Sdap 252 (#104)

Remove singleton pattern for algorthim handlers which caused a bug on concurrent request (SDAP-252), simplifies the handler hierarchy: 

remove the singleton pattern for the nexusHandlers, works for 3 spark algorithm so far

remove singleton pattern for list handler (maybe not a good idea...)

simplify class handler hierarchy

split files per objects

simplify class handler hierarchy

add details for developers deployment in README

delete moved package

correct typo in Spark handler class name

add conda dependencies versions, make docker work

update unit test

correct impact of current ticket on unit tests, some still don t work since they require specific data

resolve conflicts between SDAP-252 and SDAP-249

Co-authored-by: thomas loubrieu <>
84 files changed
tree: 4e4cde28a22278787f422d27fe1abf814f307512
  1. analysis/
  2. climatology/
  3. data-access/
  4. docker/
  5. docs/
  6. helm/
  7. integrations/
  8. nexus-ingest/
  9. tools/
  10. .gitignore


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