This config is required for tests defined in org.apache.slider.funtest.lifecycle.

Test setup

Edit config file src/test/clusters/remote/slider/slider-client.xml and ensure that the host names are accurate for the test cluster.

User setup

Ensure that the user, running the test, is present on the cluster against which you are running the tests. The user must be a member of the hadoop group.

E.g. adduser testuser -d /home/testuser -g hadoop -m

HDFS Setup

Set up various test folders and load the agent and app packages.

Set up hdfs folders for slider and test user

  • su hdfs
  • hdfs dfs -mkdir /slider
  • hdfs dfs -chown testuser:hdfs /slider
  • hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/testuser
  • hdfs dfs -chown testuser:hdfs /user/testuser

Set up agent package and config

  • su testuser
  • hdfs dfs -mkdir /slider/agent
  • hdfs dfs -mkdir /slider/agent/conf
  • hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /slider-agent-0.23.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz /slider/agent
  • hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal agent.ini /slider/agent/conf

Add app packages

  • hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal slider-core/src/test/app_packages/test_command_log/cmd_log_app_pkg.tar

Enable/Execute the tests

To enable the test ensure that slider.test.agent.enabled is set to true. The tests can be executed through the following mvn command executed at slider/slider-funtest.

mvn test -Dslider.conf.dir=../src/test/clusters/remote/slider -Dtest=TestAppsThroughAgent -DfailIfNoTests=false