tree: f61fb8d9ffc0c2f7a2aa8d6219e4cabc39606a20 [path history] [tgz]
  1. graph_mysql/
  2. docker-compose.yml

Run S2Graph using Docker

  1. Build a docker image of the s2graph in the project's root directory
    • sbt "project s2rest_play" docker:publishLocal
  2. Run MySQL and HBase container first.
    • change directory to dev-support. cd dev-support
    • docker-compose build
    • docker-compose up -d graph_mysql will run MySQL and HBase at same time.
  3. Run graph container
    • docker-compose up -d

S2Graph should be connected with MySQL at initial state. Therefore you have to run MySQL and HBase before running it.

For OS X

In OS X, the docker container is running on VirtualBox. In order to connect with HBase in the docker container from your local machine. You have to register the IP of the docker-machine into the /etc/hosts file.

Within the docker-compose.yml file, I had supposed the name of docker-machine as default. So, in the /etc/hosts file, register the docker-machine name as default.

ex) default

Run S2Graph on your local machine

In order to develop and test S2Graph. You might be want to run S2Graph as dev mode on your local machine. In this case, the following commands are helpful.

  • Run only MySQL and HBase
# docker-compose up -d graph_mysql
  • Run s2graph as ‘dev’ mode
# sbt "project s2rest_play" run -Dhost=default
  • or run test cases
# sbt test -Dhost=default