blob: 1fcb5cedbe6a94a951fcfcc61fb31e0538c0c6b1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import pickle
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import mock
import numpy as np
import pytest
import webservice.algorithms_spark.Matchup as matchup
from nexustiles.model.nexusmodel import Tile
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from shapely import wkt
from shapely.geometry import box
from webservice.algorithms_spark.Matchup import DomsPoint, Matchup
def test_dir():
test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
test_data_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, '..', 'data')
yield test_data_dir
def test_doms_point_is_pickleable():
edge_point = {
'id': 'argo-profiles-5903995(46, 0)',
'time': '2012-10-15T14:24:04Z',
'point': '-33.467 29.728',
'sea_water_temperature': 24.5629997253,
'sea_water_temperature_depth': 2.9796258642,
'wind_speed': None,
'sea_water_salinity': None,
'sea_water_salinity_depth': None,
'platform': 4,
'device': 3,
'fileurl': ''
point = DomsPoint.from_edge_point(edge_point)
assert pickle.dumps(point) is not None
def test_calc():
Assert that the expected functions are called during the matchup
calculation and that the results are formatted as expected.
# Mock anything that connects external dependence (Solr, Cassandra, ...)
tile_service_factory = mock.MagicMock()
tile_service = mock.MagicMock()
tile_service_factory.return_value = tile_service
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('nexus-analysis').getOrCreate()
spark_context = spark.sparkContext
request = mock.MagicMock()
request.get_argument.return_value = '1,2,3,4'
# Patch in request arguments
start_time = datetime.strptime('2020-01-01T00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace(
end_time = datetime.strptime('2020-02-01T00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace(
polygon_wkt = 'POLYGON((-34.98 29.54, -30.1 29.54, -30.1 31.00, -34.98 31.00, -34.98 29.54))'
args = {
'bounding_polygon': wkt.loads(polygon_wkt),
'primary_ds_name': 'primary-ds-name',
'matchup_ds_names': 'matchup-ds-name',
'parameter_s': 'sst',
'start_time': start_time,
'start_seconds_from_epoch': start_time.timestamp(),
'end_time': end_time,
'end_seconds_from_epoch': end_time.timestamp(),
'depth_min': 1.0,
'depth_max': 2.0,
'time_tolerance': 3.0,
'radius_tolerance': 4.0,
'platforms': '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',
'match_once': True,
'result_size_limit': 10
def generate_fake_tile(tile_id):
tile = Tile()
tile.tile_id = tile_id
return tile
# Mock tiles
fake_tiles = [generate_fake_tile(idx) for idx in range(10)]
tile_service.find_tiles_in_polygon.return_value = fake_tiles
# Mock result
# Format of 'spark_result': keys=domspoint,values=list of domspoint
doms_point_args = {
'longitude': -180,
'latitude': -90,
'time': '2020-01-15T00:00:00Z'
d1_sat = DomsPoint(**doms_point_args)
d2_sat = DomsPoint(**doms_point_args)
d1_ins = DomsPoint(**doms_point_args)
d2_ins = DomsPoint(**doms_point_args)
d1_sat.satellite_var_name = 'sea_surface_temperature'
d2_sat.satellite_var_name = 'sea_surface_temperature'
d1_ins.satellite_var_name = 'sea_surface_temperature'
d2_ins.satellite_var_name = 'sea_surface_temperature'
d1_sat.satellite_var_value = 10.0
d2_sat.satellite_var_value = 20.0
d1_ins.satellite_var_value = 30.0
d2_ins.satellite_var_value = 40.0
fake_spark_result = {
d1_sat: [d1_ins, d2_ins],
d2_sat: [d1_ins, d2_ins],
matchup_obj = Matchup(tile_service_factory=tile_service_factory, sc=spark_context)
matchup_obj.parse_arguments = lambda _: [item for item in args.values()]
with mock.patch('webservice.algorithms_spark.Matchup.ResultsStorage') as mock_rs, \
'webservice.algorithms_spark.Matchup.spark_matchup_driver') as mock_matchup_driver:
mock_rs.insertExecution.return_value = 1
mock_matchup_driver.return_value = fake_spark_result
matchup_result = matchup_obj.calc(request)
# Ensure the call to 'spark_matchup_driver' contains the expected params
assert len(mock_matchup_driver.call_args_list) == 1
matchup_driver_args = mock_matchup_driver.call_args_list[0].args
matchup_driver_kwargs = mock_matchup_driver.call_args_list[0].kwargs
assert matchup_driver_args[0] == [tile.tile_id for tile in fake_tiles]
assert wkt.loads(matchup_driver_args[1]).equals(wkt.loads(polygon_wkt))
assert matchup_driver_args[2] == args['primary_ds_name']
assert matchup_driver_args[3] == args['matchup_ds_names']
assert matchup_driver_args[4] == args['parameter_s']
assert matchup_driver_args[5] == args['depth_min']
assert matchup_driver_args[6] == args['depth_max']
assert matchup_driver_args[7] == args['time_tolerance']
assert matchup_driver_args[8] == args['radius_tolerance']
assert matchup_driver_args[9] == args['platforms']
assert matchup_driver_args[10] == args['match_once']
assert matchup_driver_args[11] == tile_service_factory
assert matchup_driver_kwargs['sc'] == spark_context
# Ensure the result of the matchup calculation is as expected
json_matchup_result = json.loads(matchup_result.toJson())
assert len(json_matchup_result['data']) == 2
assert len(json_matchup_result['data'][0]['matches']) == 2
assert len(json_matchup_result['data'][1]['matches']) == 2
for data in json_matchup_result['data']:
assert data['x'] == '-180'
assert data['y'] == '-90'
for matches in data['matches']:
assert matches['x'] == '-180'
assert matches['y'] == '-90'
assert json_matchup_result['data'][0]['sea_surface_temperature'] == 10.0
assert json_matchup_result['data'][1]['sea_surface_temperature'] == 20.0
assert json_matchup_result['data'][0]['matches'][0]['sea_surface_temperature'] == 30.0
assert json_matchup_result['data'][0]['matches'][1]['sea_surface_temperature'] == 40.0
assert json_matchup_result['data'][1]['matches'][0]['sea_surface_temperature'] == 30.0
assert json_matchup_result['data'][1]['matches'][1]['sea_surface_temperature'] == 40.0
assert json_matchup_result['details']['numInSituMatched'] == 4
assert json_matchup_result['details']['numGriddedMatched'] == 2
def test_match_satellite_to_insitu(test_dir):
Test the test_match_satellite_to_insitu and ensure the matchup is
done as expected, where the tile points and in-situ points are all
known and the expected matchup points have been hand-calculated.
This test case mocks out all external dependencies, so Solr,
Cassandra, HTTP insitu requests, etc are all mocked.
The test points are as follows:
X (0, 20) X (20, 20)
O (5, 15)
O (10, 10)
O (18, 3)
X (0, 0) X (20, 0)
The 'X' points are the primary satellite points and the 'O' points
are the secondary satellite or insitu points
Visual inspection reveals that primary point (0, 20) should match
with secondary point (5, 15) and primary point (20, 0) should match
with (18, 3)
tile = Tile()
tile.tile_id = 1
tile.tile_min_lat = 0
tile.tile_max_lat = 20
tile.tile_min_lon = 0
tile.tile_max_lon = 20
tile.dataset = 'test-dataset'
tile.dataset_id = 123
tile.granule = 'test-granule-name'
tile.min_time = '2020-07-28T00:00:00'
tile.max_time = '2020-07-28T00:00:00'
tile.section_spec = 'test-section-spec'
tile.var_name = 'sea_surface_temperature'
tile.latitudes = np.array([0, 20], dtype=np.float32)
tile.longitudes = np.array([0, 20], dtype=np.float32)
tile.times = [1627490285] = np.array([[[11.0, 21.0], [31.0, 41.0]]])
tile.get_indices = lambda: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]
tile.meta_data = {'wind_type': []}
tile_service_factory = mock.MagicMock()
tile_service = mock.MagicMock()
tile_service_factory.return_value = tile_service
tile_service.get_bounding_box.return_value = box(-90, -45, 90, 45)
tile_service.get_min_time.return_value = 1627490285
tile_service.get_max_time.return_value = 1627490285
tile_service.mask_tiles_to_polygon.return_value = [tile]
tile_ids = [1]
polygon_wkt = 'POLYGON((-34.98 29.54, -30.1 29.54, -30.1 31.00, -34.98 31.00, -34.98 29.54))'
primary_ds_name = 'primary-ds-name'
matchup_ds_names = 'test'
parameter = 'sst'
depth_min = 0.0
depth_max = 1.0
time_tolerance = 3.0
radius_tolerance = 1000000.0
platforms = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9'
class MockSparkParam:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
with mock.patch('webservice.algorithms_spark.Matchup.edge_endpoints.getEndpointByName') as mock_edge_endpoints:
# Test the satellite->insitu branch
# By mocking the getEndpointsByName function we are forcing
# Matchup to think this dummy matchup dataset is an insitu
# dataset
mock_edge_endpoints.return_value = {'url': 'http://test-edge-url'}
matchup.query_edge = lambda *args, **kwargs: json.load(
open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'edge_response.json')))
match_args = dict(
generator = matchup.match_satellite_to_insitu(**match_args)
def validate_matchup_result(matchup_result, insitu_matchup):
The matchup results for satellite->insitu vs
satellite->satellite are almost exactly the same so they
can be validated using the same logic. They are the same
because they represent the same data, except one test is in
tile format (sat to sat) and one is in edge point format
(insitu). The only difference is the data field is different
for satellite data.
# There should be two primary matchup points
assert len(matchup_result) == 2
# Each primary point matched with 1 matchup point
assert len(matchup_result[0]) == 2
assert len(matchup_result[1]) == 2
# Check that the satellite point was matched to the expected insitu point
assert matchup_result[0][1].latitude == 3.0
assert matchup_result[0][1].longitude == 18.0
assert matchup_result[1][1].latitude == 15.0
assert matchup_result[1][1].longitude == 5.0
# Check that the insitu points have the expected values
if insitu_matchup:
assert matchup_result[0][1].sst == 30.0
assert matchup_result[1][1].sst == 10.0
assert matchup_result[0][1].satellite_var_value == 30.0
assert matchup_result[1][1].satellite_var_value == 10.0
# Check that the satellite points have the expected values
assert matchup_result[0][0].satellite_var_value == 21.0
assert matchup_result[1][0].satellite_var_value == 31.0
insitu_matchup_result = list(generator)
validate_matchup_result(insitu_matchup_result, insitu_matchup=True)
# Test the satellite->satellite branch
# By mocking the getEndpointsByName function to return None we
# are forcing Matchup to think this dummy matchup dataset is
# satellite dataset
mock_edge_endpoints.return_value = None
# Open the edge response json. We want to convert these points
# to tile points so we can test sat to sat matchup
edge_json = json.load(open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'edge_response.json')))
points = [wkt.loads(result['point']) for result in edge_json['results']]
matchup_tile = Tile()
matchup_tile.tile_id = 1
matchup_tile.tile_min_lat = 3
matchup_tile.tile_max_lat = 15
matchup_tile.tile_min_lon = 5
matchup_tile.tile_max_lon = 18
matchup_tile.dataset = 'test-dataset'
matchup_tile.dataset_id = 123
matchup_tile.granule = 'test-granule-name'
matchup_tile.min_time = '2020-07-28T00:00:00'
matchup_tile.max_time = '2020-07-28T00:00:00'
matchup_tile.section_spec = 'test-section-spec'
matchup_tile.var_name = 'sea_surface_temperature'
matchup_tile.latitudes = np.array([point.y for point in points], dtype=np.float32)
matchup_tile.longitudes = np.array([point.x for point in points], dtype=np.float32)
matchup_tile.times = [edge_json['results'][0]['time']] = np.array([[[10.0, 0, 0], [0, 20.0, 0], [0, 0, 30.0]]])
matchup_tile.get_indices = lambda: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 2]]
matchup_tile.meta_data = {'wind_type': []}
tile_service.find_tiles_in_polygon.return_value = [matchup_tile]
generator = matchup.match_satellite_to_insitu(**match_args)
sat_matchup_result = list(generator)
validate_matchup_result(sat_matchup_result, insitu_matchup=False)