blob: a49b221b773a8595c0d53394babf3aa8f72aaffb [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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<!-- WARNING!!! This file is provided for documentation purposes ONLY! -->
<!-- WARNING!!! You should copy to sentry-site.xml and make modification instead. -->
<value> </value>
value: true, false
true Sentry store will verify the schema version in backed DB with expected version in jar.
The service won't start if there's a mismatch
<value> </value>
<description> Number of threads 500 Max worker threads to serve client requests</description>
<value> </value>
<description>Number of threads 10 Min worker threads to serve client requests</description>
<value> </value>
<description>comma separated list of users - List of users that are allowed to connect to the service (eg Hive, Impala) </description>
<value> </value>
<description>JDBC connection URL for the backed DB</description>
<description>Userid for connecting to backend db </description>
<description>Sentry password for backend JDBC user </description>
<description>Keytab for service principal</description>
<description> TCP port number for service</description>
<description> TCP interface for service to bind to</description>
<description>Backend JDBC driver - org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver (only when dbtype = derby) JDBC Driver class for the backed DB</description>
<value> </value>
<description>Comma separates list of groups. List of groups allowed to make policy updates</description>
Group mapping class for Sentry service. org.apache.sentry.provider.file.LocalGroupMapping service can be used for local group mapping. </description>
<value> </value>
<description> Policy file for group mapping. Policy file path for local group mapping, when is set to LocalGroupMapping Service class.</description>
<description>Options: kerberos, none. Authentication mode for Sentry service. Currently supports Kerberos and trusted mode </description>
<value> </value>
<description>Service Kerberos principal</description>