
 The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
  "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
  RFC 2119.

Standalone Tests

Slider core contains a suite of tests that are designed to run on the local machine, using Hadoop's MiniDFSCluster and MiniYARNCluster classes to create small, one-node test clusters. All the YARN/HDFS code runs in the JUnit process; the AM and spawned HBase and Accumulo processes run independently.


  • A copy of hbase.tar.gz in the local filesystem

  • A an expanded hbase.tar.gz in the local filesystem

  • A copy of accumulo.tar.gz in the local filesystem,

  • An expanded accumulo.tar.gz in the local filesystem,

  • an expanded Zookeeper installation

All of these need to be defined in the file slider-core/src/test/resources/slider-test.xml



    <description>Flag to enable/disable HBase tests</description>
    <description>HBASE Home</description>

    <description>HBASE archive URI</description>

    <description>Flag to enable/disable Accumulo tests</description>

    <description>Accumulo Home</description>

    <description>Accumulo archive URI</description>

    <description>Time in millis to await an AM restart</description>

    <description>Zookeeper home dir on target systems</description>

    <description>Hadoop home dir on target systems</description>

Important: For the local tests, a simple local filesystem path is used for all the values.

For the functional tests, the accumulo and hbase tar properties will need to be set to a URL of a tar file that is accessible to all the nodes in the cluster -which usually means HDFS, and so an hdfs:// URL

Functional Tests

The functional test suite is designed to run the executables against a live cluster.

For these to work you need

  1. A YARN Cluster -secure or insecure
  2. A slider-client.xml file configured to interact with the cluster
  3. HBase .tar.gz uploaded to HDFS, and a local or remote accumulo conf directory
  4. Accumulo .tar.gz uploaded to HDFS, and a local or remote accumulo conf directory

Configuration of functional tests

Maven needs to be given

  1. A path to the expanded test archive
  2. A path to a slider configuration directory for the cluster

The path for the expanded test is automatically calculated as being the directory under ..\slider-assembly\target where an untarred slider distribution can be found. If it is not present, the tests will fail

The path to the configuration directory must be supplied in the property slider.conf.dir which can be set on the command line

mvn test -Dslider.conf.dir=src/test/configs/sandbox/slider

It can also be set in the (optional) file slider-funtest/build.properties:


This file is loaded whenever a slider build or test run takes place

Configuration of slider-client.xml

The slider-client.xml must have extra configuration options for both the HBase and Accumulo tests, as well as a common set for actually talking to a YARN cluster.

Disabling the functional tests entirely

All functional tests which require a live YARN cluster can be disabled through the property slider.funtest.enabled


There is a configuration do do exactly this in src/test/configs/offline/slider:


Tests which do not require a live YARN cluster will still run; these verify that the bin/slider script works.

Non-mandatory options

The following test options may be added to slider-client.xml if the defaults need to be changed

  <description>comma separated list of ZK hosts</description>
  <description>Time to wait in seconds for a thaw to result in a running AM</description>

  <description>Time to wait in seconds for a freeze to halt the cluster</description>
  <description>Time out in milliseconds before a test is considered to have failed.
  There are some maven properties which also define limits and may need adjusting</description>

Note that while the same properties need to be set in slider-core/src/test/resources/slider-client.xml, those tests take a file in the local filesystem -here a URI to a path visible across all nodes in the cluster are required the tests do not copy the .tar/.tar.gz files over. The application configuration directories may be local or remote -they are copied into the .slider directory during cluster creation.

Provider-specific parameters

An individual provider can pick up settings from their own src/test/resources/slider-client.xml file, or the one in slider-core. We strongly advice placing all the values in the slider-core file.

  1. All uncertainty about which file is picked up on the class path first goes away
  2. There's one place to keep all the configuration values in sync.

HBase Parameters

The HBase tests can be enabled or disabled

  <description>Flag to enable/disable HBase tests</description>

Mandatory test parameters must be added to slider-client.xml

  <description>Path to the HBase Tar file in HDFS</description>

  <description>Path to the directory containing the HBase application config</description>

Optional parameters:

  <description>Time to wait in seconds for HBase to start</description>

Accumulo configuration options

Enable/disable the tests

  <description>Flag to enable/disable Accumulo tests</description>

Optional parameters

  <description>Time to wait in seconds for Accumulo to start</description>

Configuring the YARN cluster for tests

Here are the configuration options we use in yarn-site.xml for testing:

These tell YARN to ignore memory requirements in allocating VMs, and to keep the log files around after an application run.

    <description>Whether physical memory limits will be enforced for
  <!-- we really don't want checking here-->
  <!-- how long after a failure to see what is left in the directory-->

  <!--ten seconds before the process gets a -9 -->

Testing against a secure cluster

To test against a secure cluster

  1. slider-client.xml must be configured as per Security.
  2. the client must have the kerberos tokens issued so that the user running the tests has access to HDFS and YARN.

If there are problems authenticating (including the cluster being offline) the tests appear to hang

Validating the configuration

mvn test -Dtest=TestBuildSetup

Using relative paths in test configurations

When you are sharing configurations across machines via SCM or similar, its impossible to have absolute paths in the configuration options to the location of items in the local filesystem (e.g. configuration directories).

There's two techniques

  1. Keep the data in HDFS and refer to it there. This works if there is a shared, persistent HDFS cluster.

  2. Use the special property slider.test.conf.dir that is set to the path of the directory, and which can then be used to create an absolute path from paths relative to the configuration dir:

       <description>Path to the directory containing the HBase application config</description>

If the actual XML file path is required, a similar property slider.test.conf.xml is set.

Parallel execution

Attempts to run test cases in parallel failed -even with a configuration to run methods in a class sequentially, but separate classes independently.

Even after identifying and eliminating some unintended sharing of static mutable variables, trying to run test cases in parallel seemed to hang tests and produce timeouts.

For this reason parallel tests have been disabled. To accelerate test runs through parallelization, run different tests on different hosts instead.

Other constraints

  • Port assignments SHOULD NOT be fixed, as this will cause clusters to fail if there are too many instances of a role on a same host, or if other tests are using the same port.
  • If a test does need to fix a port, it MUST be for a single instance of a role, and it must be different from all others. The assignment should be set in org.apache.slider.funtest.itest.PortAssignments so as to ensure uniqueness over time. Otherwise: use the value of 0 to allow the OS to assign free ports on demand.

Test Requirements

  1. Test cases should be written so that each class works with exactly one Slider-deployed cluster
  2. Every test MUST have its own cluster name -preferably derived from the classname.
  3. This cluster should be deployed in an @BeforeClass method.
  4. The @AfterClass method MUST tear this cluster down.
  5. Tests must skip their execution if functional tests -or the specific hbase or accumulo categories- are disabled.
  6. Tests within the suite (i.e. class) must be designed to be independent -to work irrespectively of the ordering of other tests.

Running and debugging the functional tests.

The functional tests all

  1. In the root slider directory, build a complete Slider release

     mvn install -DskipTests
  2. Start the YARN cluster/set up proxies to connect to it, etc.

  3. In the slider-funtest dir, run the test

     mvn test -Dtest=TestHBaseCreateCluster

A common mistake during development is to rebuild the slider-core JARs then the slider-funtest tests without rebuilding the slider-assembly. In this situation, the tests are in sync with the latest build of the code -including any bug fixes- but the scripts executed by those tests are of a previous build of slider-core.jar. As a result, the fixes are not picked up.

To propagate changes in slider-core through to the funtest classes for

testing, you must build/install all the slider packages from the root assembly.

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Limitations of slider-funtest

  1. All tests run from a single client -workload can't scale
  2. Output from failed AM and containers aren't collected

Troubleshooting the functional tests

  1. If you are testing in a local VM and stops responding, it'll have been swapped out to RAM. Rebooting can help, but for a long term fix go through all the Hadoop configurations (HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper) and set their heaps to smaller numbers, like 256M each. Also: turn off unused services (hcat, oozie, webHDFS)

  2. The YARN UI will list the cluster launches -look for the one with a name close to the test and view its logs

  3. Container logs will appear “elsewhere”. The log lists the containers used -you may be able to track the logs down from the specific nodes.

  4. If you browse the filesystem, look for the specific test clusters in ~/.slider/cluster/$testname

  5. If you are using a secure cluster, make sure that the clocks are synchronized, and that you have a current token -klist will tell you this. In a VM: install and enable ntp.