feat: SDAP-395: CDMS JSON Schema Endpoint (#7)

* feat: add CLI script

* chore: update readme

* chore: add changelog

* fix: added `meta` column as defaul column

* fix: add default column in correct place

* chore: update changelog + swagger

* chore: switch to SDAP ticket

* feat: add new endpoint for cdms schema

* chore: update swagger + changelog

* Update CHANGELOG.md
4 files changed
tree: e3cd4cbdeb06122200e30774d2ac3ff0cf199710
  1. docker/
  2. documentations/
  3. k8s_spark/
  4. local.spark.cluster/
  5. parquet_cli/
  6. parquet_flask/
  7. terraform/
  8. tests/
  9. .gitignore
  10. CHANGELOG.md
  12. Deployment-in-AWS.md
  13. in_situ_record_schema.json
  14. in_situ_schema.json
  16. README.md
  17. s3a.parquet.performance.issue.md
  18. setup.py

Insitu Data in Parquet format stored in S3

How to ingest a insitu json file to Parquet

  • Assumption: K8s is successfully deployed

  • Download this repo

  • (optional) create different python3.6 environment

  • install dependencies

      python3 setup.py install
  • setup AWS tokens

      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx
      export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=really.long.token
      export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
    • alternatively the default profile under ~/.aws/credentials can be setup as well
  • setup current directory to PYTHONPATH

  • run the script:

      python3 -m parquet_cli.ingest_s3 --help
    • sample script:

        python3 -m parquet_cli.ingest_s3 \
          --LOG_LEVEL 30 \
          --CDMS_DOMAIN https://doms.jpl.nasa.gov/insitu  \
          --CDMS_BEARER_TOKEN Mock-CDMS-Flask-Token  \
          --PARQUET_META_TBL_NAME cdms_parquet_meta_dev_v1  \
          --BUCKET_NAME cdms-dev-ncar-in-situ-stage  \
          --KEY_PREFIX cdms_icoads_2017-01-01.json


  • how to replace parquet file partially
> Finally! This is now a feature in Spark 2.3.0: SPARK-20236
> To use it, you need to set the spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode setting to dynamic, the dataset needs to be partitioned, and the write mode overwrite. Example:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50006526/overwrite-only-some-partitions-in-a-partitioned-spark-dataset

data.toDF().write.mode("overwrite").format("parquet").partitionBy("date", "name").save("s3://path/to/somewhere")