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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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import pickle
import random
import timeit
import unittest
from webservice.algorithms_spark.Matchup import *
class TestMatch_Points(unittest.TestCase):
def test_one_point_match_exact(self):
primary = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1)
matchup = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=2)
primary_points = [primary]
matchup_points = [matchup]
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 0))
self.assertEqual(1, len(matches))
p_match_point, match = matches[0]
self.assertEqual(primary, p_match_point)
self.assertEqual(matchup, match)
def test_one_point_match_within_tolerance_150km(self):
primary = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1)
matchup = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=3.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=2)
primary_points = [primary]
matchup_points = [matchup]
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 150000)) # tolerance 150 km
self.assertEqual(1, len(matches))
p_match_point, match = matches[0]
self.assertEqual(primary, p_match_point)
self.assertEqual(matchup, match)
def test_one_point_match_within_tolerance_200m(self):
primary = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1)
matchup = DomsPoint(longitude=1.001, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=2)
primary_points = [primary]
matchup_points = [matchup]
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 200)) # tolerance 200 m
self.assertEqual(1, len(matches))
p_match_point, match = matches[0]
self.assertEqual(primary, p_match_point)
self.assertEqual(matchup, match)
def test_one_point_not_match_tolerance_150km(self):
primary = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1)
matchup = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=4.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=2)
primary_points = [primary]
matchup_points = [matchup]
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 150000)) # tolerance 150 km
self.assertEqual(0, len(matches))
def test_one_point_not_match_tolerance_100m(self):
primary = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1)
matchup = DomsPoint(longitude=1.001, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=2)
primary_points = [primary]
matchup_points = [matchup]
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 100)) # tolerance 100 m
self.assertEqual(0, len(matches))
def test_multiple_point_match(self):
primary = DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1)
primary_points = [primary]
matchup_points = [
DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=3.0, time=1000, depth=10.0, data_id=2),
DomsPoint(longitude=2.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=0.0, data_id=3),
DomsPoint(longitude=0.5, latitude=1.5, time=1000, depth=3.0, data_id=4)
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 150000)) # tolerance 150 km
self.assertEqual(3, len(matches))
self.assertSetEqual({primary}, {x[0] for x in matches})
list_of_matches = [x[1] for x in matches]
self.assertEqual(3, len(list_of_matches))
self.assertItemsEqual(matchup_points, list_of_matches)
def test_multiple_point_match_multiple_times(self):
primary_points = [
DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=1),
DomsPoint(longitude=1.5, latitude=1.5, time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=2)
matchup_points = [
DomsPoint(longitude=1.0, latitude=3.0, time=1000, depth=10.0, data_id=3),
DomsPoint(longitude=2.0, latitude=2.0, time=1000, depth=0.0, data_id=4),
DomsPoint(longitude=0.5, latitude=1.5, time=1000, depth=3.0, data_id=5)
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 150000)) # tolerance 150 km
self.assertEqual(5, len(matches))
self.assertSetEqual({p for p in primary_points}, {x[0] for x in matches})
# First primary point matches all 3 secondary
self.assertEqual(3, [x[0] for x in matches].count(primary_points[0]))
self.assertItemsEqual(matchup_points, [x[1] for x in matches if x[0] == primary_points[0]])
# Second primary point matches only last 2 secondary
self.assertEqual(2, [x[0] for x in matches].count(primary_points[1]))
self.assertItemsEqual(matchup_points[1:], [x[1] for x in matches if x[0] == primary_points[1]])
def test_one_of_many_primary_matches_one_of_many_matchup(self):
primary_points = [
DomsPoint(longitude=-33.76764, latitude=30.42946, time=1351553994, data_id=1),
DomsPoint(longitude=-33.75731, latitude=29.86216, time=1351554004, data_id=2)
matchup_points = [
DomsPoint(longitude=-33.762, latitude=28.877, time=1351521432, depth=3.973, data_id=3),
DomsPoint(longitude=-34.916, latitude=28.879, time=1351521770, depth=2.9798, data_id=4),
DomsPoint(longitude=-31.121, latitude=31.256, time=1351519892, depth=4.07, data_id=5)
matches = list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 110000)) # tolerance 110 km
self.assertEqual(1, len(matches))
self.assertSetEqual({p for p in primary_points if p.data_id == 2}, {x[0] for x in matches})
# First primary point matches none
self.assertEqual(0, [x[0] for x in matches].count(primary_points[0]))
# Second primary point matches only first secondary
self.assertEqual(1, [x[0] for x in matches].count(primary_points[1]))
self.assertItemsEqual(matchup_points[0:1], [x[1] for x in matches if x[0] == primary_points[1]])
@unittest.skip("This test is just for timing, doesn't actually assert anything.")
def test_time_many_primary_many_matchup(self):
import logging
import sys
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
datefmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", stream=sys.stdout)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Generate 160000 DomsPoints distributed equally in a box from -2.0 lat/lon to 2.0 lat/lon"Generating primary points")
x = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.01)
y = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.01)
primary_points = [DomsPoint(longitude=xy[0], latitude=xy[1], time=1000, depth=5.0, data_id=i) for i, xy in
enumerate(np.array(np.meshgrid(x, y)).T.reshape(-1, 2))]
# Generate 2000 DomsPoints distributed randomly in a box from -2.0 lat/lon to 2.0 lat/lon"Generating matchup points")
matchup_points = [
DomsPoint(longitude=random.uniform(-2.0, 2.0), latitude=random.uniform(-2.0, 2.0), time=1000, depth=5.0,
data_id=i) for i in range(0, 2000)]"Starting matchup")"Best of repeat(3, 2) matchups: %s seconds" % min(
timeit.repeat(lambda: list(match_points_generator(primary_points, matchup_points, 1500)), repeat=3,
class TestDOMSPoint(unittest.TestCase):
def test_is_pickleable(self):
edge_point = json.loads("""{
"id": "argo-profiles-5903995(46, 0)",
"time": "2012-10-15T14:24:04Z",
"point": "-33.467 29.728",
"sea_water_temperature": 24.5629997253,
"sea_water_temperature_depth": 2.9796258642,
"wind_speed": null,
"sea_water_salinity": null,
"sea_water_salinity_depth": null,
"platform": 4,
"device": 3,
"fileurl": ""
point = DomsPoint.from_edge_point(edge_point)
def check_all():
return check_solr() and check_cass() and check_edge()
def check_solr():
# TODO eventually this might do something.
return False
def check_cass():
# TODO eventually this might do something.
return False
def check_edge():
# TODO eventually this might do something.
return False
"These tests require local instances of Solr, Cassandra, and Edge to be running.")
class TestMatchup(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
from os import environ
environ['PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON'] = '/Users/greguska/anaconda/envs/nexus-analysis/bin/python2.7'
environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = '/Users/greguska/anaconda/envs/nexus-analysis/bin/python2.7'
environ['SPARK_HOME'] = '/Users/greguska/sandbox/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7'
def test_mur_match(self):
from shapely.wkt import loads
from nexustiles.nexustiles import NexusTileService
polygon = loads("POLYGON((-34.98 29.54, -30.1 29.54, -30.1 31.00, -34.98 31.00, -34.98 29.54))")
primary_ds = "JPL-L4_GHRSST-SSTfnd-MUR-GLOB-v02.0-fv04.1"
matchup_ds = "spurs"
parameter = "sst"
start_time = 1350259200 # 2012-10-15T00:00:00Z
end_time = 1350345600 # 2012-10-16T00:00:00Z
time_tolerance = 86400
depth_tolerance = 5.0
radius_tolerance = 1500.0
platforms = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"
tile_service = NexusTileService()
tile_ids = [tile.tile_id for tile in
tile_service.find_tiles_in_polygon(polygon, primary_ds, start_time, end_time, fetch_data=False,
result = spark_matchup_driver(tile_ids, wkt.dumps(polygon), primary_ds, matchup_ds, parameter, time_tolerance,
depth_tolerance, radius_tolerance, platforms)
for k, v in result.items():
print("primary: %s\n\tmatches:\n\t\t%s" % (
"lon: %s, lat: %s, time: %s, sst: %s" % (k.longitude, k.latitude, k.time, k.sst),
["lon: %s, lat: %s, time: %s, sst: %s" % (i.longitude, i.latitude, i.time, i.sst) for i in v])))
def test_smap_match(self):
from shapely.wkt import loads
from nexustiles.nexustiles import NexusTileService
polygon = loads("POLYGON((-34.98 29.54, -30.1 29.54, -30.1 31.00, -34.98 31.00, -34.98 29.54))")
primary_ds = "SMAP_L2B_SSS"
matchup_ds = "spurs"
parameter = "sss"
start_time = 1350259200 # 2012-10-15T00:00:00Z
end_time = 1350345600 # 2012-10-16T00:00:00Z
time_tolerance = 86400
depth_tolerance = 5.0
radius_tolerance = 1500.0
platforms = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"
tile_service = NexusTileService()
tile_ids = [tile.tile_id for tile in
tile_service.find_tiles_in_polygon(polygon, primary_ds, start_time, end_time, fetch_data=False,
result = spark_matchup_driver(tile_ids, wkt.dumps(polygon), primary_ds, matchup_ds, parameter, time_tolerance,
depth_tolerance, radius_tolerance, platforms)
for k, v in result.items():
print("primary: %s\n\tmatches:\n\t\t%s" % (
"lon: %s, lat: %s, time: %s, sst: %s" % (k.longitude, k.latitude, k.time, k.sst),
["lon: %s, lat: %s, time: %s, sst: %s" % (i.longitude, i.latitude, i.time, i.sst) for i in v])))
def test_ascatb_match(self):
from shapely.wkt import loads
from nexustiles.nexustiles import NexusTileService
polygon = loads("POLYGON((-34.98 29.54, -30.1 29.54, -30.1 31.00, -34.98 31.00, -34.98 29.54))")
primary_ds = "ASCATB-L2-Coastal"
matchup_ds = "spurs"
parameter = "wind"
start_time = 1351468800 # 2012-10-29T00:00:00Z
end_time = 1351555200 # 2012-10-30T00:00:00Z
time_tolerance = 86400
depth_tolerance = 5.0
radius_tolerance = 110000.0 # 110 km
platforms = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"
tile_service = NexusTileService()
tile_ids = [tile.tile_id for tile in
tile_service.find_tiles_in_polygon(polygon, primary_ds, start_time, end_time, fetch_data=False,
result = spark_matchup_driver(tile_ids, wkt.dumps(polygon), primary_ds, matchup_ds, parameter, time_tolerance,
depth_tolerance, radius_tolerance, platforms)
for k, v in result.items():
print("primary: %s\n\tmatches:\n\t\t%s" % (
"lon: %s, lat: %s, time: %s, wind u,v: %s,%s" % (k.longitude, k.latitude, k.time, k.wind_u, k.wind_v),
["lon: %s, lat: %s, time: %s, wind u,v: %s,%s" % (
i.longitude, i.latitude, i.time, i.wind_u, i.wind_v) for i in v])))