tree: 276c59f04788408eb2b6a084ec00113db22ac67a [path history] [tgz]
  1. templates/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .helmignore
  4. Chart.yaml
  6. requirements.yaml
  7. values.yaml


NEXUS is an earth science data analytics application, and a component of the Apache Science Data Analytics Platform (SDAP).


The helm chart deploys all the required components of the NEXUS application (Spark webapp, Solr, Cassandra, Zookeeper, and optionally ingress components).

Table of Contents


  • Kubernetes 1.9+
  • Spark Operator
  • Storage class and persistent volume provisioner in the underlying infrastructure

Spark Operator

NEXUS needs the Spark Operator in order to run. Follow their instructions to install the Helm chart, or simply run:

$ kubectl create namespace spark-operator
$ helm repo add incubator
$ helm install incubator/sparkoperator --generate-name --namespace=spark-operator

Persistent Volume Provisioner

The RabbitMQ, Solr, Zookeeper, Cassandra, and Collection Manager (ingestion) components of SDAP need to be able to store data. In order to have persistent storage, you need to have a Storage Class defined and have Persistent Volumes provisioned either manually or dynamically. See Persistent Volumes.

Tip: If you are using an NFS server as storage, you can use nfs-client-provisioner to dynamically provision persistent volumes on your NFS server.

Installing the Chart

First clone the NEXUS repository.

$ git clone

Then install the Helm chart.

$ kubectl create namespace sdap
$ helm install nexus incubator-sdap-nexus/helm --namespace=sdap --dependency-update

Tip: It may take a few minutes for the nexus-webapp-driver pod to start up because this depends on Solr and Cassandra being accessible.

Verifying Successful Installation

Check that all the pods are up by running kubectl get pods -n sdap, and make sure all pods have status Running. If any pods have not started within a few minutes, you can look at its status with `kubectl describe pod -n sdap.

Option 1: Local deployment with ingress enabled

If you have installed the Helm chart locally with ingressEnabled set to true (see ingressEnabled under Configuration), you can verify the installation by requesting the list endpoint. If this returns an HTTP 200 response, Nexus is healthy.

$ curl localhost/nexus/list

Option 2: No ingress enabled

If you have installed the Helm chart on a cloud provider, and/or have not enabled a loadbalancer with ingressEnabled=true, you can temporarily port-forward the nexus-webapp port to see if the webapp responds.

First, on the Kubernetes cluster or jump host, create a port-forward to the nexus-webapp service:

$ kubectl port-forward service/nexus-webapp -n sdap 8083:8083

Then open another shell on the same host and request the list endpoint through the forwarded port:

$ curl localhost:8083/list

Note: In this case the list endpoint is /list instead of /nexus/list because we are connecting to the nexus-webapp service directly, instead of through an ingress rule.

If the request returns an HTTP 200 response, NEXUS is healthy. You can now close the first shell to disable the port-forward.

If one of the pods or deployment is not started, you can look at its status with:

kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n sdap

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the nexus deployment:

$ helm delete nexus -n sdap

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


There are two ways to override configuration parameters for the chart. The first is to use the --set flag when installing the chart, for example:

$ helm install nexus incubator-sdap-nexus/helm --namespace=sdap --dependency-update --set cassandra.replicas=3 --set solr.replicas=3

The second way is to create a yaml file with overridden configuration values and pass it in with the -f flag during chart installation.

# overridden-values.yml

    replicaCount: 2
  replicaCount: 2
$ helm install nexus incubator-sdap-nexus/helm --namespace=sdap --dependency-update -f ~/overridden-values.yml

The following tables list the configurable parameters of the NEXUS chart and their default values. You can also look at helm/values.yaml to see the available options.

Note: The default configuration values are tuned to run NEXUS in a local environment. Setting ingressEnabled=true in addition will create a load balancer and expose NEXUS at localhost.

SDAP Webapp (Analysis) Parameters

onEarthProxyIPIP or hostname to proxy /onearth to (leave blank to disable the proxy)""
rootWebpage.enabledWhether to deploy the root webpage (just returns HTTP 200)true
webapp.enabledWhether to deploy the webapptrue
webapp.distributed.imageDocker image and tag for the webappnexusjpl/nexus-webapp:distributed.0.2.2
webapp.distributed.driver.coresNumber of cores on Spark driver1
webapp.distributed.driver.coreLimitMaximum cores on Spark driver, in millicpus1200m
webapp.distributed.driver.memoryMemory on Spark driver512m
webapp.distributed.driver.tolerationsTolerations for Spark drivernil
webapp.distributed.driver.affinityAffinity (node or pod) for Spark drivernil
webapp.distributed.executor.coresNumber of cores on Spark workers1
webapp.distributed.executor.instancesNumber of Spark workers2
webapp.distributed.executor.memoryMemory on Spark workers512m
webapp.distributed.executor.tolerationsTolerations for Spark workersnil
webapp.distributed.executor.affinityAffinity (node or pod) for Spark workersnil

SDAP Ingestion Parameters

ingestion.enabledEnable ingestion by deploying the Config Operator, Collection Manager, Granule Ingestiontrue
ingestion.granuleIngester.replicasNumber of Granule Ingester replicas2
ingestion.granuleIngester.imageDocker image and tag for Granule Ingesternexusjpl/granule-ingester:0.1.2
ingestion.granuleIngester.cpuCPUs (request and limit) for each Granule Ingester replica1
ingestion.granuleIngester.memoryMemory (request and limit) for each Granule Ingester replica1Gi
ingestion.collectionManager.imageDocker image and tag for Collection Managernexusjpl/collection-manager:0.1.2
ingestion.collectionManager.cpuCPUs (request and limit) for the Collection Manager0.5
ingestion.collectionManager.memoryMemory (request and limit) for the Collection Manager1Gi
ingestion.configOperator.imageDocker image and tag for Config Operatornexusjpl/config-operator:0.0.1
ingestion.granules.nfsServerAn optional URL to an NFS server containing a directory where granule files are stored. If set, this NFS server will be mounted in the Collection Manager and Granule Ingester pods.nil
ingestion.granules.mountPathThe path in the Collection Manager and Granule Ingester pods where granule files will be mounted. Important: the path property on all collections in the Collections Config file should match this value./data
ingestion.granules.pathDirectory on either the local filesystem or an NFS mount where granule files are located. This directory will be mounted onto the Collection Manager and Granule Ingester at ingestion.granules.mountPath./var/lib/sdap/granules
ingestion.granules.s3.bucketAn optional S3 bucket from which to download granules for ingestion. If this is set, ingestion.granules.nfsServer and ingestion.granules.path will be ignored.nil
ingestion.granules.awsCredsEnvsEnvironment variables containing AWS credentials. This should be populated if ingestion.granules.s3.bucket is set. See for possible options.nil
ingestion.collections.createCrdWhether to automatically create the GitBasedConfig CRD (custom resource definition). This CRD is only needed if loading the Collections Config from a Git repository is enabled (i.e., only if ingestion.collections.git.url is set).
ingestion.collections.configMapThe name of the ConfigMap to use as the Collections Config. If this is set, then the Config Operator and its associated RBAC roles and CRD will not be deployed. Correspondingly, if you do not want to use a Git repository to store the Collections Config, this value should be set.nil
ingestion.collections.git.urlURL to a Git repository containing a Collections Config file. The file should be at the root of the repository. The repository URL should be of the form
ingestion.collections.git.branchBranch to use when loading a Collections Config file from a Git repository.master
ingestion.history.solrEnabledWhether to store ingestion history in Solr, instead of in a filesystem directory. If this is set to true, ingestion.history.storageClass will be ignored.true
ingestion.history.storageClassThe storage class to use for storing ingestion history files. This will only be used if ingestion.history.solrEnabled is set to false.hostpath

Cassandra Parameters

See the Cassandra Helm chart docs for full list of options. | Parameter | Description | Default | |---------------------------------------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | cassandra.enabled | Whether to deploy Cassandra | true | | cassandra.initDBConfigMap | Configmap for initialization CQL commands (done in the first node) | init-cassandra| | cassandra.dbUser.user | Cassandra admin user | cassandra | | cassandra.dbUser.password | Password for dbUser.user. Randomly generated if empty| cassandra | | cassandra.cluster.replicaCount | Number of Cassandra replicas | 1 | | cassandra.persistence.storageClass | PVC Storage Class for Cassandra data volume| hostpath | | cassandra.persistence.size | PVC Storage Request for Cassandra data volume| 8Gi | | cassandra.resources.requests.cpu | CPUs to request per Cassandra replica| 1 | | cassandra.resources.requests.memory | Memory to request per Cassandra replica| 8Gi | | cassandra.resources.limits.cpu | CPU limit per Cassandra replica | 1 | | cassandra.resources.limits.memory | Memory limit per Cassandra replica | 8Gi | | external.cassandraHost | External Cassandra host for if cassandra.enabled is set to false. This should be set if connecting SDAP to a Cassandra database that is not deployed by the SDAP Helm chart. | nil| | external.cassandraUsername | Optional Cassandra username, only applies if external.cassandraHost is set.| nil| | external.cassandraPassword | Optional Cassandra password, only applies if external.cassandraHost is set.| nil|

Solr/Zookeeper Parameters

See the Solr Helm chart docs and Zookeeper Helm chart docs for full set of options. | Parameter | Description | Default | |---------------------------------------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | solr.enabled | Whether to deploy Solr and Zookeeper| true | | solr.initPodEnabled | Whether to deploy a pod which initializes the Solr database for SDAP (does nothing if the database is alreday initialized)| true| | solr.image.repository | The repository to pull the Solr docker image from| nexusjpl/solr | | solr.image.tag | The tag on the Solr repository to pull| 8.4.0 | | solr.replicaCount | The number of replicas in the Solr statefulset| 3 | | solr.volumeClaimTemplates.storageClassName| The name of the storage class for the Solr PVC| hostpath | | solr.volumeClaimTemplates.storageSize| The size of the PVC | 10Gi | | solr.resources.requests.memory | Memory to request per Solr replica | 2Gi | | solr.resources.requests.cpu | CPUs to request per Solr replica | 1 | | solr.resources.limits.memory | Memory limit per Solr replica | 2Gi | | solr.resources.limits.cpu | CPU limit per Solr replica | 1 | | solr.zookeeper.replicaCount | The number of replicas in the Zookeeper statefulset (this should be an odd number)| 3| | solr.zookeeper.persistence.storageClass| The name of the storage class for the Zookeeper PVC| hostpath | | solr.zookeeper.resources.requests.memory| Memory to request per Zookeeper replica| 1Gi | | solr.zookeeper.resources.requests.cpu| CPUs to request per Zookeeper replica| 0.5 | | solr.zookeeper.resources.limits.memory| Memory limit per Zookeeper replica| 1Gi | | solr.zookeeper.resources.limits.cpu | CPU limit per Zookeeper replica | 0.5 | | external.solrHostAndPort | External Solr host for if solr.enabled is set to false. This should be set if connecting SDAP to a Solr database that is not deployed by the SDAP Helm chart. | nil| | external.zookeeperHostAndPort | External Zookeeper host for if solr.enabled is set to false. This should be set if connecting SDAP to a Solr database and Zookeeper that is not deployed by the SDAP Helm chart. | nil|

RabbitMQ Parameters

See the RabbitMQ Helm chart docs for full set of options. | Parameter | Description | Default | |---------------------------------------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | rabbitmq.enabled | Whether to deploy RabbitMQ | true | | rabbitmq.persistence.storageClass | Storage class to use for RabbitMQ | hostpath | | rabbitmq.replicaCount | Number of RabbitMQ replicas | 1 | | rabbitmq.auth.username | RabbitMQ username | guest | | rabbitmq.auth.password | RabbitMQ password | guest | | rabbitmq.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress resource for RabbitMQ Management console | true |

Ingress Parameters

See the nginx-ingress Helm chart docs for full set of options. | Parameter | Description | Default | |---------------------------------------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | nginx-ingress.enabled | Whether to deploy nginx ingress controllers| false | | nginx-ingress.controller.scope.enabled|Limit the scope of the ingress controller to this namespace | true | | nginx-ingress.controller.kind | Install ingress controller as Deployment, DaemonSet or Both | DaemonSet | | nginx-ingress.controller.service.enabled| Create a front-facing controller service (this might be used for local or on-prem deployments) | true | | nginx-ingress.controller.service.type|Type of controller service to create| LoadBalancer | | nginx-ingress.defaultBackend.enabled| Use default backend component | false |

The Collections Config

In order to ingest data into SDAP, you must write a Collections Config. This is a YAML-formatted configuration which defines what granules to ingest into which collections (or “datasets”), and how. See the Collections Manager docs for information on the proper content and format of the Collections Config.

There are two ways to manage the Collections Config:

Option 1: Manually Create a ConfigMap

Create a ConfigMap by hand, containing the collections config YAML under a key called collections.yml. Then set the Chart configuration option ingestion.collections.configMap to the name of the ConfigMap.

Option 2: Store a File in Git

Write a Collections Config YAML file, save it as collections.yml, check it into a Git repository under the root directory, and let the Config Operator create the ConfigMap for you. The Config Operator will periodically read the YAML file from Git, and create or update a ConfigMap with the contents of the file.

To enable this, set ingestion.collections.git.url to the Git URL of the repository containing the Collections Config file.

Ingestion Sources

SDAP supports ingesting granules from either a local directory, an AWS S3 bucket, or an NFS server. (It is not yet possible to configure SDAP to ingest from multiple of these sources simultanously.)

Ingesting from a Local Directory

To ingest granules that are stored on the local filesystem, you must provide the path to the directory where the granules are stored. This directory will be mounted as a volume in the ingestion pods.

Note: if you are ingesting granules that live on the local filesystem, the granule files must be accessible at the same location on every Kubernetes node that the collections-manager and granule-ingester pods are running on. Because of this, it usually only makes sense to use local directory ingestion if a) your Kubernetes cluster consists of a single node (as in the case of running Kubernetes on a local computer), or b) you have configured nodeAffinity to force the collections-manager and granule-ingester pods to run on only one node (see Restricting Pods to Specific Nodes).

The following is an example configuration for ingesting granules from a local directory:

    path: /share/granules
    mountPath: /data

The ingestion.granules.mountPath property sets the mount path in the ingestion pods where the granule directory will be mounted. The root directory of the path property of all collection entries in the collections config must match this value. This is because the path property of collections in the collections config describes to the ingestion pods where to find the mounted granules.

The following is an example of a collections config to be used with the NFS ingestion configuration above:

# collections.yml

  - id: "CSR-RL06-Mascons_LAND"
    path: "/data/CSR-RL06-Mascons-land/" 
    priority: 1
    projection: Grid
      latitude: lat
      longitude: lon
      time: time
      variable: lwe_thickness
      time: 1
      lat: 60
      lon: 60
    path: "/data/grace-fo-land/"
    priority: 1
    projection: Grid
      latitude: lat
      longitude: lon
      time: time
      variable: lwe_thickness
      time: 1
      lat: 60
      lon: 60

Ingesting from S3

To ingest granules that are stored in an S3 bucket, you must provide the name of the S3 bucket to read from, as well as the S3 credentials as environment variables. (See the AWS docs for the list of possible AWS credentials environment variables.)

The following is an example configuration that enables ingestion from S3:

      bucket: my-nexus-bucket
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: my-secret
        AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: my-secret
        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-west-2

When S3 ingestion is enabled, the path property of all collection entries in the collections config must be an S3 path or prefix. (Due to S3 limitations, wildcards are not supported.) The following is an example of a collections config to be used with the S3 ingestion configuration above:

# collections.yml

  - id: "CSR-RL06-Mascons_LAND"
    path: "s3://my-nexus-bucket/CSR-RL06-Mascons-land/" # full S3 path
    priority: 1
    projection: Grid
      latitude: lat
      longitude: lon
      time: time
      variable: lwe_thickness
      time: 1
      lat: 60
      lon: 60
    path: "s3://my-nexus-bucket/grace-fo-land/" # S3 prefix
    priority: 1
    projection: Grid
      latitude: lat
      longitude: lon
      time: time
      variable: lwe_thickness
      time: 1
      lat: 60
      lon: 60

Ingesting from an NFS Host

To ingest granules that are stored on an NFS host, you must provide the NFS host url, and the path to the directory on the NFS server the granules are located.

The following is an example configuration that enables ingestion from an NFS host:

    path: /share/granules
    mountPath: /data

The ingestion.granules.mountPath property sets the mount path in the ingestion pods where the granule directory will be mounted. The root directory of the path property of all collection entries in the collections config must match this value. This is because the path property of collections in the collections config describes to the ingestion pods where to find the mounted granules.

The following is an example of a collections config to be used with the NFS ingestion configuration above:

# collections.yml

  - id: "CSR-RL06-Mascons_LAND"
    path: "/data/CSR-RL06-Mascons-land/" 
    priority: 1
    projection: Grid
      latitude: lat
      longitude: lon
      time: time
      variable: lwe_thickness
      time: 1
      lat: 60
      lon: 60
    path: "/data/grace-fo-land/"
    priority: 1
    projection: Grid
      latitude: lat
      longitude: lon
      time: time
      variable: lwe_thickness
      time: 1
      lat: 60
      lon: 60

Other Configuration Examples

Restricting Pods to Specific Nodes

Sometimes you may wish to restrict pods to run on specific nodes, for example if you have “UAT” and “SIT” nodes within the same cluster. You can configure affinity and tolerations for all the components, as in the following example:

        - key: environment
          operator: Equal
          value: uat
          effect: NoExecute
            - matchExpressions:
              - key: environment
                operator: In
                - uat
        - key: environment
          operator: Equal
          value: uat
          effect: NoExecute
            - matchExpressions:
              - key: environment
                operator: In
                - uat

    - key: environment
      operator: Equal
      value: uat
      effect: NoExecute
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: environment
            operator: In
            - uat

    - key: environment
      operator: Equal
      value: uat
      effect: NoExecute
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: environment
            operator: In
            - uat
      - key: environment
        operator: Equal
        value: uat
        effect: NoExecute
          - matchExpressions:
            - key: environment
              operator: In
              - uat


The SDAP Helm chart uses persistent volumes for RabbitMQ, Solr, Zookeeper, Cassandra, and optionally the Collection Manager ingestion component (if Solr ingestion history is disabled). In most use cases you will want to use the same storage class for all of these components.

For example, if you are deploying SDAP on AWS and you want to use EBS gp2 volumes for persistence storage, you would need to set the following configuration values for the SDAP Helm chart:

    storageClass: gp2

    storageClass: gp2 

    storageClassName: gp2 
      storageClass: gp2

    storageClass: gp2 # This is only needed if Solr ingestion history is disabled, as follows:
    solrEnabled: false