title: Source Downloads weight: 4

{% comment %}Not all mirrors propagate asc and sha512 files{% endcomment %} {% assign mirrorUrl = ‘https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=incubator/zipkin’ %} {% assign baseUrl = ‘https://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/zipkin’ %}

Apache Software Foundation (ASF) requires projects to have a downloads page, used in release announcements. Below are the locations of the official voted source releases per-project.

If you like, you can verify the source downloads using Zipkin's KEYS file.

{% assign downloads = site.data.downloads | where_exp: “download”, “download.type != ‘internal’” %}

| Name | Version | Source | Signature | Checksum | |:---- |:--------|:-------|:----------|:-------- |{% for download in downloads %}{% capture zip %}{{ download.module }}/{{ download.version }}/apache-{{ download.repo }}-incubating-{{ download.version }}-source-release.zip{% endcapture %}{% capture releaseNotes %}https://github.com/apache/incubator-{{ download.repo }}/releases/tag/v{{ download.version }}{% endcapture %} | {{ download.friendlyName }} | [{{ download.version }}]({{ releaseNotes }}) | [zip]({{ mirrorUrl }}/{{ zip }}) | [asc]({{ baseUrl }}/{{ zip }}.asc) | [sha512]({{ baseUrl }}/{{ zip }}.sha512) |{% endfor %} {: .wide-table}

Internal Tools

The following tools are not for general use, but are listed in order to comply with Apache Software Foundation (ASF) release policy.

{% assign internalDownloads = site.data.downloads | where_exp: “download”, “download.type == ‘internal’” %}

| Name | Version | Source | Signature | Checksum | |:---- |:--------|:-------|:----------|:-------- |{% for download in internalDownloads %}{% capture zip %}{{ download.module }}/{{ download.version }}/apache-{{ download.repo }}-incubating-{{ download.version }}-source-release.zip{% endcapture %}{% capture releaseNotes %}https://github.com/apache/incubator-{{ download.repo }}/releases/tag/v{{ download.version }}{% endcapture %} | {{ download.friendlyName }} | [{{ download.version }}]({{ releaseNotes }}) | [zip]({{ mirrorUrl }}/{{ zip }}) | [asc]({{ baseUrl }}/{{ zip }}.asc) | [sha512]({{ baseUrl }}/{{ zip }}.sha512) |{% endfor %} {: .wide-table}