title: Data Model

In order to illustrate the tracing data that Zipkin displays, let's relate it to the equivalent information in the Zipkin data model. By comparing these, we see that

  • inbound and outbound requests are in different spans
  • spans that include cs can log an sa annotation of where they are going
    • This helps when the destination protocol isn't Zipkin instrumented, such as MySQL.

First, we see one trace as shown in the Zipkin trace viewer:

![Zipkin Screenshot]({{ site.github.url }}/public/img/json_zipkin_screenshot.png)

And the same trace in the data model of Zipkin:

{% highlight json %}
“traceId”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “name”: “get”, “id”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “timestamp”: 1458702548467000, “duration”: 386000, “annotations”: [ { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548467000, “value”: “sr” }, { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548853000, “value”: “ss” } ], “binaryAnnotations”: [] }, { “traceId”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “name”: “get-traces”, “id”: “ebf33e1a81dc6f71”, “parentId”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “timestamp”: 1458702548478000, “duration”: 354374, “annotations”: [], “binaryAnnotations”: [ { “key”: “lc”, “value”: “JDBCSpanStore”, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 } }, { “key”: “request”, “value”: “QueryRequest{serviceName=zipkin-query, spanName=null, annotations=[], binaryAnnotations={}, minDuration=null, maxDuration=null, endTs=1458702548478, lookback=86400000, limit=1}”, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 } } ] }, { “traceId”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “name”: “query”, “id”: “be2d01e33cc78d97”, “parentId”: “ebf33e1a81dc6f71”, “timestamp”: 1458702548786000, “duration”: 13000, “annotations”: [ { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548786000, “value”: “cs” }, { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548799000, “value”: “cr” } ], “binaryAnnotations”: [ { “key”: “jdbc.query”, “value”: “select distinct zipkin_spans.trace_id from zipkin_spans join zipkin_annotations on (zipkin_spans.trace_id = zipkin_annotations.trace_id and zipkin_spans.id = zipkin_annotations.span_id) where (zipkin_annotations.endpoint_service_name = ? and zipkin_spans.start_ts between ? and ?) order by zipkin_spans.start_ts desc limit ?”, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 } }, { “key”: “sa”, “value”: true, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “spanstore-jdbc”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 3306 } } ] }, { “traceId”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “name”: “query”, “id”: “13038c5fee5a2f2e”, “parentId”: “ebf33e1a81dc6f71”, “timestamp”: 1458702548817000, “duration”: 1000, “annotations”: [ { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548817000, “value”: “cs” }, { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548818000, “value”: “cr” } ], “binaryAnnotations”: [ { “key”: “jdbc.query”, “value”: “select zipkin_spans.trace_id, zipkin_spans.id, zipkin_spans.name, zipkin_spans.parent_id, zipkin_spans.debug, zipkin_spans.start_ts, zipkin_spans.duration from zipkin_spans where zipkin_spans.trace_id in (?)”, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 } }, { “key”: “sa”, “value”: true, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “spanstore-jdbc”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 3306 } } ] }, { “traceId”: “bd7a977555f6b982”, “name”: “query”, “id”: “37ee55f3d3a94336”, “parentId”: “ebf33e1a81dc6f71”, “timestamp”: 1458702548827000, “duration”: 2000, “annotations”: [ { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548827000, “value”: “cs” }, { “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 }, “timestamp”: 1458702548829000, “value”: “cr” } ], “binaryAnnotations”: [ { “key”: “jdbc.query”, “value”: “select zipkin_annotations.trace_id, zipkin_annotations.span_id, zipkin_annotations.a_key, zipkin_annotations.a_value, zipkin_annotations.a_type, zipkin_annotations.a_timestamp, zipkin_annotations.endpoint_ipv4, zipkin_annotations.endpoint_port, zipkin_annotations.endpoint_service_name from zipkin_annotations where zipkin_annotations.trace_id in (?) order by zipkin_annotations.a_timestamp asc, zipkin_annotations.a_key asc”, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “zipkin-query”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 9411 } }, { “key”: “sa”, “value”: true, “endpoint”: { “serviceName”: “spanstore-jdbc”, “ipv4”: “”, “port”: 3306 } } ] } ]
{% endhighlight %}