TAMAYA-260 - Improve how parameterized types are handled.
1 file changed
tree: 6014929c9e8a46e6e1ec34ba6c6ced0c5495f925
  1. apache-commons/
  2. camel/
  3. configured-sysprops/
  4. consul/
  5. etcd/
  6. hazelcast/
  7. jodatime/
  8. management/
  9. metamodel/
  10. microprofile/
  11. osgi/
  12. propertysources/
  13. remote/
  14. server/
  15. ui/
  16. uom/
  17. usagetracker/
  18. validation/
  19. vertx/
  20. .gitignore
  22. NOTICE
  23. pom.xml
  24. README.md
  25. tamaya-sandbox.iml

Apache Tamaya (incubating) Sandbox

This is the sandbox of Apache Tamaya. The sandbox contains additional modules (extensions) of Apache Tamaya (incubating) which are not mature enough to be part of Apache Tamaya itself or the official extensions of Apache Tamaya.

Rules for sandbox modules

  • All modules must be independent of each other.
  • A module can be promoted by the PMC of Tamaya to be part of the official Tamaya extensions package if it is mature enough.
  • A sandbox module should have it's own build chain in Tamaya's Jenkins view

Building Apache Tamaya Sandbox

The Apache Tamaya project is built with Maven 3 and Java 7, so you need JDK >=1.7 and a reasonable version of maven installed on your computer.

Then you can build Tamaya by the following command:

$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:PermGenSpace=200m"
$ mvn