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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
printf "\n\n"
printf "As a toy problem, let's try to create the backend for a simple timeline of a new social network service.\n"
printf "(Think of a simplified version of Facebook's Timeline.)\n"
printf "You will be able to manage 'friends' and 'posts' of a user with simple S2Graph queries.\n\n"
printf "First, we need a name for the new service. \n Why don't we call it Kakao Favorites? \n"
read -r -p 'Step 1: Creating Service >>> ' var
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/createService -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
{"serviceName": "KakaoFavorites", "compressionAlgorithm" : "gz"}
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Make Sure the service is created correctly. >>> ' var
curl -XGET localhost:9000/graphs/getService/KakaoFavorites
# 2. Next, we will need some friends.
# In S2Graph, relationships are defined as Labels.
# Create a friends label with the following createLabel API call:
printf "\n\n\nNext, we will need some friends. \nIn S2Graph, relationships are defined as Labels.\nCreate a friends label with the following createLabel API call:\n"
read -r -p 'Step 2: Create Label >>> ' var
"label": "friends",
"srcServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"srcColumnName": "userName",
"srcColumnType": "string",
"tgtServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"tgtColumnName": "userName",
"tgtColumnType": "string",
"isDirected": "false",
"indices": [],
"props": [],
"consistencyLevel": "strong"
printf "\n$payload\n"
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/createLabel -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"label": "friends",
"srcServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"srcColumnName": "userName",
"srcColumnType": "string",
"tgtServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"tgtColumnName": "userName",
"tgtColumnType": "string",
"isDirected": "false",
"indices": [],
"props": [],
"consistencyLevel": "strong"
# Check the label:
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Make Sure Label has been created correctly >>> ' var
curl -XGET localhost:9000/graphs/getLabel/friends
# Now that the label friends is ready, we can store friend entries.
# Entries of a label are called edges, and you can add edges with the edges/insertWithWait API:
printf "\n\nNow that the label friends is ready, we can store friend entries.\nEntries of a label are called edges, and you can add edges with the edges/insertWithWait API:\n"
read -r -p 'Step 3: Insert Edges >>> ' var
{"from":"Elmo","to":"Big Bird","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152477},
{"from":"Cookie Monster","to":"Grover","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152480},
{"from":"Cookie Monster","to":"Kermit","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152481},
{"from":"Cookie Monster","to":"Oscar","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152482}
printf "\n$payload\n"
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/edges/insertWithWait -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
{"from":"Elmo","to":"Big Bird","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152477},
{"from":"Cookie Monster","to":"Grover","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152480},
{"from":"Cookie Monster","to":"Kermit","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152481},
{"from":"Cookie Monster","to":"Oscar","label":"friends","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152482}
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Step 4: Query friends of Elmo with getEdges API: >>> ' var
# Query friends of Elmo with getEdges API:
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/getEdges -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"select": ["to"],
"srcVertices": [{"serviceName": "KakaoFavorites", "columnName": "userName", "id":"Elmo"}],
"steps": [
{"step": [{"label": "friends", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]}
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Step 5: Now query friends of Cookie Monster: >>> ' var
# Now query friends of Cookie Monster:
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/getEdges -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"select": ["to"],
"srcVertices": [{"serviceName": "KakaoFavorites", "columnName": "userName", "id":"Cookie Monster"}],
"steps": [
{"step": [{"label": "friends", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]}
# 3. Users of Kakao Favorites will be able to post URLs of their favorite websites.
# We will need a new label post for this data:
printf "\n\nUsers of Kakao Favorites will be able to post URLs of their favorite websites.\nWe will need a new label post for this data\n"
read -r -p 'Step 6: Create Label for Users of Kakao Favorites will be able to post URLs of their favorite websites. >>> ' var
"label": "post",
"srcServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"srcColumnName": "userName",
"srcColumnType": "string",
"tgtServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"tgtColumnName": "url",
"tgtColumnType": "string",
"isDirected": "true",
"indices": [],
"props": [],
"consistencyLevel": "strong"
printf "\n$payload\n"
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/createLabel -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"label": "post",
"srcServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"srcColumnName": "userName",
"srcColumnType": "string",
"tgtServiceName": "KakaoFavorites",
"tgtColumnName": "url",
"tgtColumnType": "string",
"isDirected": "true",
"indices": [],
"props": [],
"consistencyLevel": "strong"
# Now, insert some posts of our users:
{"from":"Big Bird","to":"","label":"post","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152477},
{"from":"Big Bird","to":"","label":"post","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152478},
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Step 7: Now, insert some posts of our users. >>> ' var
printf "\n$payload\n"
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/edges/insertWithWait -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
{"from":"Big Bird","to":"","label":"post","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152477},
{"from":"Big Bird","to":"","label":"post","props":{},"timestamp":1444360152478},
# Query posts of Big Bird:
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Step 8: Query posts of Big Bird. >>> ' var
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/getEdges -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"select": ["to"],
"srcVertices": [{"serviceName": "KakaoFavorites", "columnName": "userName", "id":"Big Bird"}],
"steps": [
{"step": [{"label": "post", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]}
# 4. So far, we designed a label schema for your user relation data friends and post as well as stored some sample edges.
# While doing so, we have also prepared ourselves for our timeline query!
# The following two-step query will return URLs for Elmo's timeline, which are posts of Elmo's friends:
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Step 9: Elmo`s Timeline. >>> ' var
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/getEdges -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"select": ["from", "to"],
"srcVertices": [{"serviceName": "KakaoFavorites", "columnName": "userName", "id":"Elmo"}],
"steps": [
{"step": [{"label": "friends", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]},
{"step": [{"label": "post", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]}
# Also try Cookie Monster's timeline:
printf "\n\n"
read -r -p 'Step 10: Also try Cookie Monsters timeline: >>> ' var
curl -XPOST localhost:9000/graphs/getEdges -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d '
"select": ["from", "to"],
"srcVertices": [{"serviceName": "KakaoFavorites", "columnName": "userName", "id":"Cookie Monster"}],
"steps": [
{"step": [{"label": "friends", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]},
{"step": [{"label": "post", "direction": "out", "offset": 0, "limit": 10}]}
printf "\n\nThe above example is by no means a full-blown social network timeline, but it gives you an idea on how to represent, store and query relations with S2Graph.\n\n"