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<title>Release Notes - Tamaya - Version 0.3-incubating</title>
<h1>Release Notes - Tamaya - Version 0.3-incubating</h1>
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-119</a>] - Add a link to the Jenkins
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-176</a>] - Update the documentation to reflect the split of the project
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-183</a>] - Insert binary jbake to allow independent site creation
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-186</a>] - Migrate existing pages from mvn-site
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-187</a>] - Add to document how site is working
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-203</a>] - Re-add the examples to the core project
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-204</a>] - Integrate baking process into Jenkins
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-209</a>] - Remove old docs from Tamaya-core repository
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-220</a>] - Bug: unable to inject custom variable in Thymeleaf and markdown templates
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-221</a>] - Check for broken links
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-230</a>] - Website
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-242</a>] - Link to twitter account in page footer
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-254</a>] - Clarify PropertyValue API
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-255</a>] - Show build status on webpage
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-266</a>] - Don&#39;t generate source and default jar for the distribution module of the extensions
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-267</a>] - Don&#39;t generate source and default jar for the distribution module of the core
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-268</a>] - Update Maven Assembly Plugin of Core to 3.0.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-76</a>] - Quickstart - wrong pom.xml
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-158</a>] - Model extension does not use common meta-data format.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-159</a>] - URLResolver does not return null on non resolveable URL
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-161</a>] - Error on homepage
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-162</a>] - Site build shows problems with ASCIIdoc during javadoc generation
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-172</a>] - Fix findbugs warning about wrong comparison via equals in PropertySourceChangeBuilder
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-181</a>] - Warning-&quot;Flood&quot; from SimplePropertySource
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-191</a>] - If no services are defined, the Default ServiceContext thrown an error.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-197</a>] - DefaultConfigurationInjector does not inject into superclasses&#39; fields
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-198</a>] - tamaya-formats blindly tries (and failes) to parse a config file with multiple formats
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-199</a>] - DefaultServiceContext.getServices does not return the services as sorted list
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-205</a>] - Build warnings about duplicate versions for mockito
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-207</a>] - Infinite recursive loop in ConfigurationFormats#readConfigurationData
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-213</a>] - Implement equals/hashCode on converters.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-227</a>] - The default config change observer can&#39;t be disabled
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-232</a>] - Implementation of ConfigurationChange is not consistent
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-235</a>] - The get method of the MappedConfiguration class may throw a NullPointerException
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-238</a>] - Ensure services are not cached in singletons
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-257</a>] - Core API does not enforce the documented not null requirements
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-146</a>] - Implement getName() in SPI Support&#39;s BasePropertySource.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-148</a>] - Review &amp; Verify OSGi Support in Tamaya
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-149</a>] - Remove dependency on DropWizard in favour of Tomcat Embedded
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-151</a>] - Remove dependency on Jersey
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-160</a>] - Add possibility to configure non annotated classes/interfaces
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-166</a>] - Support also XML based property files
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-167</a>] - Reduce Log Level if a class is not configurable
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-171</a>] - Simplify API for mutability
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-182</a>] - Provide a unified builder API
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-188</a>] - Add converters for File and Path.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-189</a>] - Organize injection and formats as modules in the source tree
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-190</a>] - Minimize the events module
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-192</a>] - Simplify/clarify the formats handling and mapping of properties
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-193</a>] - Move InjectionUtils and BaseDynamicValue into spi package
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-194</a>] - Factor out a LazyRefreshablePropertySource from the existing code in MutableConfig
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-201</a>] - Add documentation on raising PRs
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-202</a>] - Use bnd-maven-plugin. Minimize required config
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-210</a>] - Improve resource loading in OSGI
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-211</a>] - Add the possibility to force a new service instance on each request.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-212</a>] - Make predefined comparators singletons.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-214</a>] - Render JavaConfigurationPropertySourceProvider into PropertySource for OSGI support
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-236</a>] - Reconsider PropertySource ordering and getOrdinal()
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-237</a>] - Update to jbake 2.5.1
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-239</a>] - Improve programmatic API for consul and etcd property sources
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-240</a>] - ConfigFormat. readXX should throw IOException instead of ConfigException
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-251</a>] - Remove integration sub-packages from modules
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-252</a>] - Use PropertyValue also as SPI for listing of properties in a PropertySource
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-253</a>] - Make raw evaluation of policy pluggable.
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-258</a>] - Integrate Pitest in Tamaya Core and the Extensions
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-156</a>] - Add Statistics Function about Configuration Usage
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-157</a>] - Add support for adding of main argument parameters as configuration
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-178</a>] - Create new homepage skeleton based on jBake
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-256</a>] - Add Vertx support
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-270</a>] - Drop the binary distrubution for core and extensions
<h2> Test
<li>[<a href=''>TAMAYA-259</a>] - Add tests to feature module.