#Resource Specification Resource specification is an input to Slider to specify the Yarn resource needs for each component type that belong to the application.

An example resource requirement for an application that has two components “master” and “worker” is as follows. Slider will automatically add the requirements for the AppMaster for the application. This compoent is named “slider-appmaster”.

Some parameters that can be specified for a component instance include:

  • yarn.memory: amount of memory requried for the component instance
  • yarn.vcores: number of vcores requested
  • yarn.role.priority: each component must be assigned unique priority. Component with higher priority come up earlier than components with lower priority
  • yarn.component.instances: number of instances for this component type


  "schema" : "http://example.org/specification/v2.0.0",
  "metadata" : {
  "global" : {
  "components" : {
    "HBASE_MASTER" : {
      "yarn.role.priority" : "1",
      "yarn.component.instances" : "1"
      "yarn.memory" : "768",
      "yarn.vcores" : "1"
    "slider-appmaster" : {
      "yarn.role.priority" : "2",
      "yarn.component.instances" : "1"