Pull master into SNAPSHOT (#84)

* SDAP-208 remove pegged numpy version in nexuscli requirements.txt

* SDAP-206 remove pegged numpy version in nexuscli requirements.txt

* SDAP-206 remove pegged numpy version in nexuscli requirements.txt

* SDAP-192 Create DOMS netCDF reader tool (#83)

* Created DOMS netCDF reader tool.

* SDAP-192 DOMS netCDF reader updated to use num2date function to get datetime object from timestamp.

* SDAP-192 Added logging to DOMS netCDF reader tool.

* SDAP-192 Miscellaneous variable updates with DOMS netCDF reader.

* SDAP-192 'try/except' blocks around 'with' statements for netCDF and CSV file handling. Changed name of CSV file output from main. Moved print statement.

* SDAP-192 Changed print to LOGGER.info in DOMS netCDF reader.

* SDAP-192 Updates to DOMS netCDF reader documentation, including a README.md
diff --git a/tools/doms/README.md b/tools/doms/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49fa4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/doms/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# doms_reader.py

+The functions in doms_reader.py read a DOMS netCDF file into memory, assemble a list of matches of satellite and in situ data, and optionally output the matches to a CSV file. Each matched pair contains one satellite data record and one in situ data record.


+The DOMS netCDF files hold satellite data and in situ data in different groups (`SatelliteData` and `InsituData`). The `matchIDs` netCDF variable contains pairs of IDs (matches) which reference a satellite data record and an in situ data record in their respective groups. These records have a many-to-many relationship; one satellite record may match to many in situ records, and one in situ record may match to many satellite records. The `assemble_matches` function assembles the individual data records into pairs based on their `dim` group dimension IDs as paired in the `matchIDs` variable.


+## Requirements

+This tool was developed and tested with Python 2.7.5 and 3.7.0a0.

+Imported packages:

+* argparse

+* netcdf4

+* sys

+* datetime

+* csv

+* collections

+* logging



+## Functions

+### Function: `assemble_matches(filename)`

+Read a DOMS netCDF file into memory and return a list of matches from the file.


+#### Parameters 

+- `filename` (str): the DOMS netCDF file name.


+#### Returns

+- `matches` (list): List of matches. 


+Each list element in `matches` is a dictionary organized as follows:

+    For match `m`, netCDF group `GROUP` ('SatelliteData' or 'InsituData'), and netCDF group variable `VARIABLE`:


+`matches[m][GROUP]['matchID']`: netCDF `MatchedRecords` dimension ID for the match

+`matches[m][GROUP]['GROUPID']`: GROUP netCDF `dim` dimension ID for the record

+`matches[m][GROUP][VARIABLE]`: variable value 


+For example, to access the timestamps of the satellite data and the in situ data of the first match in the list, along with the `MatchedRecords` dimension ID and the groups' `dim` dimension ID:










+### Function: `matches_to_csv(matches, csvfile)`

+Write the DOMS matches to a CSV file. Include a header of column names which are based on the group and variable names from the netCDF file.


+#### Parameters:

+- `matches` (list): the list of dictionaries containing the DOMS matches as returned from the `assemble_matches` function.

+- `csvfile` (str): the name of the CSV output file.


+## Usage

+For example, to read some DOMS netCDF file called `doms_file.nc`:

+### Command line

+The main function for `doms_reader.py` takes one `filename` parameter (`doms_file.nc` argument in this example) for the DOMS netCDF file to read, calls the `assemble_matches` function, then calls the `matches_to_csv` function to write the matches to a CSV file `doms_matches.csv`.


+python doms_reader.py doms_file.nc



+python3 doms_reader.py doms_file.nc


+### Importing `assemble_matches`


+from doms_reader import assemble_matches

+matches = assemble_matches('doms_file.nc')


diff --git a/tools/doms/doms_reader.py b/tools/doms/doms_reader.py
index ffd24b6..c8229c4 100644
--- a/tools/doms/doms_reader.py
+++ b/tools/doms/doms_reader.py
@@ -27,16 +27,20 @@

     Read a DOMS netCDF file and return a list of matches.


-    Arguments: 

-        filename (string): the DOMS netCDF file name.

+    Parameters

+    ----------

+    filename : str

+        The DOMS netCDF file name.


-    Returns:

-        matches (list): List of matches. Each list element is a dictionary:

-            For netCDF group GROUP (SatelliteData or InsituData) and group

-                variable VARIABLE:

-            matches[GROUP]['matchID']: MatchedRecords dimension ID for the match

-            matches[GROUP]['GROUPID']: GROUP dim dimension ID for the record

-            matches[GROUP][VARIABLE]: variable value 

+    Returns

+    -------

+    matches : list

+        List of matches. Each list element is a dictionary.

+        For match m, netCDF group GROUP (SatelliteData or InsituData), and

+        group variable VARIABLE:

+        matches[m][GROUP]['matchID']: MatchedRecords dimension ID for the match

+        matches[m][GROUP]['GROUPID']: GROUP dim dimension ID for the record

+        matches[m][GROUP][VARIABLE]: variable value 




@@ -74,16 +78,18 @@
         LOGGER.exception("Error reading netCDF file " + filename)

         raise err


-def matches_to_csv(matches, filename):

+def matches_to_csv(matches, csvfile):


     Write the DOMS matches to a CSV file. Include a header of column names

     which are based on the group and variable names from the netCDF file.


-    Arguments:

-        matches (list): the list of dictionaries containing the DOMS matches as

-            returned from assemble_matches.


-        filename (string): the name of the CSV output file.

+    Parameters

+    ----------

+    matches : list

+        The list of dictionaries containing the DOMS matches as returned from

+        assemble_matches.      

+    csvfile : str

+        The name of the CSV output file.


     # Create a header for the CSV. Column names are GROUP_VARIABLE or


@@ -94,7 +100,7 @@


         # Write the CSV file

-        with open(filename, 'w') as output_file:

+        with open(csvfile, 'w') as output_file:

             csv_writer = csv.writer(output_file)


             for match in matches:

@@ -104,7 +110,7 @@


     except (OSError, IOError) as err:

-        LOGGER.exception("Error writing CSV file " + filename)

+        LOGGER.exception("Error writing CSV file " + csvfile)

         raise err


 if __name__ == '__main__':