blob: 1b705b44abc827bbc62e0212bec4de0694b61c65 [file] [log] [blame]
c spatialFilter routine -- Apply a fixed spatial filter (smoother) in lat/lon and then average over times/grids
c Designed to be called from python using f2py.
c Low Pass Filter = 1/9 * [1 1 1 ! normalization = 9
c 1 1 1
c 1 1 1]
c Gaussian Filter = 1/16 * [1 2 1 ! normalization = 16
c 2 4 2
c 1 2 1]
subroutine spatialFilter_f(var, mask,
& time, lat, lon,
& filter, normalization,
& missingValue,
& verbose,
& vinterp, vcount, status,
& ntime, nlat, nlon)
implicit none
integer*4 ntime, nlat, nlon
c ! prepared 3D array of variable data over time, lon, & lat
real*4 var(ntime, nlat, nlon)
c ! variable to be interpolated, over ntime epochs
integer*1 mask(ntime, nlat, nlon)
c ! pixel quality mask
integer*4 time(ntime)
c ! time epochs to gaussian-interpolate over
real*4 lat(nlat)
! latitude corrdinate vector
real*4 lon(nlon)
! longitude corrdinate vector
cf2py intent(in) var, mask, time, lat, lon !! annotations for f2py processor
integer*4 filter(3, 3)
c ! 3x3 filter coefficients as integers
integer*4 normalization
c ! Normalization factor for the filter, divide by sum of integers
cf2py intent(in) filter, normalization
real*4 missingValue
c ! value to mark missing values in interp result
integer*4 verbose
c ! integer to set verbosity level
cf2py intent(in) missingValue, verbose
real*4 vinterp(nlat, nlon)
c ! interpolated variable using gaussians, missing values not counted
integer*4 vcount(nlat, nlon)
c ! count of good data, might be zero after masking
integer*4 status
c ! negative status indicates error
cf2py intent(out) vinterp, vcount, status
integer*4 iin, jin, kin
integer*4 i, j, fac, count
real*4 val, sum
write(6, *) 'Echoing inputs ...'
write(6, *) 'ntime, nlat, nlon:', ntime, nlat, nlon
write(6, *) 'filter:', filter
write(6, *) 'normalization', normalization
write(6, *) 'missingValue:', missingValue
status = 0
if (verbose .gt. 3) then
write(6, *) 'time:', time
write(6, *) 'lat:', lat
write(6, *) 'lon:', lon
c write(6, *) 'mask(3):', mask(3,:,:)
write(6, *) 'var(3):', var(3,:,:)
end if
do i = 1, nlat
if (verbose .gt. 1) write(6, *) lat(i)
do j = 1, nlon
vinterp(i,j) = 0.0
vcount(i,j) = 0.0
if (verbose .gt. 3) then
write(6, *) '(i,j) = ', i, j
write(6, *) '(lat,lon) = ', lat(i), lon(j)
end if
do kin = 1, ntime
sum = 0.0
count = 0
do iin = -1, +1
if (i+iin .lt. 1 .or. i+iin .gt. nlat) cycle
do jin = -1, +1
if (j+jin .lt. 1 .or. j+jin .gt. nlon) cycle
if (mask(kin,iin,jin) .eq. 0) then
fac = filter(iin+2, jin+2)
val = var(kin,iin,jin)
sum = sum + fac * val
count = count + fac
end if
end do
end do
if (count .gt. 0) then
c ! filter for (i,j) pixel isn't empty
vinterp(i,j) = vinterp(i,j) + sum / normalization
vcount(i,j) = vcount(i,j) + 1
end if
end do
if (vcount(i,j) .gt. 0) then
vinterp(i,j) = vinterp(i,j) / vcount(i,j)
c ! compute mean over number of non-empty times/grids
vinterp(i,j) = missingValue
end if
end do
end do