstlist.append(row['dstIP'])\n",
" dstdict[row['dstIP']] = struct.unpack(\"!L\", socket.inet_aton(row['dstIP']))[0]\n",
" if row['sport'] not in sportdict and str(row['sport']) not in srcports:\n",
" sportlist.append(str(row['sport']))\n",
" sportdict[row['sport']] = row['sport']\n",
" if row['dport'] not in dportdict and str(row['dport']) not in dstports:\n",
" dportlist.append(str(row['dport']))\n",
" dportdict[row['dport']] = row['dport'] \n",
" if rowct == coff:\n",
" break;\n",
" rowct += 1\n",
" \n",
" fill_list(srcselect,srclist)\n",
" fill_list(dstselect,dstlist)\n",
" fill_list(sportselect,sportlist)\n",
" fill_list(dportselect,dportlist)\n",
" \n",
" srcselect.value = \"- Select -\"\n",
" dstselect.value = \"- Select -\" \n",
" sportselect.value = \"- Select -\" \n",
" dportselect.value = \"- Select -\""
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > *').remove();\"))\n",
"data_loader() \n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def assign_score(b):\n",
" clear_output()\n",
" #Gets input values\n",
" global svals\n",
" if srctext.value != '':\n",
" svals.append([srctext.value,dstselect.value,sportselect.value,dportselect.value, ratingbut.value])\n",
" svals.append([srcselect.value,srctext.value,sportselect.value,dportselect.value, ratingbut.value])\n",
" display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"option[data-value='\" + srctext.value +\"']\\\").remove();\"))\n",
" dstselect.value = \"- Select -\" \n",
" srcselect.value = \"- Select -\" \n",
" else:\n",
" svals.append([srcselect.value,dstselect.value,sportselect.value,dportselect.value, ratingbut.value])\n",
" \n",
" if srcselect.value != \"- Select -\": \n",
" display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"select.widget-listbox:eq(0) option[data-value='\" + srcselect.value +\"']\\\").remove();\")) \n",
" srcselect.value = \"- Select -\"\n",
" if dstselect.value != \"- Select -\":\n",
" display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"select.widget-listbox:eq(1) option[data-value='\" + dstselect.value +\"']\\\").remove();\")) \n",
" dstselect.value = \"- Select -\"\n",
" if sportselect.value != \"- Select -\": \n",
" display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"select.widget-listbox:eq(2) option[data-value='\" + sportselect.value +\"']\\\").remove();\")) \n",
" sportselect.value = \"- Select -\"\n",
" if dportselect.value != \"- Select -\": \n",
" display(Javascript(\"$(\\\"select.widget-listbox:eq(3) option[data-value='\" + dportselect.value +\"']\\\").remove();\")) \n",
" dportselect.value = \"- Select -\"\n",
" srctext.value = \"\"\n",
" \n",
" rest_msg_box.visible = False\n",
" data_loader()\n",
" \n",
" print \"Click the 'Save' button when you're finished scoring\" \n",
" \n",
"def reset_scoring():\n",
" response = GraphQLClient.request(\n",
" query=\"\"\"mutation($date:SpotDateType!) {\n",
" flow{\n",
" resetScoredConnections(date:$date){\n",
" success\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" }\"\"\",\n",
" variables={\n",
" 'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')\n",
" }\n",
" ) \n",
" \n",
" if not 'errors' in response :\n",
" rest_msg_box.value=\"Suspicious connects successfully reset\"\n",
" data_loader()\n",
" rest_msg_box.visible = True\n",
" display(rest_msg_box)\n",
" else:\n",
" print \"An error ocurred: \" + response['errors'][0]['message']\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" \n",
"def savesort(b):\n",
" global svals\n",
" clear_output() \n",
" variables = []\n",
" mutation=\"\"\"mutation($input:[NetflowScoreInputType!]!)\n",
" {\n",
" flow{\n",
" score(input:$input)\n",
" {success}\n",
" }\n",
" }\"\"\"\n",
" for row in svals:\n",
" variables.append({\n",
" 'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),\n",
" 'score': row[4],\n",
" 'srcIp': row[0] if row[0] != '- Select -' else None,\n",
" 'dstIp': row[1] if row[1] != '- Select -' else None,\n",
" 'srcPort': row[2] if row[2] != '- Select -' else None,\n",
" 'dstPort': row[3] if row[3] != '- Select -' else None\n",
" })\n",
" var = {'input':variables}\n",
" response = GraphQLClient.request(mutation,var)\n",
" svals = []\n",
" if not 'errors' in response :\n",
" display(Javascript(\"$('.widget-area > .widget-subarea > *').remove();\"))\n",
" data_loader() \n",
" display(bigBox)\n",
" display(Javascript('reloadParentData();')) \n",
" print \"Suspicious connects successfully updated\" \n",
" else:\n",
" print \"An error ocurred: \" + response['errors'][0]['message']\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# reset_scoring()"
"metadata": {
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